认识中国系列丛书 从*本《你好,中国》开始,就友好地邀请您加入 认识中国 的阅读体验。她将带着你一起去探索这个或许对你来说陌生,甚至有些神秘的国家。 在第三本《中国有56个民族》里,你将拜访生活在中国各地的不同民族,欣赏哈尼族人花费上千年修筑的梯田;倾听维吾尔族人演唱全世界*长的歌曲;辨认世界上* 活着 的象形文字 纳西族人的东巴文 在丰富而有趣的体验中,或许能解答你的疑问:为什么中国有56个民族呢? 认识中国系列丛书 包括中文版和英文版,本书为中文版,适合具有一定汉语水平的人阅读。若无汉语阅读能力者,可选择英文版。
The statement that China is passing through an unprecedent-edrevolution has almost become a platitude, but its very obviousnessin no way diminishes its truth. The changes which this huge andvenerable country experienced in the past are negligible whencompared with the developments of the last decade. The reason forthis difference in degree-which amounts to a qualitative change-isthat developments in the past hardly influenced fundamentals, ifthey ever did so at all, whereas the present transformation deeplyaffects them. It is even consciously aimed at changing the socialstructure and all that this entails.