    • SEEING THE WORLD (《看世界》英文版)
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    • 傅莹 /2019-07-08/ 中信出版社
    • 这是作者公开出版的第二部文集,包含了作者对世界事务的看法和对一些关于中国的问题的回答。 全书共分 9 章,包括世界秩序、全球变化与中国角色、中美关系、中俄关系和亚洲问题等。鉴于当前国际形势的深刻变化,她希望这本书能让读者更多地了解中国人如何看待世界。 This is the second anthology by the author. It contains her views on world affairs, including her response to some of the questions raised about China. The anthology is divided into nine chapters that include: world order, global changes and China s role, China-US relations, China-Russia relations and Asian issues. Given the profound changes in the current international situation, she hopes this book will give readers more insights about how people in China see the world.

    • ¥65.3 ¥98 折扣:6.7折