IS THIS ARMAGEDDON FOR ARTEMIS FOWL? Opal Koboi, power-crazed pixie, is plotting to exterminatemankind and become fairy queen. If she succeeds, the spirits of long-dead fairy warriors willrise from the earth, inhabit the nearest available bodies and wreakmass destruction. But what happens if those nearest bodies includecrows, or deer, or badgers - or two curious little boys by thenames of Myles and Beckett Fowl? Yes, it's true. Criminal mastermind Artemis Fowl's four-year-oldbrothers could be involved in destroying the human race. CanArtemis and Captain Holly Short of the Lower Elements Police stopOpal and prevent the end of the world?
One day, Barney, a solitary little boy, falls into a chalk pitand lands in a sort of cave, where he meets 'somebody with a lot ofshaggy hair and two bright black eyes' - whom he names him Stig.And together they enjoy some extraordinary adventures. This is amuch-loved classic story.