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    • 西游记(上中下)英文精装版
    •   ( 671 条评论 )
    • 吴承恩 /2018-12-01/ 外文出版社
    • This is the third and final volume ofthe classic Chinese fantasy novel,Joumey to the West. In it the four pil-grims-the Tang Priest Sanzang andhis three powerful disciples, Monkey,Pig and Friar Sand-have to deal withmany more monsters and misfortunesbefore they finally reach their goal:Thunder Monastery in the westernHeaven where the Lord Buddha lives.Even here their troubles are not at anend. The scriptures they are given atfirst are all blank.On this last part of the journey thedemons come in as wide a range ofshapes and kinds as ever. Among themare spider-women who spin webs fromtheir navels, a pride of lion monstersand a terrlble female spirit who carriesthe Tang Priest down into her bottom-less cave to marry him. These and allthe other fiends test to the very limitMonkey's ingenuity, supernatural pow-ers and connections throughout theuniverse. As in earlier volumes, he ishindered as much as helped by theoafish but loveable Pig.The story is told with the zest, im-aglnation and humour that

    • ¥129.3 ¥198 折扣:6.5折
    • 水浒传(上中下)英文精装版
    •   ( 252 条评论 )
    • 施耐庵罗贯中 /2007-01-01/ 外文出版社
    • 水浒传是一部长篇英雄传奇,是以宋江起义故事为线索创作出来的。宋江起义发生在北宋徽宗时期,《宋史》的《徽宗本纪》、《侯蒙传》、《张叔夜传》等都有记载。从南宋起,宋江起义的故事就在民间流传,《醉翁谈录》记载了一些独立的有关水浒英雄的传说,《大宋宣和遗事》把许多水浒故事联缀起来,和长篇小说已经很接近。元代出现了不少水浒戏,一批梁山英雄作为舞台形象出现。《水浒传》(上下)是宋江起义故事在民间长期流传基础上产生出来的,吸收了民间文学的营养。《水浒传》(上下)是我国人民*喜爱的古典长篇白话小说之一。它产生于明代,是在宋、元以来有关水浒的故事、话本、戏曲的基础上,由作者加工整理、创作而成的。全书以宋江领导的农民起义为主要题材,艺术地再现了中国古代人民反抗压迫、英勇斗争的悲壮画卷。作品充分

    • ¥118.8 ¥198 折扣:6折
    • 红楼梦(1-4) 外文出版社
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • [清]曹雪芹,[清]高鹗 /2021-01-01/ 外文出版社
    • This celebrated Chinese classic novel is a masterpiece of realism written in themiddle of the 18th century. Taking as its background the decline of several relatedbig families and drawing much from his own experiences, the author Can Xueqin(?- c.1763) focused on the tragic love between Jia Baoyou and Lin Daiyu and, inthe meantime, provided a panorama of the lives of people of various levels in thedegenerating empire. But he left the work unfinished (or the last 40 chapterswere lost). Gao E (c.1738- cA815) completed the work some years later in muchof Gao's spirit and also put in his own revelations, which aroused protractedcontroversy throughout the centuries. Exposing social evils, the book cries outits denunciation against the feudal system. All techniques of literal' merit developedin previous periods were incorporated into the great work with much originality. Itstands out in world literature, ranking with Hamlet and War and Peace. Illustratedwith woodblock prints.

    • ¥109.2 ¥168 折扣:6.5折
    • 大中华文库:聊斋志异选(汉日对照)
    •   ( 32 条评论 )
    • 蒲松龄 著 /2015-11-01/ 外文出版社
    • 《聊斋志异》成书于十七至十八世纪的中国清代,作者蒲松龄。该书在广泛搜集民间传说的基础上创作而成,在中国小说史上是一部横空出世的惊世奇书。它的近五百篇作品,构建了一个人鬼狐妖曲折离奇的艺术世界,用细腻洗练的文笔,塑造了一大批家喻户晓、鲜明生动的“聊斋人物”,成为中国文学人物画廊中的一个奇观。全书浪漫恣肆、充满想象,或把狐鬼花妖现实化,或将现实生活神异化;或美颂人间真情,或讽喻世态丑恶,亦真亦幻,出神人化,意象神奇,令人惊叹。《聊斋志异》以其独特而杰出的艺术成就,成为中国文言小说的**之作。 《聊斋志异选(共2册汉日对照)(精)》由福井百合子、高口康太、木下佳代子译。

    • ¥120.8 ¥185 折扣:6.5折
    • 史记选(汉英对照 全3册) /大中华文库 (西汉)司马迁 著,安平秋 校译;杨宪益,戴乃迭
    •   ( 16 条评论 )
    • 西汉司马迁 著,安平秋 译;杨宪益戴乃迭 /2008-06-01/ 外文出版社
    • 《史记》是中国第一部纪传体通史,它是西汉史学家司马迁的隐忍发愤之作。它记述了上起黄帝,下至汉武帝三千年间的历史。全书共130篇,以人物为中心,通过人物传记勾勒历史发展的进程。它是中国传记文学的开端,被称为“史家之绝唱,无韵之离骚”,对后世史学和文学的发展都产生了深远影响。 本书所选31篇是《史记》中故事性强、极代表性的篇目,这些故事描写注重细节,且场面宏大,人物形象跃然纸上。在《史记》五体中,以七十列传的内容最为生动丰富,因此,本书所选篇目中,列传有很大比重。 本书由安平秋校勘并译成精炼的白话文,英译采用了杨宪益、戴乃迭夫妇的经典译本。

    • ¥117 ¥180 折扣:6.5折