Numbers 1 to 30 reinforces your child’s classroom learning of number recognition, number formation, quantities and counting. It provides the repeated practice your child needs to thoroughly learn the numbers 1 to 30. Activities include: Tracing and writing numbers Identifying and sequencing numbers Drawing specified quantities Counting objects in a set Comparing sets of objects For use with Grades K-2.
《格格干坏事儿》 格格干了一件坏事儿,她一向是只乖巧的猫咪,可她无意中做了这件坏事儿,她很是心烦意乱。不过,如果自己的花园突然不见了,任何一只猫都会伤心欲绝的…… Mo9 did a bad thing. She didn't mean to do o badthing, but she was upset. Any cot would be upset if her 9ardensuddenly disappeared... Judith Kerr is the best-sellin9 author and illustrator of the Mo9series and The Tiger Who Came to Tea. She has also written threenovels about her childhood, includin9 When Hitler Stole PinkRabbit. Her books for children have sold over 5 million copies andhave become classics.
《格格和宠物医生》 格格一点儿也不喜欢去看宠物医生。可当她的爪子受伤时,她别无选择。但格格坚信大家都知道她有多少不高兴……
BrightReaders(配套培生朗文e阅读在线课程)是培养孩子从早期到自主阅读的英语分级阅读系列图书,全套共6个级别,每级10本图书,总计60本,60个故事。它满足6-12岁儿童英语学习所需,是经典的读物,也是学习英语的经典教材。它秉承“故事里探索世界,阅读中培养人格”的教育理念,为孩子终身学习的能力奠定基础。 这套亚洲畅销分级读物有以下特色,令人爱不释手: 培生朗文国际化儿童教育专家和语言专家编写 涵盖语文、数学、外语、历史、地理、社会6个不同学科的知识 包含1200个英语词汇和200个经典句型,不断重复出现的高频词汇、句型,与有趣的故事融合,让孩子在快乐的故事中学好英语。 冒险、奇幻、动物、生活故事,调动儿童多种感官与动画中的角色一起历险、一起成长。 创意互动,色彩明快,让孩子在阅读中,自然习得听力、语音、字词与句法