Like Michelangelo, Galileo is another Renaissance great known just by his first name--a name that is synonymous with scientific achievement. Born in Pisa, Italy, in the sixteenth century, Galileo contributed to the era's great rebirth of knowledge. He invented a telescope to observe the heavens. From there, not even the sky was the limit! He turned long-held notions about the universe topsy turvy with his support of a sun-centric solar system. Patricia Brennan Demuth offers a sympathetic portrait of a brilliant man who lived in a time when speaking scientific truth to those in power was still a dangerous proposition.
All his life, Charles Darwin hated controversy. Yet he takes his place among the Giants of Science for what remains an immensely controversial subject: the theory of evolution. Darwin began piecing together his explanation for how all living things change or adapt during his five-year voyage on HMS Beagle. But it took him twenty years to go public, for fear of the backlash his theory would cause. Once again, Kathleen Krull delivers a witty and astute picture of one of history's greatest scientists.
Albert Einstein. His name has become a synonym for genius. His wild case of bedhead and playful sense of humor made him a media superstar—the first, maybe only, scientist-celebrity. He wasn't much for lab work; in fact he had a tendency to blow up experiments. What he liked to do was think, not in words but in "thought experiments". What was the result of all his thinking? Nothing less than the overturning of Newtonian physics. Once again, Kathleen Krull delivers a witty and astute look at one of the true Giants of Science and the turbulent times in which he lived.
Did you know that John Adams had to coax Thomas Jefferson into writing the Declaration of Independence? It's true. The shy Virginia statesman refused at first, but then went on to author one of our nation's most important and inspiring documents. The third U.S. president, Jefferson was also an architect, inventor, musician, farmer, and-what is certainly the most troubling aspect of his life-a slave owner. Finally, here's a biography for kids that unveils the many facets of this founding father's remarkable and complicated life. Illustrated by John O'Brien. 托马斯杰斐逊是美国开国元勋之一,是《独立宣言》的执笔人,也是美国第三任总统;既是革命家、政治家,又是学者、思想家和教育家。在美国人民的心目中,他是与华盛顿、林肯齐名的美国三大伟人之一。美国人民之所以为此推崇杰斐逊,不仅因为他为美国人民建立了丰功伟绩,而且也因为他是一个精神力量,他的民主思想、优秀的品
BOY,Roald Dahl's bestselling autobiography,is full of hilarious anecdotes about his childhood and school days.With fabulous new line drawings by Quentin Blake. An autobiography is a book a person writes about his own life and it is usually full of all sorts of boring details.This is not an autobiography' - Roald Dahl.This reissue includes 30 delightful new line drawings by the inimitable Quentin Blake. Throughout his young days at school and just afterwards,a number of things happened to Roald Dahl,which made such a tremendous impression he never forgot them.Boy is the remarkable story of Roald Dahl's childhood; tales of exciting and strange things - some funny,some frightening,all true. Roald Dahl,the best-loved of children's writers,was born in Wales of Norwegian parents.His books continue to be bestsellers,despite his death in 1990,and worldwide sales are over 100 million! Quentin Blake is one of the best-known and best-loved children's illustrators and it's impossible now to
《人类的故事》是亨德里克·威廉·房龙的成名作。房龙以平铺直叙的手法、幽默风趣的语言、俏皮睿智的文笔、独具匠心的构思,从人类登上历史舞台、史前人类、早的文字、尼罗河流域、希腊的故事、罗马帝国、十字军东征、文艺复兴,一直到近代的美国革命乃至科学时代,为我们展示了人类历史的浩荡长卷。其中有节奏明快的“大历史”叙述,也不乏真正影响人类文明进程的事件和细节。让我们每个人都可以从这本经典的通俗人类史中获得启发和阅读快感。 《人类的故事》是一部以通俗的手法描写人类文明发展史的巨著,1921年刚一出版,就为房龙赢得了世界性的声誉。该书一度被美国中学选为历史教科书,还曾获得美国著名的儿童文学奖——纽伯瑞奖,在世界上影响很大。从人类的起源,到每一个历史时期的精辟论述,精彩的历史场景重现,扼要的历史人物