
  • 50~元以上
  • 2折-3.9折
仅五星 以上 以上 以上 以上
    • 中国针灸学 Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion 程莘农 主编 外文出版社【正版】
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 程莘农 主编 /2010-03-01/ 外文出版社
    • Acupuncture and mobustion are indispensable parts of traditiona[Chinses medicine in the prevention and control of disease.Since the founding of the People's Republic of China these arts have beendeveloped and are highly regarded by the international, academic munity. Based upon Essentials of Chinese Acupuncture, used as a textbook by the International. Acupuncture Training Centers in Beijng, Shanghai and Nanjing, Chinese Acupuncture and Mobustion incorporates the rich experience of class teaching and clinical, practice and the results of acupuncture research, retaining the characteristic features ofthe traditional theory of acupuncture and stressing the integration of theory and practice.The book consists of eighteen chapters and four appendices. Chinese Acupuncture and Mobustion was piled by the International Acupuncture Training Centers and Acupuncture Institute of China, Academy of Traditional. Chinese Medicine, on mission of the Ministry of Public Health. It is published by Foreign Languages Press and dis

    • ¥120 ¥325.37 折扣:3.7折
    • 中国针灸学 Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion 程莘农 主编 外文出版社【正版】
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 程莘农 主编 /2010-03-01/ 外文出版社
    • Acupuncture and mobustion are indispensable parts of traditiona[Chinses medicine in the prevention and control of disease.Since the founding of the People's Republic of China these arts have beendeveloped and are highly regarded by the international, academic munity. Based upon Essentials of Chinese Acupuncture, used as a textbook by the International. Acupuncture Training Centers in Beijng, Shanghai and Nanjing, Chinese Acupuncture and Mobustion incorporates the rich experience of class teaching and clinical, practice and the results of acupuncture research, retaining the characteristic features ofthe traditional theory of acupuncture and stressing the integration of theory and practice.The book consists of eighteen chapters and four appendices. Chinese Acupuncture and Mobustion was piled by the International Acupuncture Training Centers and Acupuncture Institute of China, Academy of Traditional. Chinese Medicine, on mission of the Ministry of Public Health. It is published by Foreign Languages Press and dis

    • ¥120 ¥343 折扣:3.5折
    • 民间银饰 Chinesische Volkskunst -- Silberschmuck 王金华 编著,李响 译 外文出
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    • 王金华 编著,李响 译 /2009-01-01/ 外文出版社
    • Der volkstümliche Silberschmuck geh?rt zu den repr?sentativsten Kunstwerken des chinesischen Volkes. Er stammt aus dem allt?glichen Leben der einfachen Leute und bezieht daraus seine sprudelnde Lebenskraft. Alle in diesem Buch enthaltenen Silberschmuckwaren (darunter einige Silberschmuckwaren der adligen Oberschicht) weisen eine starke volkstümliche F?rbung auf und sind Ausdruck der Essenz der traditionellen chinesischen Kunst. Eine grosse Rolle bei der Auswahl der Motive spielen Homonym und Konnotation, um dem Wunsch nach Glück und Wohlstand bildhaft Gestalt zu verleihen. Das Buch umfasst mehr als 200 Abbildungen volkstümlicher Silberschmuckwaren, die in Kategorien unterteilt sind. Zu jeder Abbildung gibt es eine kurze Erkl?rung.

    • ¥54 ¥147 折扣:3.7折
    • 中国针灸学 Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion 程莘农 主编 外文出版社【正版】
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 程莘农 主编 /2010-03-01/ 外文出版社
    • Acupuncture and mobustion are indispensable parts of traditiona[Chinses medicine in the prevention and control of disease.Since the founding of the People's Republic of China these arts have beendeveloped and are highly regarded by the international, academic munity. Based upon Essentials of Chinese Acupuncture, used as a textbook by the International. Acupuncture Training Centers in Beijng, Shanghai and Nanjing, Chinese Acupuncture and Mobustion incorporates the rich experience of class teaching and clinical, practice and the results of acupuncture research, retaining the characteristic features ofthe traditional theory of acupuncture and stressing the integration of theory and practice.The book consists of eighteen chapters and four appendices. Chinese Acupuncture and Mobustion was piled by the International Acupuncture Training Centers and Acupuncture Institute of China, Academy of Traditional. Chinese Medicine, on mission of the Ministry of Public Health. It is published by Foreign Languages Press and dis

    • ¥120 ¥325.37 折扣:3.7折
    • 中国印章—历史与艺术 孙慰祖 著,解圣哲,周钢,章挺权 等译 外文出版社【正版】
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    • 孙慰祖 著,解圣哲,周钢,章挺权 等译 /2010-08-01/ 外文出版社
    • 从印鉴的起源开始,《历史与艺术:中国印章(英文版)》将系统梳理中国印鉴自商周以来的发展历程,展现各种印鉴的形态,并从中国传统文化的角度去观照印鉴背后的内涵和文化,如印鉴与书法、绘画的关系,与中国古代职官制度甚至与历史考古的关系等。《历史与艺术:中国印章(英文版)》将以活泼生动、富有趣味的语言和故事来贯穿对印鉴历史和知识的叙述,以1000幅左右的精美的印鉴实物图片展示给读者,达到图文互释的作用。《历史与艺术:中国印章(英文版)》在资料的丰富、论述的祥细、制作的精美等方面,将是对现有关于印鉴方面图书的一个突破。

    • ¥204 ¥843.37 折扣:2.4折
    • 中国民间文化遗产—民间年画 ESTAMPAS DE A?O NUEVO 蓝先琳 编著 外文出版社,【正版可开发票】
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    • 蓝先琳 编著 /2008-01-01/ 外文出版社
    • Las estampas de a?o nuevo son una forma artística folclórica de mucho arraigo en China. Se trata de una variedad independiente de pintura tradicional que llama mucho la atención por su colorido. Por estampas de a?o nuevo se entienden las obras pintadas y pegadas en las fachadas e interiores de las residencias chinas en vísperas de a?o nuevo, confeccionadas por talleres locales de artesanía. Desde el punto de vista genérico, las estampas se refieren a toda pintura creada por artesanos folclóricos, reproducida a través de la escultura, que refleja la vida urbana y rural. Las estampas folclóricas de a?o nuevo de China no sólo son vistosas y ricas en contenido y formas de expresión, sino también en significación cultural e histórica. El presente libro divide la presentación de las distintas estampas en cinco grupos: dioses de la puerta, dioses folclóricos, ni?os y beldades, costumbres y festividades, y cuentos y representaciones teatrales. Todas las ilustraciones, cuya gran parte es obra de grande

    • ¥55 ¥157 折扣:3.5折
    • 大中华文库-汉魏六朝小说选精 杨宪益,戴乃迭 英译,汪龙麟 今译 外文出版社,【正版可开发票】
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    • 杨宪益,戴乃迭 译,汪龙麟 译 /2006-01-01/ 外文出版社
    • 本书从《列异传》、《搜神记》、《幽明录》、《世说新语》等汉魏六朝(公元前206—公元589年)小说中遴选90篇,展示了中国古代小说童年期的大致面貌。 汉魏六朝小说大致可分为三种,类是记叙神、仙、鬼、怪的志怪书,如《列异传》、《搜神记》等等,第二类记叙历史人物事件但掺杂了较多怪诞无稽的内容,有人称它们为杂史杂传,如《燕丹子》、《汉武故事》等等,第三类是记叙当时名士的卓然不群的举止言行的志人书,如《世说新语》等等。这些古小说除杂史杂传的篇幅较长之外,大都是丛残小语,故事粗陈梗概,有的还谈不上是故事。它们文字简古,但文约而事丰,用极简练的文字就可以叙说极复杂的事物。 汉魏六朝小说很早就流传到国外。本书选用的英文译本,系中国著名的文学翻译家杨宪益、戴乃迭夫妇所译。这是当今众多英译本中的一种。

    • ¥102 ¥265.37 折扣:3.8折
    • 精彩苏州 Suzhou-basics【正版图书,满额减】
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • (美)雪莉·布莱恩特 著 /2010-06-01/ 五洲传播出版社
    • Suzhouisacityofgaroens,silkanopoetsthatnascaptivatedtheimaginationofChinaandtheworldforcountlesscenturies.Fromitsoriginsinancienttimestothedevelopmentandrenovationsofrecentyears,ithasremainedasourceofinspirationforvisitorsandresidentsalike.SuzhouBasicstellsthestoryofthismagicalcity,coveringeverythingfromitsmostfamedattractionstoitshiddengemsandsecretlegends.

    • ¥235.9 ¥603 折扣:3.9折
    • 大中华文库-汉魏六朝小说选精【正版书籍,满额减】
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • /2006-01-01/ 外文出版社
    • 本书从《列异传》、《搜神记》、《幽明录》、《世说新语》等汉魏六朝(公元前206—公元589年)小说中遴选90篇,展示了中国古代小说童年期的大致面貌。汉魏六朝小说大致可分为三种,类是记叙神、仙、鬼、怪的志怪书,如《列异传》、《搜神记》等等,第二类记叙历史人物事件但掺杂了较多怪诞无稽的内容,有人称它们为杂史杂传,如《燕丹子》、《汉武故事》等等,第三类是记叙当时名士的卓然不群的举止言行的志人书,如《世说新语》等等。这些古小说除杂史杂传的篇幅较长之外,大都是丛残小语,故事粗陈梗概,有的还谈不上是故事。它们文字简古,但文约而事丰,用极简练的文字就可以叙说极复杂的事物。汉魏六朝小说很早就流传到国外。本书选用的英文译本,系中国著名的文学翻译家杨宪益、戴乃迭夫妇所译。这是当今众多英译本中的一种。

    • ¥127.8 ¥405.7 折扣:3.2折
    • 民间银饰 Chinesische Volkskunst -- Silberschmuck 王金华 编著,李响 译
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 王金华 编著,李响 译 /2009-01-01/ 外文出版社
    • Der volkstümliche Silberschmuck geh?rt zu den repr?sentativsten Kunstwerken des chinesischen Volkes. Er stammt aus dem allt?glichen Leben der einfachen Leute und bezieht daraus seine sprudelnde Lebenskraft. Alle in diesem Buch enthaltenen Silberschmuckwaren (darunter einige Silberschmuckwaren der adligen Oberschicht) weisen eine starke volkstümliche F?rbung auf und sind Ausdruck der Essenz der traditionellen chinesischen Kunst. Eine grosse Rolle bei der Auswahl der Motive spielen Homonym und Konnotation, um dem Wunsch nach Glück und Wohlstand bildhaft Gestalt zu verleihen. Das Buch umfasst mehr als 200 Abbildungen volkstümlicher Silberschmuckwaren, die in Kategorien unterteilt sind. Zu jeder Abbildung gibt es eine kurze Erkl?rung.

    • ¥50.1 ¥169 折扣:3折
    • The Government and Politics of China【正版书籍,满额减】
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • /2011-12-01/ 商务印书馆
    • Thisbookhasseveralparts.ChaptersⅡandⅢarebriefreviewsofthe politicalideasandinstitutionsofancentChina.ThefourchaptersthatfollowGiveabriefaccountofpoliticalandinstitutionaldevelopmentduringthegenerationprecedingtheKuomintangGovernmentof1928.ChaptersVIIIandIXdescribetheKuomintangandthetheoryandpracticeofpoliticaltutelageasadvocatedbyit.ThebodyofthebookdealswiththeorganizationandoperationoftheKuomintangGovernment.Thelastchapters,ChaptersXXtoXXIVinclusive,areconcernedmorewithpolitics.Therearealsoanintroductoryandaconcludingchapter.

    • ¥156.6 ¥463.3 折扣:3.4折
    • 中国古典文学简史
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • /2009-08-01/ 外文出版社
    • This short history deals with Chinese literature from the earliest days to the May the Fourth Movement of 1919, giving a brief introduction to classical Chinese literature and a general survey of the chief writers and their most important works. The development of Chinese literature since the May the Fourth Movement will be covered in a forthing publication, "A Short History of Modern Chinese Literature."

    • ¥66.71 ¥263.84 折扣:2.5折
    • 中国针灸学 Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion 程莘农 主编 外文出版社【正版书】
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 程莘农 主编 /2010-03-01/ 外文出版社
    • Acupuncture and mobustion are indispensable parts of traditiona[Chinses medicine in the prevention and control of disease.Since the founding of the People's Republic of China these arts have beendeveloped and are highly regarded by the international, academic munity. Based upon Essentials of Chinese Acupuncture, used as a textbook by the International. Acupuncture Training Centers in Beijng, Shanghai and Nanjing, Chinese Acupuncture and Mobustion incorporates the rich experience of class teaching and clinical, practice and the results of acupuncture research, retaining the characteristic features ofthe traditional theory of acupuncture and stressing the integration of theory and practice.The book consists of eighteen chapters and four appendices. Chinese Acupuncture and Mobustion was piled by the International Acupuncture Training Centers and Acupuncture Institute of China, Academy of Traditional. Chinese Medicine, on mission of the Ministry of Public Health. It is published by Foreign Languages Press and dis

    • ¥120 ¥345.37 折扣:3.5折