From the legendary editor who helped shape modern cookbookpublishing-one of the food world's most admired figures-comes thisevocative and inspiring memoir. Living in Paris after World War II, Jones broke free of blandAmerican food and reveled in everyday French culinary delights. Onreturning to the States she published Julia Child's Mastering theArt of French Cooking. The rest is publishing and gastronomichistory. A new world now opened up to Jones as she discovered, withher husband Evan, the delights of American food, publishing some ofthe premier culinary luminaries of the twentieth century: fromJulia Child, James Beard, and M.F.K. Fisher to Claudia Roden, EdnaLewis, and Lidia Bastianich. Here also are fifty of Jones'sfavorite recipes collected over a lifetime of cooking-each with itsown story and special tips. The Tenth Muse is an absolutelycharming memoir by a woman who was present at the creation of theAmerican food revolution and played a pivotal role in shapingit.
A fascinating interpretation of how the body functions tomaintain good health and addresses all kinds of ailments withspecific nutritional approaches. A pioneering nutritionclassic.
What's the secret to making foolproof friands? How do you bakethe perfect piped cookie dough pinwheel? And what puts the snap inthe very best ginger snaps? Find out in "Field Guide to Cookies", ahandy pocket reference to more than 100 cookie recipes, completewith the fascinating historical background (the first known recipefor brownies was published in the 1897 Sears, Roebuck Catalogue),season (April 9 is Chinese Almond Cookie Day), and helpful bakingnotes for each delicious variety, from traditional favourites tomore exotic concoctions from all over the world. Including drop,bar, piped, rolled, puffed, sandwich, savoury, and mouldedvarieties, every cookie is illustrated in glorious full colour,with step-by-step instructions on how to prepare, bake, serve, andstore your creations. Gooey, delicious, home-baked confections arejust minutes away with "Field Guide to Cookies" in your pantry!
The wickedly entertaining, hunger-inducing, behind-the-scenesstory of the revolution in American food that has made exoticingredients, celebrity chefs, rarefied cooking tools, anddestination restaurants familiar aspects of our everydaylives. Amazingly enough, just twenty years ago eating sushi was a daringnovelty and many Americans had never even heard of salsa. Today, wedon't bat an eye at a construction worker dipping a croissant intorobust specialty coffee, city dwellers buying just-picked farmstandproduce, or suburbanites stocking up on artisanal cheeses and extravirgin oils at supermarkets. The United States of Arugula is arollicking, revealing stew of culinary innovation, food politics,and kitchen confidences chronicling how gourmet eating in Americawent from obscure to pervasive—and became the cultural successstory of our era.