全书分四部分,依次回答四个问题:美学是什么?美是什么?美感是什么?艺术是什么?作者以简洁有力,极为浓缩的文笔,旁征博引,娓娓而谈,引领读者通过仔细阅读和深入思考而走入金碧辉煌的美学宫殿。 本次出版的修订插图本,是作者李泽厚先生在《美国三书》的基础上,对全书文字作了*订正。全书插图的选配侧重现当代作品,以凸显其指向二十一世纪的前瞻性特征,与《美的历程》《华夏美学》修订插图本共同构筑了一片完整统一而丰富多彩的美学园地。 tt tt tt
The I Ching is the most ancient and profound of the Chineseclassics, venerated for over three thousand years as an oracle offortune, a guide to success, and a dispensary of wisdom. This newtranslation, with commentary by Confucius, emphasizes applyingpractical wisdom in everyday affairs. Complete instructions forconsulting the I Ching are included.
Available in paperback for the very first time, here'severything you need to make your own astrological readings of yourmost precious relationships Why do you feel you've known someone for years when you've justmet? Why are you attracted to someone who seems like your completeopposite? Why do you and your loved one argue the way you argue? How can you make your relationships last in spite of yourdifferences? The answers to these questions can be found within your birthchart and that of your loved one. Linda Goodman's RelationshipSigns is the first astrology book to provide a totallyindividual, detailed analysis of how compatible you and yourpartner really are. Whether you are familiar with astrology or acomplete novice, this comprehensive reference shows youstep-by-step how to find the keys to harmony and the areas ofpotential trouble--all you need is each person's birth date andtime. Individually tailored to you and your loved one, here is yourguide to the relationships
For centuries, the strange and beautiful tarot cards have beenan endless source of mystery and fascination. One of theforemost authorities in the field reveals the intricacies of thisancient art. With detailed explanations, Eden Gray offers explicitadvice about the three different methods of reading the cards, andusing the tarot for divination and meditation. Both beginningstudents and advanced devotee will find in this book new insightsinto the ancient lore of the tarot.
该书描述了我们身边的人经过徐小平的策划从不成功到成功的大量出国案例,对普通人的成功具有很大的启发。书中通过一个个普通的人在咨询后改变了命运的独特经历,非常生动地展示了当代青年人从迷惘的误区走向成功之途峰回路转、五彩斑斓的万千景象。 徐小平其人其事: 徐小平这名字太平常,我的通讯录里叫“小平”的就有三个。偌大北京城,不认识徐小平不会让人感到自卑或者惭愧。 但是,自从编辑他的书开始,突然发现,有这么多人都认识徐小平。从北大哲学教授到民营书店老板,从电视台主持人到清华才子、北大才女,从邻居到同事,甚至亲戚的外甥的女朋友的侄子。让你不得不为居然不知道北京有个徐小平而有点不好意思。 小平本人就是资源,如果谁认识他,就会不断有人为了能与他见上一面来向你请托人情,让你觉得做他的朋友有点烦。