《鲁滨逊漂流记》是一部具有传奇色彩的回忆录式冒险小说,讲述了主人公鲁滨逊在海难中流落荒岛,在孤岛生活了28年并重返文明社会的故事。小说塑造了一个乐观积极、坚强不屈的主人公形象,并以这样的精神内涵激励着无数的阅读者。 小说采用第一人称的写法,描写了出身于商人之家的鲁滨逊,不甘过平庸的生活,一心向往着充满冒险与挑战的海外生活,于是私自离家出海航行,去实现遨游世界的梦想,但每次都历尽艰险。小说的第一部分写鲁滨逊离家三次航海的经历,在巴西买了种植园;第二部分是小说的主要部分,描写了鲁滨逊在一座荒无人烟的海岛上度过了28年孤独的时光;第三部分叙述他从荒岛回来后的事情,主要描写了他由陆路从葡萄牙回英国途中遭遇狼群的经历。 《汤姆·索亚历险记》是美国著名作家马克·吐温于19世纪70年代创作的重要作品。
Huang Hua just celebrated his 96th birthday. A graduate of Yenching University, he is a typical Chinese progressive intellectual of his time. In old China the suffering of the mon people and the pressing danger of losing the sovereignty of the entire nation led Huang Hua and millions of young people to join the struggle for China’s liberation. Huang Hua’s memoir is a book describing his more than 70 years of activities as a revolutionary and a diplomat. It reflects also many significant aspects of China’s modern political history. In his posts as ambassador and foreign minister he witnessed a great range of events in international relations and participated in the realization of the foreign policy of New China. As to the book’s style of writing, it is just like the character of the author-clear and straightforward, so it is easy to read and prehend.