An amazing activity book for inventive Rusty Rivets fans, starring everyone's favourite robot-dino friend, Botasaur! Inside you'll find tricky dino-tastic puzzles and activities to complete, as well as all the pieces and know-how you need to construct your very own 2-D Botasaur model. With plenty of creative pages to fill in, young fans of the show will love completing this book of cool challenges with Rusty, Ruby and the gang.
这本为小旅行家们打造的书籍里充满了大量的游戏活动和300多张贴纸,能让孩子们获得持续数小时的欢愉。 这本精彩生动的活动手册中,充满了大量像是 找到通往大门的路 迷宫和 你的购物篮购物篮里有什么? 这样棒极了的游戏。读者可以写、画、玩、贴、探索等,有着大量的活动等待参与。这份消磨无聊时光的书籍能让孩子们开动自己的想象力,观察自己身边的事物,而不是盯着屏幕。通过孩子们都喜爱的小智力游戏、 前三 名单和机场统计游戏,这本书籍也被赋予教育意义。 这本《机场活动手册》匠心独运,别出心裁,能让孩子在飞机上、假期中甚至在家中躺在床上时,都能有事可做。 Filled with activities and more than 300 stickers, this colourful, fun book for little travellers will keep kids entertained for hours. This fabulous activity book is packed with cool games such as "Find your way to