This unique book shows why many believe Chinais the next "tidal wave" of opportun ty for art collector.s: thesheer creative output,the artistic variety and diversity nowblooming from within a country where,only a few decades ago, suchexpression would be repressed. In the West, contemporary Chinese art has becomethe subject of intense fascination and speculation. In this book,writer and photographer Jon Burris profiles twenty-five topcontemporary Chinese painters, sculptors,photographers, andconceptual artists, taking the reader into their studios andpresenting intimate glimpses into their life and work. As a result,he offers a lingering portrait of the contemporary Chinese artscene. From the symbolist paintings of Zhang Xiaogang,to the cynical realist works of Yue Minjun and the political popcanvases of Wang Guangyi, Burris details the historical, political,and cultural mimesis shaping China's contemporary artists.Amust-have book for admirers of contemporary Chinese art.
The charms of China,to many foreigners,liee in its rich traditional Cuotures,ethnic customs,and how they are merged into the modernization process.In consideration of its rich history,city planners have to ensure that the traditional and ancient elements of the city will not be eroded.As a resuot,the environment and the layout of the city frequently embody both the modern and the ancient elements.A number of cities,such as Lhasa,Lijiang and Beijing,have strong historical and cultural affiliation,hence,they became cultural symbols of the country.And with their rich Cultural heritages,each Unique in its own way,these Chinese cities present a more exciting scenario for one to fully appreciate them.
11篇作品反映了生活在21世纪的中国人所经历的青春岁月。作品主人公的身份形形色色,所处的生活时代与环境也各有不同,但他们所处的青春世界却有着很多共同的特质。青春的世界总是充满了很多的的理想主义和无节制的青春意想,单纯而复杂,成长的过程亦充满了残酷(如《阿瑶》、《梅雨》、《打铁打铁》、《河滩上的尸体》等),青春期所具有的特殊情感历程(如《我疼》、《碎玻璃》、《在明孝陵乘凉》等),以及错过的青春岁月所烙下的深深地印迹(如《打火机》、《吉诺的跳马》、《葡萄藤下的女人》、《裸夏》等)。作品风格或冷峻、凌厉;或委婉、细腻;或现实客观,或赋予戏剧性。 11篇作品在不同的年份都曾入选当年的小说排名榜,也获得过不同的奖项。作者除了一个是60年代出生,其他都是70、80年代出生,其中三个是80后。新生代作家对“
Chinese bronzes were only the daily utensils,work tools and weapons of the people of ancient times,but also exquisite works of master craftsmen which have been handed down from generation to generation.Their beautiful forms,elaborate decorations and the moving stories that were cast on them have attracted the attention and aroused the interest of lovers of bronzes at home and abroad. This book,copiously illustrated with colour pictures and sketches,is recommended to readers who wish to explore the wonder of Chinese bronzes.In language comprehensible to the layman,it supplies a basic knowledge on Chinese bronze art:its origin,periods of development and its value as regards the study of ancient history and ancient *.The author is a specialist who has personally participated in many major archaeological excavations and researched into this subject on the latest results of the study and excavations of Chinese bronzes.
郑新立著的《转型(寻求持续发展的中国经济)( 西班牙文版)》作为“中国进行时”丛书之一,主要讲中国经济如何持续发展,比如如何全面深化经济体制改革,处理好政府和市场的关系,使市场在资源配置中起决定性作用和更好发挥政府作用;如何实施创新驱动发展战略;如何进行经济结构战略性调整;如何推动城乡发展一体化;如何提高开放型经济水平等等。