The book is a continuation of development of" Boundary value problems for nonlinear elliptic equations and systems" and "Linear and quasilinear equations of hyperbolic and mixed types ".A large portion of the work is devoted to boundary value problems for general elliptic plex equations of first,second and fourth order,initial-boundary value problems for nonlinear parabolic plex equations of first and second order.Moreover,some results about first and second order plex equations of mixed (elliptic-hyperbolic) type are investigated .Applications of nonlinear plex analysis to continuum mechanics are also introduced.
This book is an abridged version of our two-volume opus Convex Analysis and Minimization Algorithms [18], about which we have received very positive feedback from users, readers, lecturers ever since it was published-by Springer-Verlag in 1993. Its pedagogical qualities were particularly appreciated, in the bination with a rather advanced technical material.
The book is a continuation of development of" Boundary value problems for nonlinear elliptic equations and systems" and "Linear and quasilinear equations of hyperbolic and mixed types ".A large portion of the work is devoted to boundary value problems for general elliptic plex equations of first,second and fourth order,initial-boundary value problems for nonlinear parabolic plex equations of first and second order.Moreover,some results about first and second order plex equations of mixed (elliptic-hyperbolic) type are investigated .Applications of nonlinear plex analysis to continuum mechanics are also introduced.
This book is an abridged version of our two-volume opus Convex Analysis and Minimization Algorithms [18], about which we have received very positive feedback from users, readers, lecturers ever since it was published-by Springer-Verlag in 1993. Its pedagogical qualities were particularly appreciated, in the bination with a rather advanced technical material.
本书主要研究满足开集条件的自相似集的结构,从Hausdorff测度和上凸密度的计算与估计到其内部结构的理论研究,都作了比较全面的阐述.全书共分四章。章介绍基本定义、符号和基本命题;第2章讨论自相似集;第3章讨论上凸密度;第4章讨论自相似集的结构及相关问题.两个附录分别介绍了集合论、点集拓扑和测度论的基础知识。 本书可作为高等院校分形几何方向研究生、教师的教学用书,也可供相关方向科研人员和工程技术人员阅读参考。
This book is an abridged version of our two-volume opus Convex Analysis and Minimization Algorithms [18], about which we have received very positive feedback from users, readers, lecturers ever since it was published-by Springer-Verlag in 1993. Its pedagogical qualities were particularly appreciated, in the bination with a rather advanced technical material.
This book is an abridged version of our two-volume opus Convex Analysis and Minimization Algorithms [18], about which we have received very positive feedback from users, readers, lecturers ever since it was published-by Springer-Verlag in 1993. Its pedagogical qualities were particularly appreciated, in the bination with a rather advanced technical material.
作者将他本人所发现的组合泛函方程在一类域扩张中论证他们在选定的区域内的适定性(即存在性和唯一性),以及在这个域扩张中将他们的解推演到正项和的表示,以便在计算机上实现。拟分10章:第1章 基本知识第2章 介子泛函第3章 一元函数方程第4章 多元函数方程第5章 差分函数方程第6章 常微分方程第7章 偏微分方程第8章 外面型介子方程第9章 内面型介子方程第10章 曲面型介子方程。