When I first decided to write a book on string theory, more than ten years ago, my memories of my student years were much more vivid than they are today. Still, I remember that one of the greatest pleasures was finding a text that made a difficult subject accessible, and I hoped to provide the same for string theory. Thus, my first purpose was to give a coherent introduction to string theory, based on the Polyakov path integral and conformal field theory. No previous knowledge of string theory is assumed. I do assume that the reader is familiar with the central ideas of general relativity, such as metrics and curvature, and with the ideas of quantum field theory through non- Abelian gauge symmetry. Originally a full course of quantum field theory was assumed as a prerequisite, but it became clear that many students were eager to learn string theory as soon as possible, and that others had taken courses on quantum field theory that did not emphasize the tools needed for string theory. I have therefore tri
My intention is that this book serve as a reference work on interacting particle systems, and that it be used as the basis for an advanced graduate course on this subject. The book should be of interest not only to mathematicians, but also to workers in related areas such as mathematical physics and mathematical biology. The prerequisites for reading it are solid one-year graduate courses in analysis and probability theory, at the level of Royden (1968) and Chung (1974), respectively. Material which is usually covered in these courses will be used without ment. In addition, a familiarity with a number of other types of stochastic processes will be helpful. However, references will be given when results from speized parts of probability theory are used. No particular knowledge of statistical mechanics or mathematical biology is assumed. While this is the first book-length treatment of the subject of interacting particle systems, a number of surveys of parts of the field have appeared
核探针是指以能量和动量运动的粒子,它们可以通过电磁相互作用、强相互作用或弱相互作用与原子核或核子发生碰撞,交换能量和动量,并 在碰撞过程的末态由探测装置提取出携带核或核子信息的物理量。宁平治等编著的《中高能核探针与原子核结构(精)》主要介绍了电磁探针,包括电子探针和光子探针;强子探针,包括核子探针,π介子探针和K介子探针。其 次介绍了各种中高能探针应用于奇异性产生和重味产生。另外,扼要地介绍了核物理中的中微子探针。 《中高能核探针与原子核结构(精)》可作为原子核物理、强子物理及相关科学技术领域研究人员、研究生及大专院校核物理教师的参考书:内容精 简后亦可作为主攻中高能核物理与强子物理方向的研究生教材。
本书根据英国大学出版社(Cambridge University Press)出版的R.Frnhwirth等人所著本书》(Data Analysis Techniques for High-Energy Physics)一书的2000年版(第2版)译出。 本书原著是一部在国际实验高能物理界具有广泛影响的著作,它系统地介绍了高能物理实验数据分析涉及的各方面内容,主要包括在线实时分析和数据获取后的离线分析两大部分。在线分析包括事例的硬件实时触发、软件过滤和初步判选;离线分析包括带电粒子寻迹、径迹重建、粒子簇射重建、高速带电粒子产生的切仑科夫环像重建、径迹拟合、事例初级和次级顶点拟合等。此外,还简要描述了实验数据的物理分析方法,包括数据提取和选择的基本原理,利用图形来诠释数据和进行事例显示等。书中列举了许多实际的例子和大量原著的文献,以帮助读者深入理解所阐述的内容。 本书可供从事粒子物理、核
超对称是自然界中一种新的对称性。本书全面系统地介绍了粒子物理学中的超对称,首先阐述了超对称的基本概念,接着展示了如何将超对称纳入到描述基本粒子的理论框架中。书中采用了高能物理实验学家和唯象学家们所熟悉的四分量旋量表示,从而使得本书的可读性大为增强。本书迅速地将读者从抽象描述带入到构造基本粒子的超对称性规范理论,并最终给出对撞机和宇宙学实验观测量的计算。本书与高能实验和唯象理论结合得非常紧密,这是本书的一大特色。对于从事粒子物理实验和唯象研究的物理学家和研究生而言,这是一本全面、实用且易懂的教学参考书,并且包括大量的练习和补充材料,非常合适作为超对称理论的入门教材。阅读本书需要一些基本的标准模型和量子场论知识。 读者对象:粒子物理、理论物理和场论等专业的高年级本科生、研究生
《量子场论(上)》为作者多年来在北京大学物理学院讲授《量子场论》、《量子规范场论》两门研究生课程讲义的基础上整理而成。 本书介绍了标准的现代量子场论与量子规范场论教科书应有的基础内容,如场量子化、微扰理论、正规化和重整化等。此外,由于相对论性量子场论的主要应用在于高能物理领域,关于强、弱、电相互作用的标准模型的建立与计算以及一些相关的场论知识,也是本书所讨论的重点内容之一。 除此以外本书的特色还在于花的篇幅介绍了色散关系,S 矩阵理论以及分波动力学的一些基础知识。这些知识较少在现代场论书里讨论,但是作者认为在目前的粒子物理的发展形势下,重新开始重视这些内容是值得的。它们是研究强子之间相互作用动力学必不可少的准备。基于同样理由,我们也花了一些篇幅介绍了有效场论技术、尤其是手
Quantum mechanics is one of the most fascinating, and at the same time most controversial, branches of contemporary science. Disputes have accompanied this science since its birth and have not ceased to this day. What is the sense of a probability interpretation of a physical phenomenon? Which approach to a quantum field theory is more consistent? How must we comprehend a quantum world? This book,leaving aside the search for spiritual content and answers to these questions, allows one to deeply contemplate some ideas and methods that are seldom met in the contemporary literature. Instead of widespread recipes of mathematical physics based on the solutions of integro-differential equations, we prefer logical and partly intuitional derivations of noncommutative algebra. The reader, having become armed with the necessary knowledge and skills from classical physics and symbolic mathematics, can thus directly penetrate the abstract world of quantum mechanics. For exactly solvable models
本书系统论述包含奇异性(s夸克)的强子与原子核的基本性质。奇异性自由度为原子核物理打开了新的维度,极大地丰富了核物理的研究内容。本书内容涉及奇异粒子性质(章)、奇异粒子与核子的二体相互作用(第2章)、奇异粒子与原子核的相互作用——束缚态(第3章)、奇异性散射态(第4章)、奇异原子与强相互作用(第5章)、奇异性夸克物质和奇异性强子物质(第6章)。 本书可作为原子核物理、粒子物理、理论物理等相关专业领域的研究人员和研究生的参考书。
《量子场论(上)》为作者多年来在北京大学物理学院讲授《量子场论》、《量子规范场论》两门研究生课程讲义的基础上整理而成。 本书介绍了标准的现代量子场论与量子规范场论教科书应有的基础内容,如场量子化、微扰理论、正规化和重整化等。此外,由于相对论性量子场论的主要应用在于高能物理领域,关于强、弱、电相互作用的标准模型的建立与计算以及一些相关的场论知识,也是本书所讨论的重点内容之一。 除此以外本书的特色还在于花一定的篇幅介绍了色散关系,S 矩阵理论以及分波动力学的一些基础知识。这些知识较少在现代场论书里讨论,但是作者认为在目前的粒子物理的发展形势下,重新开始重视这些内容是值得的。它们是研究强子之间相互作用动力学必不可少的准备。基于同样理由,我们也花了一些篇幅介绍了有效场论技术、尤其是手征微