?实用且富有灵感的米兰内幕指南及其隐藏的秘密和地址?Lustre成功且极具吸引力的城市指南系列新版本成功系列中的新标题500隐藏的秘密,米兰500隐藏的秘密为您提供500个理由预订米兰的城市之旅。真正的当地和记者Silvia Frau在这个深情的指南中分享了她家乡500个*喜欢的地方,有五个有趣的名单,例如5个真正的意大利美食餐厅,5个*佳酒吧,5个老式文具店,5个*美丽的无声地点,5个地址参观朱塞佩威尔第的脚步等等。对于那些希望探索时尚的米兰城市并避免常见旅游活动的人来说,这是一本完美的书, ? A practical and inspirational insider's guide to Milan and its hidden secrets and addresses? A new edition in Luster's successful and attractive series of city guides A new title in the successful series The 500 Hidden Secrets, The 500 Hidden Secrets of Milan gives you 500 reasons to book a city trip to Milan. True local and journalist Silvia Fr
?由真实的当地人撰写,在独立研究后选择的地址,每个地址有100个地址/秘密。 五个*令人惊叹的广场是什么?你在哪里可以发现5条*秘密的街道?哪5个*好的鸡尾酒吧?马德里500隐藏的秘密揭示了这些知名地址等等。 ? Written by true locals, addresses selected after independent research, 100 lists of 5 addresses/secrets each. What are the 5 most stunning squares? Where can you discover the 5 most secret streets? Which are the 5 best cocktail bars? The 500 Hidden Secrets of Madrid reveals these good-to-know addresses and many more.
?旧金山内部人员指南及其隐藏的秘密和地址 ?旧金山*精美,*有趣的地方,建筑物,餐厅,商店,博物馆,画廊,社区,花园和咖啡馆的灵感和实用指南 ?Lustre成功的新版本和迷人的城市指南系列 Leslie Santarina在旧金山生活和工作。在旧金山的500隐藏的秘密中,她告诉你她的家乡去哪里。与 500隐藏的秘密 系列中的其他指南一样,这本书包含500个吃饭,睡觉,饮料,购物,探索和参观的地方,以及关于美国*酷城镇之一的有趣和有用的知识。 。 ? An insider's guide to San Francisco and its hidden secrets and addresses ? An inspirational and practical guide to San Francisco's finest and most interesting places, buildings, restaurants, shops, museums, galleries, neighp orhoods, gardens and cafes ? A new edition in Luster's successful and attractive series of city guides Leslie Santarina lives and works in San Francisco. In The 500 Hidden Secrets of San
Coding HTML CSS JAVA is a great practical guide to the basics of HTML, CSS and JavaScript coding. It will help with starting small and medium HTML and CSS projects, such as customising your blog or making your own website, and give practical examples of techniques that will aid you. Additionally you will be taken through the steps of adding images and video to your website, along with a troubleshooting guide for any problems that crop up. This book also covers JavaScript, which is vital if you want your website to do more than simply display information, such as membership login or feedback forms. JavaScript will enable you to generally provide more dynamic interaction with the user. Of course, you can use web editors and pre-written programs to do the job for you, but by learning some key coding skills, you will find you can create websites that truly have the edge on your competitors. Coding HTML CSS JAVA covers all the fundamental elements of the languages and how and where to use them. With easy-to-foll
记者Saskia Naafs和Guido van Eijck在鹿特丹出生并长大。他们专注于广泛的主题,从住房和教育,到音乐和艺术。他们为国家报纸Het Parool和de Volkskrant以及周刊De Groene Amsterdammer撰稿。 ? An insider's guide to Rotterdam and its hidden secrets and addresses? An inspirational and practical guide to Rotterdam's finest and most interesting places, buildings, restaurants, shops, museums, galleries, neighporhoods, gardens and cafes? A new edition in Luster's successful and attractive series of city guidesTrue locals Saskia Naafs Guido van Eijck selected 500 addresses and facts about Rotterdam that few people know and presents them in lists of 5, alongside beautiful photographs.Guido and Saskia's favorite addresses include a former harbor warehouse turned daily fresh market where you can sample a perfect locally roasted coffee or a homemade cider, a bright red light vessel ship where you can attend an intimate concert, or a former subtropical swimming paradise whe
?部分畅销的畅销书500隐藏的秘密系列?包含500种关于根特的100种不同类别的东西。五家*好的新佛兰芒餐厅是什么?你会在哪里找到5家*好的古董店?谁是这个城市*具创新精神的5位设计师?5个*独特的房屋位于哪里?如果你想找到Citadelpark*神秘的地方,他们在哪里?根特的500隐藏的秘密是这个多元化城市的精彩折衷指南。 内部人员对根特的看法包含了鲜为人知的事实和有用信息的片段,展示了古怪和不合时宜的节目,并分享了一些城市奇妙的隐藏宝石的下落,如Hotel Arnold Vanderhaeghen和Gruut City Brewery。 Derek Blyth在博客团队的帮助下,热衷于他们的故乡,真正体现了根特的感觉和风味。包含易于阅读的信息,地图,行程,食品和饮料,住宿,绿地,博物馆,画廊和商店; 对于好奇的旅行者来说,这是必不可少的资源 ? Part of the popular bestselling 500 Hidden Secrets collection?
由真实的当地人撰写,在独立研究后选择的地址,每个地址有100个地址/秘密。 五座*美丽的建筑是什么?你在哪里可以找到吃牡蛎*好的地方?哪个是布鲁克林*好的5个酒吧?纽约500隐藏的秘密揭示了这些知名地址等等。 ? Written by true locals, addresses selected after independent research, 100 lists of 5 addresses/secrets each. What are the 5 most beautiful buildings? Where can you find the best places to eat oysters? Which are the 5 best bars in Brooklyn? The 500 Hidden Secrets of New York reveals these good-to-know addresses and many more.
"重要的不是你说了什么,而是你说的方式 关于英语 正确 发音的争论由来已久,英国*杰出的语言专家David Crystal在这本书中将陈述事实。《听起来很动听》会告诉我们,为什么我们会这么发音,我们是如何发出来的。 David Crystal为他的读者们提供了语音、语言学和生理学的知识 用到了从Eliza Doolittle 到 Winston Churchill的例子,探索了地方口音的起源,它们如何受到阶级和教育的影响以及它们的特性如何随着时间而变化。" It's not what you say, it's the way that you say it ... There have long been debates about 'correct' pronunciation in the English language, and Britain's most distinguished linguistic expert, David Crystal, is here to set the record straight. Sounds Appealing tells us exactly why, and how, we pronounce words as we do. Pronunciation is integral to communication, and is tailored to meet the demands of the two main forces behind language: i
世界上*大的语言*威解释了英语语法的秘密和微妙之处。David Crystal探索了它的历史和变种,解释了它的规则和不合规则之处,并介绍了如何识别其圈套和陷阱。关于为不同的目的和在不同的社会环境中如何用不同的方式使用语法提供了实用的指导。在一系列具有启发性的插图中,他还认真思考了数百年来博学多识的知名人士对英语语法的评价。就像本书的三本姐妹篇一样,《讲得通》将吸引所有对英语及其使用方法感兴趣的人。 The world's greatest authority on language explains the secrets and subtleties of the grammar of English. David Crystal explores its history and varieties, explains its rules and irregularities and shows how to navigate its snares and pitfalls. He gives practical guidance on how grammar is used in different ways for different purposes and in different social settings. In a series of revealing illustrations he also considers what learned and pro
?由真实的当地人撰写,在独立研究后选择的地址,每个地址有100个地址/秘密。 5座*美丽的教堂是什么?你在哪里可以发现5个*秘密的广场?哪个是周日早午餐的5个*佳地方?罗马的500隐藏的秘密揭示了这些知名地址等等。 ? Written by true locals, addresses selected after independent research, 100 lists of 5 addresses/secrets each. What are the 5 most beautiful churches? Where can you discover the 5 most secret squares? Which are the 5 best places for a Sunday brunch? The 500 Hidden Secrets of Rome reveals these good-to-know addresses and many more.
?慕尼黑实用且富有灵感的内幕指南及其隐藏的秘密和地址?Lustre成功且极具吸引力的城市指南系列的新版本地方Judith Lohse分享了她对访问慕尼黑时不容错过的无数可爱地点的热情。慕尼黑被评为世界上*宜居的城市之一,拥有大都市的所有优势,但仍然感觉像一个温暖,精致和热情的小镇。这个深情的导游避开了常见的旅游目的地,带您前往慕尼黑*好的秘密,例如5位当地人*喜欢的午餐,5个非常不同的啤酒花园,5个*适合呼吸的阳光点或5个迷人的建筑之旅。 ? A practical and inspirational insider's guide to Munich and its hidden secrets and addresses? A new edition in Luster's successful and attractive series of city guides Local Judith Lohse shares her enthusiasm about the countless lovely places you shouldn't miss when visiting Munich. Ranked as one of the most livable cities in the world, Munich has all the upsides of a metropolis, but still feels like a war
Raspberry Pi is brilliant for kids, hobbyists and geeks! Perfect for parents and schools to encourage children to understand technology. Updated for the latest OS and packed with step-by-step guides, this is a highly accessible guide to exploring the full potential of this exciting, open-ended, low-cost computer. From initial set-up to a multitude of practical projects, as well as hints and tips on troubleshooting, this book is ideal for anyone wanting to get to grips with this fun computer.
This sparkling celebration of accessories from the author of the 50 Ways to Wear series offers top-notch tips for rocking statement pieces―think earrings, bracelets, hats, belts, purses, and more―in unexpected ways. Learn how to accessorize any outfit for a snowy day, a fancy event, a job interview. With fun illustrations that show how to achieve each look, advice on different ways to wear each featured item and style, and tips on mixing and matching different items, patterns, and prints, 50 Ways to Wear Accessories is a must-have resource to optimize any wardrobe and head out the door with panache.
?沿着当地的足迹游览洛杉矶,追踪这座城市*好的秘密! ?非常适合想要避开通常热点的游客,以及想要更好地了解他们的城市的当地人 ?Lustre的新版本成功,实用且极具吸引力的城市指南系列 洛杉矶提供了很多东西,本指南可帮助您选择在探索这座美丽城市时的起点。在洛杉矶的500个隐藏的秘密中,安德里亚 理查兹在美国*酷的城市之一分享了500个必须知道的地址,例如: - 5个*悠闲的海滩咖啡馆 - 为奥斯卡购买礼服的5个地方 -格里菲斯公园*有趣的5个景点 - 向公众开放的5个私人收藏品 - 看到明星的5个*不可能的地方 ?Visit Los Angeles in the footsteps of a local and track down the city's best-kept secrets! ?Perfect for tourists who want to avoid the usual hotspots, and for locals who want to get to know their city even better ?A new edition in Luster's successful, practical, and attractive series of city guides