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噬谎者 典藏版 3 作者:迫稔雄 出版社: 尖端 出版社 语言:繁体中文 出版地:中 国台湾 页面信息仅供参考,具体以实物为准 故事简介 胜者生,败者亡! 通往地狱深渊的绞 首 游戏?吊死鬼! 「噬谎者」貘V.S.「革命家」佐田 国 这场对决 最 终究竟鹿死谁手! 而后,「号」争夺战突入!
内容简介 Any Baedeker will tell us where we ought to travel, but only Alain de Botton will tell us how and why. With the same intelligence and insouciant charm he brought to How Proust Can Save Your Life , de Botton considers the pleasures of anticipation; the allure of the exotic, and the value of noticing everything from a seascape in Barbados to the takeoffs at Heathrow. Even as de Botton takes the reader along on his own peregrinations, he also cites such distinguished fellow-travelers as Baudelaire, Wordsworth, Van Gogh, the biologist Alexander von Humboldt, and the 18th-century eccentric Xavier de Maistre, who catalogued the wonders of his bedroom. The Art of Travel is a wise and utterly original book. Don’t leave home without it. 作者简介 Alain de Botton is the author of On Love , The Romantic Movement , Kiss and Tell , How Proust Can Change Your Life , The Consolations of Philo