世界上到底有没有圣诞老人?我相信有。许多年前的一个平安夜, 极地特快 停在了我家的门口,把我带上了去往北极的旅途。在那儿,我见到了圣诞老人,还收到了他送出的头一份圣诞礼物 雪橇上的银铃 《极地特快》是日本著名作家村上春树推崇的绘本大师 克里斯 范 奥尔斯伯格的经典代表作,曾荣获凯迪克金奖,并荣登《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜。《极地特快》是美国很受欢迎的圣诞礼物书,销量超过700万册,还曾被改编为同名电影,受到广大儿童的喜爱。在本书中,作者用充满温情的语调叙述了一个关于 相信 的故事:相信美好,相信奇迹 相信会产生力量,让孩子的心灵饱满充实。全书采用笔触细腻的粉彩画,营造出朦胧、神秘的梦幻感。细细阅读,无论是大人还是孩子,都会沉醉于那一份纯真美好的童心。现在,就让我们一起踏上极地特快,去追寻
Peppa and her friends are learning how to ski with Madame Gazelle, the skiing world champion. But when Mummy Pig goes on the grown-up slope, she ends up skiing all the way down the mountain! Will Mummy Pig win Madame Gazelle's world championship cup? Find out in this funny Peppa Pig tale that is perfect for reading and sharing together. Peppa storybooks are perfect for exploring first experiences with pre-schoolers.Enjoy more fun and educational Peppa Pig books by Ladybird including: George's New Dinosaur, Treasure Hunt! Sticker Book and many more!