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    • Kellogg on Marketing 凯洛格论市场营销
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    • Alice M.(爱丽丝·M·蒂博特)、Bobby J. /2010-08-01/ Wiley
    • The business classic, fully revised and updated for today's marketers The second edition of Kellogg on Marketing provides a unique and highly regarded perspective on both the basics of marketing and on new issues that are challenging businesses today. * Includes more than 60% new material on both fundamental marketing concepts and hot topics such as Product Innovation, Social Media, Marketing to Consumers at the Bottom of the Pyramid, and Internal Branding * With a foreword by Philip Kotler * The Kellogg School of Management is recognized around the world as the leading MBA program in Marketing Along with the new material, the core concepts covered in the first edition have all been updated-including targeting and positioning, segmentation, consumer insights, and more. This is a must-have marketing reference. 全球排行第一的商学院——凯洛格商学院,您提供顶尖的商业智慧,具有创造性的,高度有效的营销解决方案。 美国西北大学凯洛格学院是世界顶级院

    • ¥72 ¥338.4 折扣:2.1折
    • Sway:The Irresistible Pull of Irrational Behavior
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    • OriBrafmanRomBrafman /2009-06-01/ Random House US
    • A fascinating journey into the hidden psychological influencesthat derail our decision-making, Sway will change the way you thinkabout the way you think. Why is it so difficult to sell a plummeting stock or end a doomedrelationship? Why do we listen to advice just because it came fromsomeone “important”? Why are we more likely to fall in love whenthere’s danger involved? In Sway, renowned organizational thinkerOri Brafman and his brother, psychologist Rom Brafman, answer allthese questions and more. Drawing on cutting-edge research from the fields of socialpsychology, behavioral economics, and organizational behavior, Swayreveals dynamic forces that influence every aspect of our personaland business lives, including loss aversion (our tendency to go togreat lengths to avoid perceived losses), the diagnosis bias (ourinability to reevaluate our initial diagnosis of a person orsituation), and the “chameleon effect” (our tendency to take oncharacteristics that have been arbitrarily ass

    • ¥96 ¥451.2 折扣:2.1折
    • Management Challenges for the 21st Century
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    • /2001-06-01/ HarperCollins US
    • Peter F. Drucker discusses how the new paradigms of management have changed and will continue to change our basic assumptions about the practices and principles of management. Forward-looking and forward-thinking, Management Challenges for the 21st Century combines the broad knowledge, wide practical experience, profound insight, sharp analysis, and enlightened common sense that are the essence of Drucker's writings and landmarks of the managerial profession.

    • ¥154 ¥723.8 折扣:2.1折
    • The Effective Executive卓有成效的管理者
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    • /2006-01-01/ HarperCollins US
    • Whatmakesaneffectiveexecutive? Themeasureoftheexecutive,PeterF.Druckerremindsus,istheabilityto"gettherightthingsdone."Thisusuallyinvolvesdoingwhatotherpeoplehaveoverlookedaswellasavoidingwhatisunproductive.Intelligence,imagination,andknowledgemayallbewastedinanexecutivejobwithouttheacquiredhabitsofmindthatmoldthemintoresults. Druckeridentifiesfivepracticesessentialtobusinesseffectivenessthatcan,andmust,belearned: Managingtime Choosingwhattocontributetotheorganization Knowingwhereandhowtomobilizestrengthforbesteffect Settingtherightpriorities Knittingallofthemtogetherwitheffectivedecision-making Rangingwidelythroughtheannalsofbusinessandgovernment,PeterF.Druckerdemonstratesthedistinctiveskilloftheexecutiveandoffersfreshinsightsintooldandseeminglyobviousbusinesssituations. 《卓有成效的管理者》论述了现代企业组织的管理者应具备的素质和才能。管理者要做到卓有成效,光靠天资聪明、工作努力是不够的,还要有创造力、创新精神和组织能

    • ¥130.5 ¥613.35 折扣:2.1折
    • 困境中方显领导本色 In Extremis Leadership: Leading As If Your Life De
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    • /2006-12-01/ John
    • In this extraordinary book Col. Kolditz explains that his research on in extremis leadership, where followers perceive their lives to be threatened, reveals that the leadership lessons and principles in evidence in dangerous settings also apply to leading in business and everyday life. The book shows how leadership literally defines the promise of hope or future life and that extremely capable leaders are needed in all walks of life. The book describes a variety of high-risk situations that are ideal settings to seek and find great leaders, assess how they might be different, and to glean valuable insights for extraordinary leadership in our everyday lives. Through heart-stopping real-life stories of leaders in these extreme situations, Kolditz insists that leaders at all levels can improve their effectiveness. 作者简介: Colonel Thomas Kolditz is professor and head of the Department of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership at the United States Military Academy at West Point. The Leader to

    • ¥123.25 ¥579.28 折扣:2.1折
    • Lords of Finance: The Bankers Who Broke the World
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    • LiaquatAhamed著 /2009-12-01/ Penguin Books
    • Winnerofthe2010PulitzerPrize "Amagisterialwork...Youcan'thelpthinkingabouttheeconomiccrisiswe'relivingthroughnow."--TheNewYorkTimesBookReview ItiscommonlybelievedthattheGreatDepressionthatbeganin1929resultedfromaconfluenceofeventsbeyondanyoneperson'sorgovernment'scontrol.Infact,asLiaquatAhamedreveals,itwasthedecisionsmadebyasmallnumberofcentralbankersthatweretheprimarycauseofthateconomicmeltdown,theeffectsofwhichsetthestageforWorldWarIIandreverberatedfordecades.Asyetanotherperiodofeconomicturmoilmakesheadlinestoday,LordsofFinanceisapotentreminderoftheenormousimpactthatthedecisionsofcentralbankerscanhave,theirfallibility,andtheterriblehumanconsequencesthatcanresultwhentheyarewrong.

    • ¥131.95 ¥620.16 折扣:2.1折
    • 英文:The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs 16开 共241页 精装 Carmine
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    • CarmineGallo卡迈恩·加洛) /2010-09-01/ McGraw-Hill
    • Learn how to RETHINK your business, REINVENT your products, and REVITALIZE your vision of success--the Steve Jobs way. When it comes to innovation, Apple CEO Steve Jobs is legendary. His company slogan "Think Different" is more than a marketing tool. It's a way of life--a powerful, positive, game-changing approach to innovation that anyone can apply to any field of endeavor. These are the Seven Principles of Innovation, inspired by the master himself: Do What You Love. Think differently about your career. Put a Dent in the Universe. Think differently about your vision. Kick Start Your Brain. Think differently about how you think. Sell Dreams, Not Products. Think differently about your customers. Say No to 1,000 Things. Think differently about design. Create Insanely Great Experiences. Think differently about your brand experience. Master the Message. Think differently about your story. By following Steve Jobs's visionary example, you'll discover exciting new ways to unlock your creat

    • ¥164.94 ¥775.22 折扣:2.1折
    • The Proceedings of 20th IPMA World Congress on Project Manag
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    • /2006-10-01/ 机械工业出版社
    • 本论文集共收录论文222篇。论文主题涉及政府公共事业,交通,能源与环境,建筑,地产与物业,航空航天与国防,网络与电子通信,教育,认证,标准,PM工具与软件,PM技术与方法,企业项目管理9个领域。被收录的论文的作者来自全球20多个国家和地区。

    • ¥56 ¥263.2 折扣:2.1折
    • The Balanced Scorecard:Translating Strategy into Action
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    • Robert S.(罗伯特·S·卡普兰)、David P. /1996-09-01/ Harvard Business School Press
    • The Balanced Scorecard translates a company's vision and strategy into a coherent set of performance measures. The four perspectives of the scorecard--financial measures, customer knowledge, internal business processes, and learning and growth--offer a balance between short-term and long-term objectives, between outcomes desired and performance drivers of those outcomes, and between hard objective measures and softer, more subjective measures. In the first part, Kaplan and Norton provide the theoretical foundations for the Balanced in the second part, they describe the steps organizations must take to build their own and, finally, they discuss how the Balanced Scorecard can be used as a driver of change. 被《哈佛商业评论》誉为75年来最伟大的管理工具 卡普兰和诺顿开创性地提出了一个将成长战略转化为日常行为的管理新视角。它代表着一种全面的、可行的公司治理理论的开端。 中国组织需要实用的解决之道去应对各种重要

    • ¥156.2 ¥734.14 折扣:2.1折
    • 英文书:Rework 精装 32开279页
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    • /2010-03-01/ Random
    • Most business books give you the same old advice: Write a business plan, study the competition, seek investors, yadda yadda. If you're looking for a book like that, put this one back on the shelf. Rework shows you a better, faster, easier way to succeed in business. Read it and you'll know why plans are actually harmful, why you don't need outside investors, and why you're better off ignoring the competition. The truth is, you need less than you think. You don't need to be a workaholic. You don't need to staff up. You don't need to waste time on paperwork or meetings. You don't even need an office. Those are all just excuses. What you really need to do is stop talking and start working. This book shows you the way. You'll learn how to be more productive, how to get exposure without breaking the bank, and tons more counterintuitive ideas that will inspire and provoke you. With its straightforward language and easy-is-better approach, Rework is the perfect playbook for anyone who’s ever dreamed of doing

    • ¥147 ¥690.9 折扣:2.1折