Traditional Chinese painting was fundamentally an abstract art form.Although there were no absolute abstract Chinese paintings in its original meaning, objects in a painting were not a direct copy of the nature world following the principle of perspective. It was rather a bination or harmony between the nature world and human emotion, a product of "heaven (nature) and human". The effect Chinese painters would like to illustrate in their paintings was not a visual effect of colors and patterns as their Western counterparts would like to achieve. The description of objects in their paintings was no means accurate and few concerned about such factors as colors, principle of perspective, anatomy, surface feel, and relative size. What they would like to achieve was a world in their mind of non materials. The nature world was not an object for them to make a true copy and it was rather elements for them to build their own world.
hangzhou cannot be described in mere words or pictures; it must belived and breathed, explored andunderstood first hand. this is the citythat captivated marco polo more thanany other, and has given inspirationto generation after generation ofartist and poet. its a city very muchmade by its geography, and west lakeprays an important, if hidden, rolein the average hangzhou residentsconsciousness.
本书主要是向外国读者介绍中国悠久的传统风俗文化,以帮助人们向外国友人传播中国文化。本书从语言的角度切入,分十二个专题来介绍中国的传统文化,如姓氏与文化、服饰与文化、中国传统中药与武术,中国得的佛教和道教等等。书中的文字偏重语言的口语表达特征,有利于传播的推广。不仅是一本好的英语专业学生的口语教材,更是一本的对外汉语教学的读本。 在每一个章节的介绍中,先从汉语言入手,再从文化的角度进行阐述。如中国人为什么说“挂羊头,卖狗肉”而从不说“挂狗头,卖羊肉”呢?对于这一类语言学上无法解答的问题,本书从传统文化的层面为此提供了较完整的答案。考虑到传播的现实性,本书在撰写和翻译中偏重语言的口语表达特征。
Cloth art is one of the most striking forms of Chinese. folk arts and crafts. Made of cloth and other materials, and incorporated with themes that reflect people's longing for a good life, the cloth items are made with techniques similar to those used for other forms of handiwork, yet they possess their own distinctive style. Methods of craftsmanship include cutting, sewing,cross-stitch, braiding, embroidery, pasting and applique. The brightly colored items e in a variety of shapes and styles.Lightweight and practical, they capture the simplicity of Chinese folk art. In ancient China, many items for daily use were made of cloth. These pieces are not only beautiful but also have artistic appeal and practical value. This book has a collection of over 200 photographs of cloth articles from Shandong, Shanxi and Shaanxi provinces which should ,help familiarize readers with one of China s most popular traditional arts.
本社专事外文图书的编辑出版,几十年来用英文翻译出版了大量的中国文学作品和文化典籍,上自先秦,下迄现当代,力求全面而准确地反映中国文学及中国文化的基本面貌和灿烂成就。这些英译图书均取自相关领域的、的作品,英译则出自外译界名家。每本图书的编选、翻译过程均极其审慎严肃,精雕细琢,中文作品及相应的英译版本均堪称经典。 我们意识到,这些英译精晶,不单有对外译介的意义,而且对英文学习者、爱好者及英译工作者,也是极有价值的读本。为此,我们对这些英译精品做了认真的遴选,编排成汉英对照的形式,陆续推出,以飨读者。