克里斯 多利 - 布朗记录了1986年和1987年期间东伦敦交通堵塞中的40多名司机。这些在各种无聊、沮丧或放松状态下展示的面孔照片既有趣又幽默,他巧妙地捕捉了一个非常特别的情绪和场景。克里斯 多利 布朗是一位英国摄影师,在伦敦东区生活和工作了30年。在他作为摄影师的职业生涯中,他记录了哈克尼及其多元社区生活的许多方面。 Chris Dorley-Brown has documented more than 40 drivers stuck in traffic jams in East London during 1986 and 1987. The images, showing faces in various states of boredom, frustration or relaxation are as fascinating as they are humorous and subtly capture the mood and fashion of a very distinct era. Chris Dorley-Brown is a British photographer who has lived and worked in the East End for the last 30 years. During his career as a photographer he has documented many aspects of life in Hackney and its diverse community.
Cass Neary made her name in the seventies as a photographerembedded in the burgeoning punk movement in New York City. Herpictures of the musicians and the hangers-on, the infamous, thedamned, and the dead, earned her a brief moment of fame. Thirtyyears later she is adrift, on her way down, and almost out when anold acquaintance sends her on a mercy gig to interview a famouslyreclusive photographer who lives on an island in Maine. When shearrives Down East, Cass stumbles across a decades-old mystery thatis still claiming victims, and she finds one final shot atredemption. Patricia Highsmith meets Patti Smith in thismesmerizing literary thriller.
Book 1 from the series 'East London Photo Stories'. I ve Lived in East London for 86 ? Years by Martin Usborne. 96pp hardcover, quarter-bound cloth spine, gold foiled, 119 x 139 mm Joseph Markovitch has left London only once to go to the seaside with his mother. He loves Nicolas Cage, has five sugars in his tea, would have married a six foot two Hispanic woman but in the end had such bad chest catarrh he never had a girlfriend. Martin Usborne is a photographer and writer living in Hackney, East London and is also the co-founder and creative director of Hoxton Mini Press. He takes portraits, sometimes of people, often of animals and has had his work in galleries around the world.
In 1941 Ansel Adams was hired by the United States Departmentof the Interior to photograph America's national parks for a seriesof murals that would celebrate the country's natural heritage.Because of the escalation of World War II, the project was sus
How to set a scene? What's the best camera angle? How does thenew technology interact with scenes? And how does one even get thefinancing to make a movie? These basic questions and much more are all covered in thisexquisite packaged book on the film industry and making movies as aprofession. Written by Neil Landau, an experienced screenwriter and* consultant to the major movie studios, this is the perfectbook for anyone who wants to know about the inner-workings of thisindustry. Whether it's someone who wants to make movies as afull-timecareer, or just someone who is interested in film, thisbook covers it all.