Robust tales of perilous adventure and animal cunning Includes"Diable: A Dog, An Odyssey of the North, To the Man on the Trail,To Build a Fire, " and "Love of Life" Out of the white wilderness,out of the Far North, Jack London, one of America's most popularauthors, drew the inspiration for the novel and five short storiesincluded here. Swiftly paced and vividly written, they capture themain theme of London's work: man's instinctive reversion toprimitive behavior when pitted against the brute force ofnature.
In the CliffsComplete guides, the play′s complete text and aglossary appear side–by–side with coordinating numbered lines tohelp you understand unusual words and phrasing. You′ll also findall the commentary and resources of a standard CliffsNotes forLiterature.
A robust and bawdy battle of the sexes, this ever popularcomedy captivates audiences with outrageous humor as Katharina, theshrew, engages in a contest of wills–and love–with her bridegroom,Petruchio. Their boisterous conflict is set off against a moreconventional romantic plot involving the wooing of Katharina’slovely and compliant sister, Bianca. Rich with the psychologicalthemes of identity and transformation, the play is quintessentiallylighthearted, filled with visual gags, witty repartee, andunmatched theatrical brilliance from Petruchio’s demand, “Kiss me,Kate!” to the final spectacle of the wedding feast. Each Edition Includes: ? Comprehensive explanatory notes ? Vivid introductions and the most up-to-date scholarship ? Clear, modernized spelling and punctuation, enablingcontemporary readers to understand the Elizabethan English ? Completely updated, detailed bibliographies and performancehistories ? An interpretive essay on film adaptations of th
本书是法国 作家、批评家 ·索莱尔斯对巴特的回忆录。巴特与索莱尔斯的友谊持续了一生。1980年3月26日,巴特离世,索莱尔斯万分悲痛。很多年之后,他才抑制哀伤,提笔写下对巴特的回忆。 本书即是这些回忆文章的结集。在本书中,索莱尔斯的回忆文章共有两篇:《友谊》记叙了他与巴特的相知相识,尤其是二人20世纪在同一知识阵线上并肩作战的故事,这篇文章也对巴特诸多重要著作进行了回顾和评论;《R.B.》 像是《友谊》的延续,但有所不同的是,这篇文章 侧重对巴特的批判性思想进行分析,并对照当下的情况,说明巴特思想的重要性。
在线阅读本书 The story of an Ancient Roman soldier whose political machinationsand military might gain him heroic status, but ultimately lead tohis assassination.
With dramatic eloquence, this story of the French Revolutionbrings to life a time of terror and treason, and a starving peoplerising in frenzy and hate to overthrow a corrupt and decadentregime.
Considered by some to be her finest work, Edith Wharton's Summer created a sensation when first published in 1917, as it was one of the first novels to deal honestly with a young woman's sexual awakening. Summer is the story of Charity Royall, a child of mountain moonshiners adopted by a family in a poor New England town, who has a passionate love affair with Lucius Harney, an educated man from the city. Wharton broke the conventions of women's romantic fiction by making Charity a thoroughly independent modern woman—in touch with her emotions and sexuality, yet kept from love and the larger world she craves by the overwhelming pressures of heredity and society. Praised for its realism and honesty by such writers as Joseph Conrad and Henry James and compared to Flaubert's Madame Bovary, Summer remains as fresh and powerful a novel today as when it was first written.
Ranked among the classic novels of the English language andthe inspiration for several unforgettable movies, this early workof H. G. Wells was greeted in 1896 by howls of protest fromreviewers, who found it horrifying and blasphemous. They wanted toknow more about the wondrous possibilities of science shown in hisfirst book, "The Time Machine, "not its potential for misuse andterror. In "The Island of Dr. Moreau" a shipwrecked gentleman namedEdward Prendick, stranded on a Pacific island lorded over by thenotorious Dr. Moreau, confronts dark secrets, strange creatures,and a reason to run for his life. While this riveting tale wasintended to be a commentary on evolution, divine creation, and thetension between human nature and culture, modern readers familiarwith genetic engineering will marvel at Wells's prediction of theethical issues raised by producing "smarter" human beings orbringing back extinct species. These levels of interpretation add arichness to Prendick's adventures on Dr. Moreau's island o
Book De*ion The handsome Morris Townsend would do anything to win the hand ofplain Catherine Sloper--even if it means pretending that he lovesthe homely ingenue, not her opulent wealth. Includes a newAfterword by the author of "The Hours." Reissue.
Shakespeare shines a fierce spotlight on the jealous heart andon our attitudes toward the outsider. A story of its time and forour time, full of terror and beauty, Othello is urgent,gripping, radical, and beautiful. Under the editorial supervision of Jonathan Bate and EricRasmussen, two of today’s most accomplished Shakespearean scholars,this Modern Library series incorporates definitive texts andauthoritative notes from William Shakespeare: Complete Works. Eachplay includes an Introduction as well as an overview ofShakespeare’s theatrical career; commentary on past and currentproductions based on interviews with leading directors, actors, anddesigners; scene-by-scene analysis; key facts about the work; achronology of Shakespeare’s life and times; and black-and-whiteillustrations. Ideal for students, theater professionals, and general readers,these modern and accessible editions from the Royal ShakespeareCompany set a new standard in Shakespearean literature for thetwenty-first century.
In Forster's most popular novel, he tracks British society'sclass warfare, as seen by members of three different castes-thewealthy Wilcoxes, the cultured and emancipated Schlegal sisters,and poor, young Leonard Bast.
在线阅读本书 The Sea Wolf is Jack London’s powerful and gripping saga ofHumphrey Van Weyden, captured by a seal-hunting ship and now anunwilling sailor under its dreaded captain, Wolf Larsen. The menwho sailed with Larsen were treacherous outcasts, but the captainhimself was the legendary Sea Wolf–a violent brute of a man. Jack London was a worshipper of the strong and virtuous hero, and afirm believer in the inevitable triumph of good. The masterstoryteller nowhere demonstrates this theme more vividly than inthis classic American tale of peril and adventure, good andevil.
This all-new Signet Classic contains many of T.S. Eliot's mostimportant early peoms, leading to perhaps his greatest masterpiece,The Waste Land, which has long been regarded as one of thefundamental texts of modernism. By combining poetic elements frommany diverse sources with bits of popular culture and common speechlinked in a fragmented narrative, Eliot recreated the chaos anddisillusionment of Europe in the aftermath of WWI. * The Waste Land is a modernist literary masterpiece. * Contains a number of early poems, including Spleen, The Deathof St. Narcissus, The Love Song of J. Prufrock, Preludes,Gerontion, The Hippopotmaus, and Sweeny Among theNightingales. * T.S Eliot is the winner of the 1948 Nobel Prize for Literature,and is one of America's greatest poets. * Edited and with an Introduction by Helen Vendler, a foremostscholar of moderism at Harvard University who writes regularly forthe New Yorker and The New Republic. * Vendler is also the author of books on other