《海风下》是卡逊的处女作,是 海洋三部曲 之开篇。该书记录了北美东海岸海洋动物的行为及其生存和死亡等现象,可谓一部海洋百科;但它却没有百科的枯燥,描写细致,结构精巧,语言十分优美。海洋生命的鲜活、自然特有的温暖跃然纸上。相比于《寂静的春天》的激昂,《海风下》给人以宁静的感觉,既适合孩子,也适合成人阅读,是珍贵的关于大海的故事。
China Panorama is intended for the use by internationalstudents coming to China to study the required course "ChinaPanorama". As well as reading material for all of those studyingChinese as a second language, this book is the top choice forlearning Chinese culture and motivating students' interest. Thisbook introduces topics such as Chinese geography, culture, history,international relations and the development of the nation. Readers will find they are inspired, challenged and provided withcultural facts throughout the learning process. In the practicesections, lots of thought provoking and practical exercises areset, encouraging intercommunication between book and readers,teacher and students. It achieves the perfect match of culturalawareness and students needs.
Ein Journalistcntcam yon Radio China International reiste sieben Wochen lang durch Tibet.Sie legten insgesamt fiber zehntausend Kilonmcter zurfick, z. T. inden entlegensten Regionen des Autonomen Gebietes. Ihrc Eindrfickc schildertcn sic in Reportagen ffir denRadiosender. Gleichzeitig fuhrten sie Tageb/icher. Dieses Buch enthalt sechzig dieser Tagebucheintrage undzahlreiche eindrucksvolle Fotos.
In ancient times, people could not explain a great number of natural occurrences and their causes, always feeling they were too mysterious to understand, that people imagined that between the heaven and the earth there were supernatural beings, who created everything and dominated the heaven and earth. Every time they were confronted by natural disasters such as earthquakes, strong winds, heavy storms, inundating floods, ravaging beasts and fires, people would think that these deities were angry, and thus would grow very frightened. Then at times of propitious winds and rains, as well as abundant harvests of all food crops, people would think the gods were blessing them. In a word, out of awe, gratitude and admiration, people would offer a variety of sacrifices to these deities, praying for their protection and blessing. The worship of deities became rituals to demonstrate people's respect and gratitude to various deities and to pray for their protection.
In such an era of cultural assimilation, when bulldozers nudge their way toward the increasingly fewer Beijing hutong and siheyuan, and Shanghai linong, it is not only the old city districts that are declining; the unique Chinese architecture, culture and lifestyle are vanishing with them. Fortunately, the vast territory of China is still dotted with old townscapes dating back thousands of years, carrying on the continuous history and civilization of China. Zhouzhuang, Fenghuang,Hongcun, Tongli, Pingyao, Luodai, Lijiang, Dali ...these old towns enjoy their own tranquility, far from the din of the cities, and exude their own distinctive flavor and delicacy without the pompous magnificence of imperial palaces. Their names are beautiful symbols of China because of their small picturesque bridges, flowing waters and local houses that have long been portrayed in Chinese ink and wash paintings, numerous exquisite brick,stone and wood carvings, arches erected to commemorate chaste widows, a welter of ethnic customs
Makye Ame does not attempt to summarize Tibelan culture.Instead,it gives expression to it from deep in our heats ,thereby conveying the Tibetan people's joys and sorrows as well as our desires and aspirations. I often wonder if we could find ways to let more people get a real picture of Tibtan culture in their daily lives rather than just in academic works with,and thus familiar-ize themselves with some of its more intrinsic features and join us in carrying it forward.
The Taihu Lake Basin adjacent to Shanghai has a diversified water system and clamp climate and is rich in produce. The original inhabitants planted rice and bred silkworms, and took advantage of the convenient water trans-portation there to develop trade relations both domestically and overseas.This part of the country is famous for its silk and herbal medicines. Since ancient times, it has witnessed rapid economic growth, and has earned thenicknames "Heaven on Earth" and "Land Flowing with Rice and Fish."Six ancient waterside towns in this area, namely, Zhouzhuang, Luzhi andTongli in Jiangsu Province, and Xitang, Wuzhen and Nanxun in ZhejiangProvince, are the most attractive representatives of age-old towns in south-east China.Waterways have shaped the ancient towns of southeast China, their streets following the contours of the waters and their houses built on riverbanks.Small bridges, smoothly flowing rivers and tranquil residential houses formthe typical natural landscape of these towns. Winding streets a
紫禁城是明、清两代的皇宫,是中国现存规模*的古建筑群。1987年被联合国教科文组织列入《世界遗产名录》。 紫禁城(故宫)始建于明永乐五年(1407年),至1420年基本建成。占地72万平方米,共建有殿宇房屋9000多问,建筑东西对称,皆沿南起午门北至神武门的中轴线排列并向两旁扩展,是按照中国传统的规制设计布局,体现出皇权至尊的封建思想。紫禁城中宫殿的高度、位置、颜色及至门钉的数目等都有严格的规定和讲究,使这座宏大的皇宫既辉煌壮丽、又变化有序。 紫禁城宫殿区域按功能分为前朝、内廷及外东路三大部分。前朝由气势雄伟的三大殿:太和、中和、保和及东西两座独立的宫殿:文华、武英殿组成。前朝的宫殿基本上用于皇帝举行各种大典、仪式。在前朝的后面,为内延区,中路为乾清、交泰、坤宁三宫及御花园,左右两边分别为东西六宫、
Many artists——and lovers of the arts——believe that artistic Derfection can be found in any time period and within any culture.American ceramic artists are particularly adventurous,continually exploring the vast heritage of ceramic art.With this insightful and beautifu l book,The Yixing EffecC: Echoes of the Chinese Scholar,Marvin Sweet reveals how the Yixing teapot has captured the imagination of contemporary ceramic artists and why it has become a compelling source of inspiration.
Nanxun is known in China and abroad as the home of Jiti Silk. Its thriving silk trade helped Nanxun earn the accolade "town of afflu-ence." Its community of wealthy merchants gave rise to beautiful garden residences, such as the Xiaolian Villa, the former residences of Liu Ti and of the Zhangs-all built on a grand scale and delightful to the eye. Particularly unusual is the juxtaposition of Chinese and Western architectural styles of these garden residences: Baroque columns, European fireplaces and French etched glass are blended into traditional Chinese buildings with central halls, skyweUs, and carved brick gatetowers.
The I-Pod you Listen to was made in Kunshan; if you have a Cornpaq, Acer, Dell,Toshiba, HP or MSI aptop it was manufactured in Kunshan, almost 20 percent of the world's digital cameras are manufactured in Kunshan; more than 2 bihon dollars worth of bicycles and bicycle parts are manufactured there each year. If you are under 18, chances are you sat in a stroller and car seat designed and manufactured in Kunshan. Everyday something flora Kunshan touches you or someone you know,yet you have never heard of it.In China, Kunshan is just one of over 100 cities with over a million people.Twenty years ago it was a collection of rural towns and villages organized as a township; today it is the No.1 county-level city by GDP in China. How this meteoric transformation occurred is due to two factors, its proximity to Shanghai and the collection of innovative approaches and methods which make up the Kunshan Way.By reading this book, you will hear Kunshan's story from the government and business leaders who have created