本书由姜礼增著:毋庸讳言,不论法官如何具有高尚品格、专业知识,终究也只是个圆颅方趾的凡人,不是神,要借用诉讼审判的方法,发现客观的真实,不论是实行自由心证或法定证据法制,都是极为困难的。因此,诉讼外解决纠纷的机制,如调解、和解、仲裁等制度,在现代复杂的工商业社会,显得尤其重要。笔者从事数十年的司法实务,更深深地体会到,在这些解决纠纷的机制中,法院的调解,是发现客观真实,解决纠纷,最为有效且重要的机制,若能大力地推广和落实,当能有效弥补诉讼审判的不足。他山之石可以攻错,此参诸美国的《联邦民事诉讼规则》规定的发现程序,借由证据的开示,真实的发现,促成大部分案件和解的达成,同其趣旨。 本书适合民事诉讼审判工作者、研究者阅读。
Publication of the new 17th Edition of Phipson is an occasion for welcome and congratulation. There are few topics in the law of so wide a reach, of such importance, and yet so demanding of illumination. Phipson is equal to its task. Its breadth is breathtaking. Where else can one find teaching of such quality in relation to the criminal law, the law relating to opinion evidence and to experts and the evidential role and use of statistics?