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    • Best of Chinese Cuisine Herbal Dish-上品中国菜-药膳-英文 (新加坡)陈特瑞 著【正
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    • (新加坡)陈特瑞 著 /2011-06-01/ 五洲传播出版社
    • When thiook was first published in1983, little had been written in English about Chinese herbalcuisine and its health-promoting qualities. Terry Tan, at that timea consultant chef and lecturer at the School of Oriental Cooking inLondon, and prior to that a well-known writer and food consultantin Singapore, took on the formidable task of perating themystique that surrounded the intricacies of using Chinese herbs.Therecipes he piled made it possible for even the novice cook toserve up nourishing herbalstews and one-pot meals with confidence.Best of Chinese Cuisine: Herbal Dish has proven to be popular overalmost three decades, and this new edition haeen produced forthe twenty-first century, with updated herb information and 20brand new recipes. Reworked with contemporary tastes and lifestylesin mind, the new edition is poised to inform and endear itself toanother generation of readers.

    • ¥33.8 ¥179.1 折扣:1.9折
    • 正版图书 简易家常菜 外文出版社 9787119030814
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    • 林淑莲 著 /2008-01-01/ 外文出版社
    • 本书精选了118道家常,配以560余幅精美的彩色图片,采用图示的方法分步骤讲解,使您减少摸索的时间,尽快享受到烹调美食的乐趣。 闲睱之余,去超市买些鱼肉,青菜、回到家中按图索“骥”,相信您会以愉快的心情,遨游于厨艺天地之间,让美味佳肴之香温暖全家人的心房与胃肠。 本书文字汉英对照,喜爱中国菜的外国朋友,拥有此书,潜心习练,定会成为中国菜的烹调大师。

    • ¥45.6 ¥244.71 折扣:1.9折
    • Best of Chinese Cuisine Herbal Dish-上品中国菜-药膳-英文 (新加坡)陈特瑞 著【正
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • (新加坡)陈特瑞 著 /2011-06-01/ 五洲传播出版社
    • When thiook was first published in1983, little had been written in English about Chinese herbalcuisine and its health-promoting qualities. Terry Tan, at that timea consultant chef and lecturer at the School of Oriental Cooking inLondon, and prior to that a well-known writer and food consultantin Singapore, took on the formidable task of perating themystique that surrounded the intricacies of using Chinese herbs.Therecipes he piled made it possible for even the novice cook toserve up nourishing herbalstews and one-pot meals with confidence.Best of Chinese Cuisine: Herbal Dish has proven to be popular overalmost three decades, and this new edition haeen produced forthe twenty-first century, with updated herb information and 20brand new recipes. Reworked with contemporary tastes and lifestylesin mind, the new edition is poised to inform and endear itself toanother generation of readers.

    • ¥33.8 ¥179.1 折扣:1.9折