The title might have been written by Mao himself. Instead, it was dictated by the revealing, intimate, neverbeforepublished recollections of Li Yinqiao, Mao'odyguard, and brought to light by the author Quan Yanchi. After fifteen years of devoted service, Li received thisrequest from Mao: "If what happens in my family is a secretto others, it is not a secret to you. But don't write about mewhile I'm still alive; wait until I die, and write truthfully whenyou do." For the first time, the personal, inside story ofChina's dynamic leader and world statesman is told rathelife and thought of Mao, the husband, father, radeinarms, the peasant's son. The recollections, only now madepublic in English, provide the reader with a refreshinglydifferent perspective from any of the many other worksabout Mao, Highlighting the book are photographs, published here for the first time.
The title might have been written by Mao himself. Instead, it was dictated by the revealing, intimate, neverbeforepublished recollections of Li Yinqiao, Mao'odyguard, and brought to light by the author Quan Yanchi. After fifteen years of devoted service, Li received thisrequest from Mao: "If what happens in my family is a secretto others, it is not a secret to you. But don't write about mewhile I'm still alive; wait until I die, and write truthfully whenyou do." For the first time, the personal, inside story ofChina's dynamic leader and world statesman is told rathelife and thought of Mao, the husband, father, radeinarms, the peasant's son. The recollections, only now madepublic in English, provide the reader with a refreshinglydifferent perspective from any of the many other worksabout Mao, Highlighting the book are photographs, published here for the first time.
关汉卿是元代(1206-1368)的戏曲家。他的作品十分贴近现实生活,反映了复杂的社会场景与予盾冲突,尤其反映了当时社会生活中女性的命运以及她们对不平命运的抗争。 关汉卿现存剧作约18部,本书精选了最能体现关剧特色的8部戏剧。其中《窦娥冤》是关汉卿最著名的作品,该剧以“六月飞雪”这种非现实的、夸张的艺术手段,将窦娥的冤情和她对命运的抗争表现得淋淳尽致,成为中国戏剧的悲剧的代表作。《救风尘》的情节十分新颖,剧中侠妓赵盼儿以风月手段勇救风尘姊妹,有浓厚的喜剧色彩。《单刀会》在艺术上很有特色,十分注重对出场人物的铺垫。 关汉卿的戏剧曾被译成多种文字在全世界流传。本书选用的英文译本,系中国著名的文学翻译家杨宪益、戴乃迭夫妇所译。
托尔斯泰著,李辉凡译的《复活(世界文学名著全译本)(精)/中译经典文库》取材于一件真实事件,主要描写男主人公聂赫留朵夫引诱姑妈家女仆玛丝洛娃,使她怀孕并被赶出家门。后来,她沦为 ,因被指控谋财害命而受审判。男主人公以陪审员的身份出庭,见到从前被他引诱的女人,深受良心谴责。他为她奔走伸冤,并请求同她结婚,以赎回自己的罪过。上诉失败后,他陪她流放西伯利亚。他的行为感动了她,使她重新爱他。但为了不损害他的名誉和地位,她 终没有和他结婚而同一个革命者结为伉俪。
《泰戈尔诗选》收录了泰戈尔的经典名作《飞鸟集》 《新月集》,《飞鸟集》是一部富于哲理的格言诗集,智慧的深刻和篇幅的简短成为其鲜明特色。《新月集》是一部儿童诗集,语言空灵秀丽,形散神聚,给人一种无限的美感。该版本为中英对照版,读者在欣赏泰戈尔的隽永清丽的诗句之外,还可以学习如何创作英文诗歌。