方舆胜览这部书在祝穆生前已经写就,並刻印成册。全书分为前集四十三卷,后集七卷,续集二十卷,携带遗一卷。前集自浙西路起,至海外四州止;后集为淮东和淮西两路;续集自成都路起,至利西路止;拾遗则自览安府至绍熙每府州各補数条,各集之末又有简短的告白。 该书的元刻本不少,单北京图书馆就收藏有三种,其它如北京大学图书馆、上海图书馆、南京博物院图书馆、杭州大学图书馆、四川师范大学图书馆等也都有收藏,收藏元刻残本的还有福建省图书馆、贵州省图书馆、南京图书馆、清华大学图书馆、哈*濱图书馆等单位。 清代没有刻印过方舆胜览,但有很多新的抄本问世。除四库全书抄本外,我们这次还看到了北京图书馆的昆山徐乾学傅是楼抄本、上
This 2008 book explores Friedrich Nietzsche's understanding ofmodern political culture and his position in the history of modernpolitical thought. Surveying Nietzsche's entire intellectual careerfrom his years as a student in Bonn and Leipzig during the 1860s tohis genealogical project of the 1880s, Christian Emden contributesto a historically informed discussion of Nietzsche's response tothe political predicaments of modernity, and sheds new light on theintellectual and political culture in Germany as the ideals of theEnlightenment gave way to the demands of the modern nation state.This is a distinguished addition to the series of Ideas in Context,and a major reassessment of a philosopher and aphorist whosestature among post-enlightenment European thinkers is now almostunrivalled.
Henry David Thoreau was just a few days short of histwenty-eighth birthday when he built a cabin on the shore of WaldenPond and began one of the most famous experiments in living inAmerican history. Apparently, he did not originally intend to writea book about his life at the pond, but nine years later, in Augustof 1854, Houghton Mifflin's predecessor, Ticknor and Fields,published Walden;or, a Life in the Woods. At the time the book waslargely ignored, and it took five years to sell out the firstprinting of two thousand copies. It was not until 1862, the year ofThoreau's death, that the book was brought back into print. Sincethen it has never been out of print. Published in hundreds ofeditions and translated into virtually every modern language,it hasbecome one of the most widely read and influential books everwritten, not only in this country but throughout the world. On the one hundred and fiftiethanniversary of the original publication of Walden, Houghton Mifflinis proud to present the most bea
This book opens the debate about German history in the longterm – about how ideas and political forms are traceable acrosswhat historians have taken to be the sharp breaks of Germanhistory. Smith argues that current historiography has become evermore focused on the twentieth century, and on twentieth-centuryexplanations for the catastrophes at the center of German history.Against conventional wisdom, he considers continuities – nation andnationalism, religion and religious exclusion, racism and violence– that are the center of the German historical experience and thathave long histories. Smith explores these deep continuities innovel ways, emphasizing their importance, while arguing thatGermany was not on a special path to destruction. The result is aseries of innovative reflections on the crystallization ofnationalist ideology, on patterns of anti-Semitism, and on how thenineteenth-century vocabulary of race structured thetwentieth-century genocidal imagination.
The Great Task Remaining is a striking, often poignant portraitof people balancing their own values—rather than ours—to determinewhether the horrors attending Mr. Lincoln’s war were worth bearingin order to achieve his ultimate goals. As 1863 unfolds, we see theuseless bloodbath at Fredericksburg, the disaster atChancellorsville, the battle--of Gettysburg, and the end of thesiege of Vicksburg. Then,Astonishingly, the Confederacy springsvigorously back to lifeAfter the Union triumphs of the summer,setting the stage for Lincoln’s now famous speech on thePennsylvania battlefield.Without abandoning the underlying sympathyfor Lincoln, Marvel makes a convincing argument for the GettysburgAddress as being less of a paean to liberty than an appeal to staythe course in the face of rampant antiwar sentiment. The Great TaskRemaining offers a provocative history--of a dramatic year—a yearthat saw victory and defeat, doubt And riot—as well as a compellingstory of a people who clung to the promise of a much-lo
胡可先主编的《夏承焘学案(精)/浙大先生书系》为“浙大先生”丛书之一种。? ?夏承焘(1900—1986),字瞿禅,浙江温州人,毕生致力于词学研究和教学,是现代词学的开拓者和奠基人。他的一系列经典著作无疑是词学史上的里程碑,20世纪的文化学术成果。胡乔木曾经多次赞誉夏承焘先生为“一代词宗”、“词学宗师”。?
Claude Markovits tells the story of two groups of Hindumerchants from the towns of Shikarpur and Hyderabad in the provinceof Sind. Basing his account on previously neglected archivalsources, the author charts the development of these communities,from the pre-colonial period through colonial conquest and up toindependence, describing how they came to control trading networksthroughout the world. While the book focuses on the trade of goods,money and information from Sind to the widely dispersed locationsof Kobe, Panama, Bukhara and Cairo, it also throws light on thenature of trading diasporas from South Asia in their interactionwith the global economy. This is a sophisticated and accessiblebook, written by one of the most distinguished economic historiansin the field. It will appeal to scholars of South Asia, as well asto colonial historians and to students of religion.
Churchill's six-volume history of World War II -- the definitivework, remarkable both for its sweep and for its sense of personalinvolvement, universally acknowledged as a magnificent historicalreconstruction and an enduring work of literature. From Britian'sdarkest and finest hour to the great alliance and ultimate victory,the Second World War remains the pivotal event in our century.Churchill was not only its greatest leader, but the free world'smost eloquent voice of defiance in the face of Nazi tyranny. Hisepic account of those times, published in six volumes, won theNobel Prize in 1953.
Like all of V. S. Naipaul’s “travel” books, The Masque ofAfrica encompasses a much larger narrative and purpose: tojudge the effects of belief (in indigenous animisms, the foreignreligions of Christianity and Islam, the cults of leaders andmythical history) upon the progress of civilization. From V. S. Naipaul: “For my travel books I travel on a theme. Andthe theme of The Masque of Africa is African belief. I beginin Uganda, at the center of the continent, do Ghana and Nigeria,the Ivory Coast and Gabon, and end at the bottom of the continent,in South Africa. My theme is belief, not political or economicallife; and yet at the bottom of the continent the politicalrealities are so overwhelming that they have to be taken intoaccount. “Perhaps an unspoken aspect of my inquiry was the possibility ofthe subversion of old Africa by the ways of the outside world. Thetheme held until I got to the South, when the clash of the two waysof thinking and believing became far too one-sided. The skyscrapersof J
In this one-of-a-kind atlas, scores of archival maps anddozens of newly created maps trace the battles, political turmoil,and great themes of America’s most violent and pivotal clash ofarms. From the Antebellum South to Fort Sumter, the assassinationof Abraham Lincoln, and the fitful peace of Reconstruction,National Geographic’s Atlas of the Civil War displays eye-openingmaps—and a gripping, self-contained story—on every spread. Eighty-five rare period maps, many seen here for the first time,offer the cartographic history of a land at war with itself: from19th-century campaign maps surveying whole regions and strategiesto vintage battlefield charts used by Union and Confederategenerals alike, along with commercial maps produced for anews-hungry public, and comprehensive Theater of War maps. In 35innovative views created especially for this book, the key momentsof major battles are pinpointed by National Geographic’saward-winning cartographers using satellite data to render theterrain with astonish