Subsequent to Writing and Practice, thiook features a collection of some of our students’ written work bined with careful and insightful ments of a team of senior professors and teachers who have for many yeareen involved in teaching English writing to research students at the master’s and doctoral levels. We believe that this selection of our students’ original work, inadequate in various aspects yet refreshing in creativity, can dramatically reveal the actual learning experience typical of Chinese students working their way to good English writing. It is our hope that with the expertise of our editorial team dedicated to helping students improve their English writing proficiency, thiook that features students’ originality and interactive learning strategy will be able to present to students an opportunity to criticize and draw on their fellows’ work while reflecting on their own, and to invite our academic peers to re-examihe approaches we have been adopting in our teaching of English writing.
Subsequent to Writing and Practice, thiook features a collection of some of our students’ written work bined with careful and insightful ments of a team of senior professors and teachers who have for many yeareen involved in teaching English writing to research students at the master’s and doctoral levels. We believe that this selection of our students’ original work, inadequate in various aspects yet refreshing in creativity, can dramatically reveal the actual learning experience typical of Chinese students working their way to good English writing. It is our hope that with the expertise of our editorial team dedicated to helping students improve their English writing proficiency, thiook that features students’ originality and interactive learning strategy will be able to present to students an opportunity to criticize and draw on their fellows’ work while reflecting on their own, and to invite our academic peers to re-examihe approaches we have been adopting in our teaching of English writing.
本书结合河南理工大学本科生及研究生英语水平的特点编写而成,既符合校本教材使用也符合其他院校英语类专业学生选用。全书结构安排合理,内容涵盖了科学伦理、公共卫生、心理干预、经济发展、环境保护、世界人口、 安全、美丽与时尚等内容,各单元选用的相关题材广泛新颖。同时,该教材各单元末配备有相关练习和知识点,各练习设计科学合理,包括和主题相关的听力、口语、写作和翻译,可以充分培养学生的语言知识和语言能力,是学习英语的 参考资料。本教材内容涵盖了科学伦理、公共卫生、心理干预、经济发展、环境保护、世界人口、 安全、美丽与时尚等内容,题材广泛新颖。同时,该教材各单元练习设计科学合理,包括和主题相关的听力、口语、写作和翻译,可以充分培养学生的语言知识和语言能力。