MouseMath(《鼠小弟爱数学》)目前共20册,每本书讲了一个幽默的故事、解释了一个数学概念,还有一组趣味活动。故事涉及的数学重要基础概念包括数字大小、顺序、空间运动、容量和体积、加减法等。 同时,每个故事都蕴含着成长的道理,把数学概念、思维方式和绘本故事、生活技能、品格培养巧妙地结合在一起。 MouseMath(《鼠小弟爱数学》)将数学概念自然融入到小老鼠们的日常生活中,让孩子不知不觉地主动思考,将数学转化为宝贵的生活工具。 本册MakeaWish,Albert!(《许个愿吧,阿宝》)讲的是 3D图形 的数学概念:今天是Albert的生日,他激动极了!朋友们要来,还会举办生日派对,他会不会收到一份特殊的生日礼物呢?
The bestselling series meets a bestselling subject. The Photicular books, created through their patented technology, are not only magic to look at but magic to sell. With over two million copies in print and a robust backlist presence, the series ships over 300,000 copies a year. Next up comes a title that's an instant wow: Dinosaur, a celebration of everyone's favourite prehistoric beasts. We see their bones in museums. We pore over their imagined likenesses in books. We love movies that bring them to the big screen. Now, see dinosaurs come to life as if you were traveling on an expedition a hundred million years back in time. Using extremely lifelike animation, Dinosaur shows us a herd of giant sauroposeidons, with their impossibly long necks, lumbering across the sun-drenched plains eons and eons ago. Two angry triceratops preparing to lock horns. A threatened velociraptor standing tall, waving its wildly feathered arms. And, almost tenderly, a pair of duck-billed parasauropholuses feeling spring in the a
Holidays Heroes(《美国的纪念日》)系列介绍了美国的纪念日、节日,以及与之相关的历史人物、社会事件等,文字简洁生动,图片丰富多样,适合小学生学习历史,了解美国文化,关注社会进步。免费赠送英语朗读音频,地道的英文表达帮助孩子扩充英语词汇量,提高英语阅读能力。 本册Let sCelebrateColumbusDay(《哥伦布日》)讲的是有关美国哥伦布日的知识。航海家克里斯托弗 哥伦布从小就梦想成为一名水手,他勇气非凡,很有毅力,但有时候也有点贪婪。哥伦布一直在寻找财富,但始终没有找到。不过,他的其他发现可比他所能想象到的重要多了。