《TITCH》是一个关于成长的故事。主人公是小Titch,他有一个哥哥和一个姐姐,哥哥姐姐的东西都是大的,Titch的都是小的。哥哥姐姐有大的自行车,Titch只有小的三轮车;哥哥姐姐有大风筝,Titch只有小风车;哥哥姐姐有大鼓和喇叭,Titch只有小木笛;哥哥姐姐有大锯子和大锤子,Titch只有小钉子;哥哥姐姐有大锹和花盆,Titch只有一粒小种子,但Titch的小种子却长成比哥哥姐姐还要高大树。重复的句式,大和小的对比概念,表达着小Titch想要快快长大的愿望。彭懿的《图画书阅读与经典》中写到“这种无形的渴望变成了一棵有形的大树”。 Titch is little. Everything he has is little -- his littlepinwheel, his little tricycle. He even plays a little whistle.Peep. Pete and Mary are big. Everything they have is bigger thanTitch's, and better. Their big bikes go faster. Their big kites flyhigher. And their huge instrument
Numbers 1 to 30 reinforces your child’s classroom learning of number recognition, number formation, quantities and counting. It provides the repeated practice your child needs to thoroughly learn the numbers 1 to 30. Activities include: Tracing and writing numbers Identifying and sequencing numbers Drawing specified quantities Counting objects in a set Comparing sets of objects For use with Grades K-2.
《格格干坏事儿》 格格干了一件坏事儿,她一向是只乖巧的猫咪,可她无意中做了这件坏事儿,她很是心烦意乱。不过,如果自己的花园突然不见了,任何一只猫都会伤心欲绝的…… Mo9 did a bad thing. She didn't mean to do o badthing, but she was upset. Any cot would be upset if her 9ardensuddenly disappeared... Judith Kerr is the best-sellin9 author and illustrator of the Mo9series and The Tiger Who Came to Tea. She has also written threenovels about her childhood, includin9 When Hitler Stole PinkRabbit. Her books for children have sold over 5 million copies andhave become classics.
《格格和宠物医生》 格格一点儿也不喜欢去看宠物医生。可当她的爪子受伤时,她别无选择。但格格坚信大家都知道她有多少不高兴……