几个世纪以来,人类在令人惊叹的科学和技术进步的协助下,通过天文观测对天空进行了虚拟探索。在自1957年发射Sputnik1号以来的60多年中,已有超过6000颗正在运行的卫星被发射到了地球轨道和更远的地方 有的到了太阳系*远的地方 超过540人进入过太空。 本书在时间和地理范围上史无前亻列,详细记录了太空探索的历史 从刚开始的火耀 火箭到登月,再到太空旅游的未来。大量的侧边栏聚焦于那些让我们更接近宇宙*远处的重要人物和发明。本书是概述这场全人类旅程的第1本深入的、经过充分说明的专著,里面充满了来自史密森学会、NASA档案馆和其它国际收藏品的惊人图像。 For centuries humanity has engaged in a virtual exploration of space through astronomical observation, aided by astounding scientific and technological advances. In more than sixty years since the launch of Sputnik 1 in 1957, more than 6,000 f
过去的60年里,人工智能已经慢慢渗透到我们的日常生活中,如社交媒体,Netflix,无人驾驶汽车和人形机器人等, 使我们在与世界互动的方式上发生了*大变化。人类会被AI取代吗?人工智能是否可以改善社会和人类的发展? The past sixty years have witnessed astonishing growth in the field of artifical intelligence. From social media to Netflix, AI has already infiltrated our daily lives, while driverless cars and humanoid robots are starting to make seismic shifts in the ways we interact with our world. Are we on the threshold of an AI-dominated reality? How will the ethics of this expanding field be enforced in practice? Will humans be superseded by AI? This astute and disquieting review, replete with astonishing up-to-the-minute imagery a trademark of the Big Idea series evaluates whether AI can transform society and humanity for the better or whether its enormous capability will bring about a dystopian AI-controlled future for t