Dronescapes 是与*的无人机摄影网站 Dronestegram 和著名摄影编辑Ayperi Karabuda Ecer合作创建的,它是*一本汇集了全球*无人机航拍照片的书。它给了我们从全新的有利位置俯瞰地球的激动人心的机会,无论是从里约热内卢鸟瞰救世主基督,还是从飞行中的老鹰几英寸处拍摄的照片,还是从墨西哥塔穆尔瀑布上空拍摄的令人眩晕的照片,讨论了无人机摄影的到来如何标志着航空摄影历史↑的一个重大转变。Created in collaboration with Dronestegram, the world-leading drone photography website, and Ayperi Karabuda Ecer, a highly renowned photography editor, Dronescapes is the first book to bring together the very best photographs taken by quadcopters around the globe. It grants us the thrilling opportunity to see our planet from entirely new vantage points, whether this is a bird's-eye view of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro, a photograph taken inches away from an eagle in mid-flight, or
铁托南斯拉夫共chan主义极简主义狂野世界指南 Spomenik-- Serbo-Croat /斯洛文尼亚语中的纪念碑 - 指的是20世纪60年代至80年代在铁托的南斯拉夫共和国建造的纪念碑,标志着第二次世界大战期间占领的恐怖和轴心国的失败。全国各地都有数百座建筑,从沿海度假胜地到偏远山区。通过这些富有想象力的混凝土和钢铁形式,设想了一个没有种族紧张局势的无阶级,前瞻性的社会主义社会。而不是寻求意识形态一致的苏联的艺术灵感,铁托转向西方和抽象表现主义和极简主义的作品。这使得南斯拉夫能够通过纪念碑发展自己独特的身份,将它们变成政治工具,阐明铁托对新明天的个人愿景。 今天,在该国解体和随后的1990年代南斯拉夫战争之后,一些人被摧毁或被遗弃。许多人遭受了种族紧张局势的后果:一旦被视为希望的象征,他们现在成为怨恨和愤怒的焦点。 本
克里斯 多利 - 布朗记录了1986年和1987年期间东伦敦交通堵塞中的40多名司机。这些在各种无聊、沮丧或放松状态下展示的面孔照片既有趣又幽默,他巧妙地捕捉了一个非常特别的情绪和场景。克里斯 多利 布朗是一位英国摄影师,在伦敦东区生活和工作了30年。在他作为摄影师的职业生涯中,他记录了哈克尼及其多元社区生活的许多方面。 Chris Dorley-Brown has documented more than 40 drivers stuck in traffic jams in East London during 1986 and 1987. The images, showing faces in various states of boredom, frustration or relaxation are as fascinating as they are humorous and subtly capture the mood and fashion of a very distinct era. Chris Dorley-Brown is a British photographer who has lived and worked in the East End for the last 30 years. During his career as a photographer he has documented many aspects of life in Hackney and its diverse community.
Book 1 from the series 'East London Photo Stories'. I ve Lived in East London for 86 ? Years by Martin Usborne. 96pp hardcover, quarter-bound cloth spine, gold foiled, 119 x 139 mm Joseph Markovitch has left London only once to go to the seaside with his mother. He loves Nicolas Cage, has five sugars in his tea, would have married a six foot two Hispanic woman but in the end had such bad chest catarrh he never had a girlfriend. Martin Usborne is a photographer and writer living in Hackney, East London and is also the co-founder and creative director of Hoxton Mini Press. He takes portraits, sometimes of people, often of animals and has had his work in galleries around the world.
Previously unpublished colour photographs of London's East End showing a time before great change. When a local photographer was invited to examine 1,000s of David Granick's colour slides in early 2017, he knew he'd seen something special. These images capture the post-war streets of Stepney, Whitechapel, Spitalfields and beyond in the warm hues of Kodachrome film at a time when black and white photography was the norm. Acquired by Tower Hamlets Local History Library Archives in the early 1980s and preserved there safely since, these photographs show an East London on the cusp of social change.