Cake à la mozzarella et aux figues, Cake tomates séchées etparmesan, Cake aux lardons et aux pruneaux, Cake au thon et à lamoutarde à l'ancienne, Cake aux raisins et au romarin, Cake à lach?taigne, Cake aux griottes... Laissez parler votre créativité!Collection aiguise vos sens... et propose 40 recettes destinées àséduire les papilles des plus fins gourmets. Offrez-vous quelquesinstants culinaires d'exception alliant simplicité et élégance.
The ultimate gift for the food lover. In the same way that 1,000 Places to See Before You Die reinvented the travel book, 1,000 Foods to Eat Before You Die is a joyous, informative, dazzling, mouthwatering life list of the world?s best food. The long-awaited new book in the phenomenal 1,000 . . . Before You Die series, it?s the marriage of an irresistible subject with the perfect writer, Mimi Sheraton?award-winning cookbook author, grande dame of food journalism, and former restaurant critic for The New York Times . 1,000 Foods fully delivers on the promise of its title, selecting from the best cuisines around the world (French, Italian, Chinese, of course, but also Senegalese, Lebanese, Mongolian, Peruvian, and many more)?the tastes, ingredients, dishes, and restaurants that every reader should experience and dream about, whether it?s dinner at Chicago?s Alinea or the perfect empanada. In more than 1,000 pages and over 550 full-color photographs, it celebrates haute and snack, comforting and exotic,
Learn the art of mixing perfect drinks with Cocktails , the third "Best Cocktail Book in the World." Klaus St. Rainer, an award-winning expert voted "Bartender of the Year" in 2013, shares 70 cocktail recipes for all the key classics as well as his own signature creations. Whether you want to make a simple drink with just a few ingredients, prepare large quantities for a cocktail party, or even create a mocktail, this authoritative guide will have you mixing the perfect aperitif. The book's classy design and evocative photography will inspire you to find what tickles your taste buds, from the classic Dry Martini and Old Fashioned to the unusual Red Beet Gimlet and Caramellow Royale. Professional tips and techniques are revealed should it be shaken or stirred? and clear instructions make it easy. Cocktails teaches you the science of mixology so you can make the ultimate cocktail every time. ,
Végétariens, à la viande, aux poissons ou aux fruits, tartareset carpaccios se déclinent avec gourmandise (tartare de légumes dhiver aux noix, tartare de crevettes à la mangue et à la coco,carpaccio de poires aux copeaux de chocolat et à la menthe...)30recettes savoureuses à base de produits extra-frais, à préparer enun rien de temps pour tous les amateurs de cru.
Quoi de plus chaleureux qu’un apéritif gourmand entre amis !Découvrez 30 recettes d’amuses-bouche variés, faciles à préparer etmettez en pratique l’art du grignotage. Qu’ils soient d’inspiration espagnole comme les tapas ou italiennecomme les antipasti, tous ces mini plats à déguster avec les doigtsvous raviront : gambas aux poivrons, beignets de chorizo,feuilletés mozzarella-anchois, légumes croquants à la crème decéleri… Bon apéro !
LE CREUSET完全制御手冊 原汁原味的烹煮鍋具, 才能做出感動人心的美味料理 收錄110道名廚經典料理, 【開胃菜?主食??配菜?燉湯??甜品?? 不可思議的美味,優雅上桌???「做菜就是將鍋中的食材培育出來,好鍋具甚至會教你做料理;LE CREUSET鑄鐵鍋,不僅能完整傳達料理??的心意,也獨有它,具備了回應料理者心情的能力??」─????本名廚??枝元Nahomi???美味料理的關鍵,在於徹底發揮食材原有的能量,讓品嚐的人瞬間感動??比如剛從冰箱取出的雞蛋,如果????始就以大火烹煮,蛋殼很容易因為溫度??遽變化??破裂;相反地,??過細火慢燉,讓溫度一點一滴??緩緩滲??進食材中,料理就會入味又好吃,一直暖到心底??因此,??溫柔加熱」無論對肉類、蔬菜或任何食材,甚至對人??來說,都具有不可思議的幸福力量?????餐廳或飯店的食物雖然也很棒,卻無法??續吃太多天;每天都能享受
Croquants aux framboises et au citron, Truffes au chocolatnoir, Tiramisu de chocolat blanc aux fraises, Tarte aux noix depécan, Méli-mélo de fruits rouges au champagne... Profitez de vospauses café en savourant ces délicieux accompagnements ! Collectionaiguise vos sens... et propose 40 recettes destinées à séduire lespapilles des plus fins gourmets. Offrez-vous quelques instantsculinaires d'exception alliant simplicité et élégance.
"Cake decorating is a fabulous mixture of cookery and art, a blend of relaxation and excitement, with a sprinkling of inspiration, precise care and reckless use of the imagination all thrown in for good measure. The Home Guide to Cake Decorating will lead a newcomer through the simplest basics of this wonderful, colourful pastime, but also contains great ideas and fantastic creations to inspire experienced sugar-crafters. If you have never baked before, but want to make a teddy-bear's picnic for your toddler's birthday, or if you are planning a three-tiered traditional cake with sugar roses for a family wedding, or if you would just like to bake a luscious chocolate gateau for tea with friends, this is the book to show you how to do it. The Home Guide to Cake Decorating features both easy-to-follow instructions for beginners, from baking the cake to simple piping, and inspirational ideas for experienced sugar-crafters seeking new challenges. It also includes a brief history of cake decorating and a full gloss
Jamie Oliver's returns with his second bestselling book, The Return of the Naked Chef. The bestselling, brilliant young chef is back with a second book to accompany a major BBC TV series. There is no doubt that Jamie Oliver has captured the heart of the nation with his passion for simple, delicious, home-cooked food. His talent is huge, his style relaxed and his fans just want more! So here it is ... The Return of the Naked Chef is another book filled with fresh ingredients, 'pukka' recipes and boundless enthusiasm. Get stuck in with Jamie Oliver! 'Simply brilliant cooking, and Jamie's recipes are a joy' Nigel Slater 'There's a joyously clear, no-nonsense desire here to create simple but delicious food' Heat Jamie Oliver's career started as a chef at the River Café, where he was quickly spotted by the television company that made him famous as The Naked Chef. He has since published a huge range of bestselling cookery books, including The Naked Chef, Happy Days with the Naked Chef
A practical guide on how to dress, butcher and cook over 20 animals, illustrated step by step with over 700 photographs
Pre-Order Save with Jamie Now Jamie Oliver takes you on the food adventure of a lifetime in Jamie's America. 'America - A country of many contrasts. For me, it presented the ultimate food trip to explore places, ingredients, food culture & traditions. I wanted to get to the heart of great American food, to get past the junk and super-sized portions. I set off on what I knew would be a completely inspiring trip. I wasn't wrong. . . from New York to New Orleans, the energy of Los Angeles to the big skies of Wyoming, I found what I was looking for: some of the most diverse and delicious recipes I've ever come across! And with 120 of them in this book, I'll show you the quick and easy way to put a little slice of America on your dinner table. What a trip!' Jamie's America is the ultimate road trip with the one and only Jamie Oliver. 'There is only one Jamie Oliver. Great to watch. Great to cook' Delia Smith Jamie Oliver's career started as a chef at the River Café, where he was qui
「從沒見過像紐約這麼朝氣蓬勃的城市,每一次的尋訪都像**次遇見,帶給我無限探索的樂趣、靈感的來源。??Alain Ducasse???由擁有全世界????星星的味蕾精選,美味指數破表,讓你讚不絕口!???法國世紀廚神艾??.杜卡斯(Alain Ducasse)的紐約美食城市導覽指南,私房精選出紐約100家美味所在??從咖啡館、麵包店餐廳、甜點店、酒吧??餐廳、超市??冰淇淋店、高級食品雜貨店、巧克力專賣店??圖書館??肉鋪、飯店餐廳??餐館、餐車??烹調器材、乳酪專賣店、市集??魚鋪,共18種類型美味店家?????西貢麵包(Bánh Mì Saigon)??布雷法式餐廳(Bouley)??信(Nobu)??富威超市(FAIRWAY)??廚藝和信函書店(Kitchen Arts & Letters)??義大利冰淇淋實驗室il laboratorio del gelato、聲音(A VOCE)??…宛如文化大熔爐的紐約,無論是越南三明治專賣店??法國傳奇餐館、結合日本與歐美食材的fusion料理名廚松
"From Stephane Reynaud, the best-selling French author of Ripailles and Rotis, comes his quirky culinary almanac 365 Good Reasons to Sit Down to Eat. There's a recipe for every day of the year, including breakfasts, one-pan wonders, succulent roasts, refreshing salads, cool cocktails and everything in between. It's an irreverent selection of dishes to inspire every meal. Stephane also includes a seasonal calendar and clever cooking tips to make your dishes a success. ",
Avec un mijoteur, rien de plus facile que de cuisiner de bonspetits plats sans vous compliquer la vie. Une fois les ingrédients dans le mijoteur, vous n’aurez plus àvous occuper de rien. Les aliments deviennent tendres et fondants,sans jamais être trop cuits. Voici 30 recettes variées pour apprendre à cuisiner de savoureuxplats mijotés.