《科学教材译丛 物理》是科学教育丛书系列中的一本。它风格独具、妙趣横生,英文原版是英国主流中学教材,深受广大师生欢迎。本翻译教材核心概念突出、知识应用宽泛、习题设计考究,将严谨而复杂的科学内容通过极有创意的版式、滑稽有趣的漫画、生动贴切的照片等深入浅出地呈现出来,这将极大提高学生对科学的学习兴趣。本教材既可作为广大中学生的课外阅读材料,也可作为广大教师的教学参考资料。
Thiook has its origin in a long series of lectures given at the Institute for Theoretical Physics, Warsaw University. It is addressed to graduate students and to young research workers in theoretical physics who have some knowledge of quantum field theory in its canonical formulation, for instance at the level of two volumey Bjorken & Drell (1964, 1965). The book is intended to be a relatively concise reference to some of the field theoretical tools used in contemporary research in the theory of fundamental interactions. It is a technical book and not easy reading. Physical problems are discussed only as illustrations of certain theoretical ideas and of putational methods. No attempt haeen made to review systematically the present status of the theory of fundamental interactions.