it is through his engaging in public diplomacy that mr. zhao qizheng es to recognize its significance for china. this has prompted him to summarize his practices in and reflections on public diplomacy over the past 20 years. it is also a record of chinas integration into the world and the worlds growing understanding of china. in thiook, the vision of international munication iroadened as an important element of public diplomacy, and the bar in international munication is raised to better introduce china to the outside world. more than just a collection of documents, or a minute detailed account, it is enlightening for both academic thinking and real life operation.
本书从游戏设计基础理论入手,全面讲解了电子游戏的历史、类型、模型制作的基础、UV展开技巧、次世代游戏贴图制作方法等游戏设计中常用的技巧和操作,并结合游戏制作中的实际项目,进行了项目化讲解教学。 本书附赠DVD光盘,每个项目都有相对应的视频教学和视频讲解,还有许多实例的工程文件,及一些三维游戏美术设计常用的素材,以方便读者学习和工作。 本书可作为游戏设计师、动画影视制作等美术相关从业人员、各大艺术类院校师生、各计算机培训机构师生、广大游戏制作爱好者、游戏策划及游戏程序人员的参考书或自学教程。
it is through his engaging in public diplomacy that mr. zhao qizheng es to recognize its significance for china. this has prompted him to summarize his practices in and reflections on public diplomacy over the past 20 years. it is also a record of chinas integration into the world and the worlds growing understanding of china. in thiook, the vision of international munication iroadened as an important element of public diplomacy, and the bar in international munication is raised to better introduce china to the outside world. more than just a collection of documents, or a minute detailed account, it is enlightening for both academic thinking and real life operation.
本书从游戏设计基础理论入手,全面讲解了电子游戏的历史、类型、模型制作的基础、UV展开技巧、次世代游戏贴图制作方法等游戏设计中常用的技巧和操作,并结合游戏制作中的实际项目,进行了项目化讲解教学。 本书附赠DVD光盘,每个项目都有相对应的视频教学和视频讲解,还有许多实例的工程文件,及一些三维游戏美术设计常用的素材,以方便读者学习和工作。 本书可作为游戏设计师、动画影视制作等美术相关从业人员、各大艺术类院校师生、各计算机培训机构师生、广大游戏制作爱好者、游戏策划及游戏程序人员的参考书或自学教程。
过去几年中,在实时图形学领域里产生了一些激动人心的进展。通过阅读本书,你可以了解更多关于图形编程的进展。 《DirectX实时渲染技术详解》一书首先回顾了新近的3D图形学进展,介绍了矢量、矩阵、颜色和光照,然后转向渲染图形学,介绍各种顶点和像素着色器技术,阐述如何将视频(图像)当作纹理来使用,以及发掘在场景中采集物体所用的一些技术。此书都可用作掌握各种实时图形编程技术的基础教材。
it is through his engaging in public diplomacy that mr. zhao qizheng es to recognize its significance for china. this has prompted him to summarize his practices in and reflections on public diplomacy over the past 20 years. it is also a record of chinas integration into the world and the worlds growing understanding of china. in thiook, the vision of international munication iroadened as an important element of public diplomacy, and the bar in international munication is raised to better introduce china to the outside world. more than just a collection of documents, or a minute detailed account, it is enlightening for both academic thinking and real life operation.
过去几年中,在实时图形学领域里产生了一些激动人心的进展。通过阅读本书,你可以了解更多关于图形编程的进展。 《DirectX实时渲染技术详解》一书首先回顾了新近的3D图形学进展,介绍了矢量、矩阵、颜色和光照,然后转向渲染图形学,介绍各种顶点和像素着色器技术,阐述如何将视频(图像)当作纹理来使用,以及发掘在场景中采集物体所用的一些技术。此书都可用作掌握各种实时图形编程技术的基础教材。
本书从游戏设计基础理论入手,全面讲解了电子游戏的历史、类型、模型制作的基础、UV展开技巧、次世代游戏贴图制作方法等游戏设计中常用的技巧和操作,并结合游戏制作中的实际项目,进行了项目化讲解教学。 本书附赠DVD光盘,每个项目都有相对应的视频教学和视频讲解,还有许多实例的工程文件,及一些三维游戏美术设计常用的素材,以方便读者学习和工作。 本书可作为游戏设计师、动画影视制作等美术相关从业人员、各大艺术类院校师生、各计算机培训机构师生、广大游戏制作爱好者、游戏策划及游戏程序人员的参考书或自学教程。
it is through his engaging in public diplomacy that mr. zhao qizheng comes to recognize its significance for china. this has prompted him to summarize his practices in and reflections on public diplomacy over the past 20 years. it is also a record of chinas integration into the world and the worlds growing understanding of china. in thiook, the vision of international communication iroadened as an important element of public diplomacy, and the bar in international communication is raised to better introduce china to the outside world. more than just a collection of documents, or a minute detailed account, it is enlightening for both academic thinking and real life operation.
it is through his engaging in public diplomacy that mr. zhao qizheng comes to recognize its significance for china. this has prompted him to summarize his practices in and reflections on public diplomacy over the past 20 years. it is also a record of chinas integration into the world and the worlds growing understanding of china. in thiook, the vision of international communication iroadened as an important element of public diplomacy, and the bar in international communication is raised to better introduce china to the outside world. more than just a collection of documents, or a minute detailed account, it is enlightening for both academic thinking and real life operation.