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    • 金瓶梅(1-4)朝文版
    •   ( 67 条评论 )
    • 兰陵笑笑生 著、朴正阳 译 /2013-06-01/ 黑龙江朝鲜民族出版社
    • 本部古典名著是由现任烟台南山学院外事翻译学院的资深教授朴正阳以人民出版社1985年5月翻译出版。是国内少见的朝文版《金瓶梅》,对不同名族语言文化的交流有很大的促进作用,同时,对少数民族的文学事业也有很大的推动作用。 《金瓶梅》是我国*部文人独立创作的长篇白话世情章回小说,以"禁书"、"奇书"闻名。本书借《水浒传》中武松杀嫂一段故事为引子,写潘金莲未被武松杀死,嫁给西门庆为妾,由此转入小说的主体,通过对西门庆及其家庭罪恶生活的描述,体现当时民间的生活面貌。以市井人物为主要角色,通过多侧面多层次的描写,将明代封建社会的黑暗腐朽暴露得淋漓尽致。在这一点上,《金瓶梅》远胜过《水浒传》。

    • ¥99.8 ¥158 折扣:6.3折
    • 三国演义(共4册)(英文版)
    •   ( 223 条评论 )
    • /1995-01-01/ 外文出版社
    • "The empire, long divided, must unite; long united, must divide. Thus is has ever been." With this characterization of the inevitable cycle of Chinese history, the monumental tale Three Kingdoms begins. As important for Chinese culture as the Homeric epics have been for the West, this Ming dynasty masterpiece continues to be read and loved throughout China as well as in Japan, Korea, and Vietnam. The novel offers a startling and unsparing view of how power is wielded, how diplomacy is conducted, and how wars are planned and fought; it has influenced the ways that Chinese think about power, diplomacy, and war even to this day. ThreeKingdomsportrays a fateful moment at the end of the Hart dynasty(206 B.C.-A.D. 220) when the future of the Chinese empire lay in the balance.Writing more than a millennium later, Luo Guanzhong drew on ofen-told tales of this turbulent period to fashion a sophisticated, compelling narrative, whose characters display vivid individuality and epic grandeur. The story begins when the e

    • ¥83.6 ¥128 折扣:6.5折
    • 紫禁城里的洋天文学家
    •   ( 8 条评论 )
    • 王惠琴 著 /2014-11-20/ 北京语言大学出版社
    • 本书是一本中英文对照的绘本读物。全书用中国画和当代手法描绘了清朝期间,西方洋天文学家刘松龄这位西学东渐的重要人物在乾隆时期所做的几件重要历史事件。全书以时间为序,图文并茂地讲述了刘松龄的一生。本书可以使中外读者通过阅读人物故事,从一个新的角度了解中国,了解中国与西方的文化与文明交流史。

    • ¥71.7 ¥108 折扣:6.6折