莎士比亚十四行诗 主要表达了作者对爱情、友情的追求与歌颂;而商籁体这种诗歌形式,莎士比亚运用得极为得心应手,其结构巧妙、用词新颖、韵律讲究,可以说是后人难以逾越的一座高峰。此次,我们将读者喜爱的154首十四行诗辑成精装典藏版,以中英对照的形式,将精心修订的莎翁原作与唯美译文奉献给读者。
2018年10月,《英语世界》迎来了自己的37岁生日。37年来,《英语世界》得到国内英语教学界和翻译界众多专家学者的指导和帮助,杂志得以快速成长和发展。杂志向来注意响应读者需求,注重内容质量,亦因此赢得良好的口碑,荣获多项*期刊奖项,被一代又一代的英语学习者视为良师益友。 至2015年12月,《英语世界》共计出版杂志331期。杂志选文考究,英语纯正,译文典范,经典而不失趣味,时尚而不落俗套,介绍和借鉴西方文明的同时对中国文化予以深切的关照。因杂志内容常读常新,不少读者建议我们精选往期杂志中的文章,结集出版图书,老读者可以感受重读之美好,新读者可以弥补漏读之遗憾。有鉴于此,我们决定根据不同年代跨度,编辑出版 升级版 的杂志精选本三本,以维读者: 《英语世界精选1981-1995》(升级版) 《英语世界精选1996-2005》(升
《剑桥商务英语沟通技能:高级商务写作》这本书几乎覆盖商务写作的所有方面 邮件、信函和报告。内容主要集中在沟通技能及写作大纲。书后附的CD再现了真实的商务人士如何会面,以及电话沟通。书后附有练习答案和录音脚本。
《英语人文经典选读(第三册)》是为适应大学英语教育改革,深入发挥大学英语拓展人文视野,传递人文精神,培养人文素养的职能而编写的面向非英语专业二年级及以上学生的英语教材,是我社2017年出版的《英语人文经典选读》前两册的续篇。本教材旨在通过对经典原著的直接阅读,使学生熟悉英语各种文体的篇章安排和行文特点,掌握各专业英语的句法结构和词汇特色,了解各领域的相关论题论点,培养学生阅读经典原著的能力,激发学生深度阅读、深度思考的兴趣。选文的作者仍以通贯各学科的思想家、哲学家和各个领域的代表人物为主,选文仍以各领域的著作和大学生应知晓的通识内容为标准,主题涉及中外文化、政治、法律、女性、生活、科学、游记、传记等领域。 选文在语言难度上相较于传统大学英语教材有明显提高,对于非英语专业二
叶嘉莹先生一生从事中国古典诗词的教研,擅长以深入浅出的文字,把当代西方文学概念融汇、应用于中国古典诗词的探讨和诠释,以直悟配合精析,见解独到,卓然成家。除了研究诗词,叶先生也自己创作诗词。《独陪明月看荷花 叶嘉莹诗词选译》即是从叶先生历年所作诗词中选取六十余首,由陶永强译成英文,谢琰配以诗词相应的书法作品,结集出版。 细读《独陪明月看荷花 叶嘉莹诗词选译》中的作品,可以体会叶先生坚毅不拔的精神,从中可见其顿悟人生种种的困苦,终能升华自我,予人的启迪无穷。
2018年10月,《英语世界》迎来了自己的37岁生日。37年来,《英语世界》得到国内英语教学界和翻译界众多专家学者的指导和帮助,杂志得以快速成长和发展。杂志向来注意响应读者需求,注重内容质量,亦因此赢得良好的口碑,荣获多项*期刊奖项,被一代又一代的英语学习者视为良师益友。 至2015年12月,《英语世界》共计出版杂志331期。杂志选文考究,英语纯正,译文典范,经典而不失趣味,时尚而不落俗套,介绍和借鉴西方文明的同时对中国文化予以深切的关照。因杂志内容常读常新,不少读者建议我们精选往期杂志中的文章,结集出版图书,老读者可以感受重读之美好,新读者可以弥补漏读之遗憾。有鉴于此,我们决定根据不同年代跨度,编辑出版 升级版 的杂志精选本三本,以维读者: 《英语世界精选1981-1995》(升级版) 《英语世界精选1996-2005》(升
2018年10月,《英语世界》迎来了自己的37岁生日。37年来,《英语世界》得到国内英语教学界和翻译界众多专家学者的指导和帮助,杂志得以快速成长和发展。杂志向来注意响应读者需求,注重内容质量,亦因此赢得良好的口碑,荣获多项*期刊奖项,被一代又一代的英语学习者视为良师益友。 至2015年12月,《英语世界》共计出版杂志331期。杂志选文考究,英语纯正,译文典范,经典而不失趣味,时尚而不落俗套,介绍和借鉴西方文明的同时对中国文化予以深切的关照。因杂志内容常读常新,不少读者建议我们精选往期杂志中的文章,结集出版图书,老读者可以感受重读之美好,新读者可以弥补漏读之遗憾。有鉴于此,我们决定根据不同年代跨度,编辑出版 升级版 的杂志精选本三本,以维读者: 《英语世界精选1981-1995》(升级版) 《英语世界精选1996-2005》(升
《混沌理论》一只蝴蝶不过是扇了扇它美丽的翅膀,地球的另一边却有可能掀起一场龙卷风暴 蝴蝶效应 已经俨然成为了混沌的代名词。从棋盘的棋格中放置的米粒、比萨的花园里放养的兔子,到高尔顿钉板的钟形分布、轮盘赌的投注策略,再到奥伯斯佯谬提出 为什么夜空是漆黑的 、纸牌游戏演示 计算机不能制造混沌 ,这本小书用生动的实例深入浅出地说明了混沌理论及其在现实生活中的种种应用,为我们开启这个前沿领域的大门。
Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR. It is Molly Clarkson's fiftieth birthday. She is having a party. She is rich, but she is having a small party - only four people. Four people, however, who all need the same thing: they need her money. She will not give them the money, so they are waiting for her to die. And there are other people who are also waiting for her to die. But one person can't wait. And so, on her fiftieth birthday, Molly Clarkson is going to die. CEFR A1-A2 Word count 6,010
Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR. Down by the river bank, where the wind whispers through the willow trees, is a very pleasant place to have a lunch party with a few friends. But life is not always so peaceful for the Mole and the Water Rat. There is the time, for example, when Toad gets interested in motor-cars - goes mad about them in fact... The story of the adventures of Mole, Rat, Badger, and Toad has been loved by young and old for over a hundred years. CEFR B1 Word count 11,540
Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR. Tom Sawyer does not like school. He does not like work, and he never wants to get out of bed in the morning. But he likes swimming and fishing, and having adventures with his friends. And he has a lot of adventures. One night, he and his friend Huck Finn go to the graveyard to look for ghosts. They don't see any ghosts that night. They see something worse than a ghost - much, much worse... CEFR A1-A2 Word count 5,825
《全球励志英文故事精选:听名人故事学英语》是一本汇聚了全球各领域名人真实励志故事的双语书籍。书中精选了全球40位不同领域的成功者的励志故事,涵盖了杰出企业家、演艺名人、体育明星、著名作家等各界人士的成长经历。这本书不仅是英语学习者的绝佳素材库,更是寻求生活启示者的心灵灯塔。每篇故事英汉对照,语言地道实用,词汇讲解详尽,并附有心灵感悟,让读者在提升英语听读能力的同时也能获得心灵的滋养。 这本书既是英语提升的得力助手,也是心灵成长的良师益友。不论你是想要精进英语技能,还是寻求生活的勇气和动力,感受心灵深处的美好,它都会成为你不可或缺的好伙伴。
Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR. Dorothy lives in Kansas, USA, but one day a cyclone blows her and her house to a strange country called Oz. There, Dorothy makes friends with the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the Cowardly Lion. But she wants to go home to Kansas. Only one person can help her, and that is the country's famous Wizard. So Dorothy and her friends take the yellow brick road to the Emerald City, to find the Wizard of Oz... CEFR A1-A2 Word count 5,440
《欧美文学名篇选读(第二版)》兼顾文学欣赏和英语学习,让学生既可品味经典作品中原汁原味的英语语言,又能通过阅读和思考提高文学欣赏水平。内容丰富,兼具深度与广度:选篇涵盖从古希腊至二十一世纪初期欧美著名作家的代表作品;文本体裁包括戏剧、诗歌、小说、散文等;脉络清楚,按年代顺序清晰呈现欧美文学发展历程;编排合理。每章先介绍时期的文学概貌,之后通过 作家介绍 、 选文提要 、 难点注释 、 作品赏析 、 思考问题 等形式引导读者理解和欣赏这一时期主要作家的代表作品。
本书为迪士尼电影《疯狂元素城》同名双语小说,故事发生在一座水、火、土、气四大元素共同生活的奇妙城市里。在这里,生活着两位大相径庭的人物 艾梅柏和韦德,他们一位是火热的年轻女子,一位是随波逐流的家伙。这对 水火不容 的搭档要在这座水、火、土、气四大元素共同生活的城市里闯荡,逐渐发现彼此的很多共同之处。该书由迪士尼正版授权,英文来自美国兰登书屋,译文由翻译家朱振武教授领衔,文字优美。随书还附赠全书英文音频、电子书及核心词讲解。
Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR. One day, a farmer tells a farm boy to take everything out of an old building and throw it away. 'It's all rubbish,' he says. In the middle of all the rubbish, the boy finds a beautiful old piano. He has never played before, but now, when his fingers touch the piano, he begins to play. He closes his eyes and the music comes to him - and the music moves his fingers. When he opens his eyes again, he knows that his life is changed for ever... CEFR A2-B1 Word count 6,070
Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR. In the jungle of Southern India the Seeonee Wolf- Pack has a new cub. He is not a wolf - he is Mowgli, a human child, but he knows nothing of the world of men. He lives and hunts with his brothers the wolves. Baloo the bear and Bagheera the panther are his friends and teachers. And Shere Khan, the maneating tiger, is his enemy. Kipling's famous story of Mowgli's adventures in the jungle has been loved by young and old for more than a hundred years. CEFR A2-B1 Word count 6,510
《古代亚述简史》你可知道骡子曾是长途通信中的无名功臣?你可见过把墓穴建在起居室下的房子?你可了解为什么亚述历经大火焚城反倒留下了更多的史料? 数千年前,能征惯战的亚述人在西亚开疆拓土,所向披靡。无论是至高无上的帝王,四处奔波的商旅,抑或流落他乡的战俘,无论是在帝国名城亚述城、尼尼微、卡尔胡,异国贸易殖民点卡奈什,抑或遥远的附庸国埃及,形形色色的亚述人书写了亚述的历史,留下了自己的印记,为后世留下了丰厚的遗产。
Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR. When Christmas comes for the four March girls, there is no money for expensive presents and they give away their Christmas breakfast to a poor family. But there are no happier girls in America than Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy. They miss their father, of course, who is away at the Civil War, but they try hard to be good so that he will be proud of his 'little women' when he comes home. This heart-warming story of family life has been popular for more than a hundred years. CEFR B1-B2 Word count 14,920
Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR. Cedric Errol is seven years old. He lives with his mother in a little house in New York. They don't have much money, but mother and son are very good friends. Cedric is a kind, friendly little boy, and everybody likes him. His father was English, but he is now dead, and Cedric and his mother are alone in the world. But one day a lawyer arrives from England with some very surprising news about Cedric's grandfather. CEFR A1-A2 Word count 7,250
Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR. We must leave for Zenda at once, to find the King!' cried Sapt. 'If we're caught, we'll all be killed!' So Rudolf Rassendyll and Sapt gallop through the night to find the King of Ruritania. But the King is now a prisoner in the Castle of Zenda. Who will rescue him from his enemies, the dangerous Duke Michael and Rupert of Hentzau? And who will win the heart of the beautiful Princess Flavia? CEFR B1 Word count 10,710
Classics, modern fiction, non-fiction and more. Written for secondary and adult students the Oxford Bookworms Library has seven reading levels from A1-C1 of the CEFR. Little Mary Lennox is a bad-tempered, disagreeable child. When her parents die in India, she is sent back to England to live with her uncle in a big, lonely, old house. There is nothing to do all day except walk in the gardens - and watch the robin flying over the high walls of the secret garden... which has been locked for ten years. And no one has the key. CEFR B1 Word count 10,715