The subtitle, Nonclassical Fields, is perhaps not as accurate as it might be as a summary of content; or to put it another way, if my aim from the start had beeto write a book othis topic, parts of that book would differ significantly from what follows here. Possibly the most important thing missing, and something that should be said, is that there are two quite distinct paths to a definitioof nonclassicality iquantum optics. The first is grounded ithe existence, or otherwise, of a nonsingular and positrve Glauber-SudarshaP function. The physical grounding is ithe treatment of optical measurements, specifically the photoelectric effect: for a giveoptical field, cathe photoelectrocounting statistics, including all correlations, be reproduced by a Poissoprocess of photoelectrogeneratiodriveby a classicallight intensity, allowed most generally to be stochastic? Viewed at a more informallevel, the questioasks whether or not the infamous proposal of Bohr, Kramers, and Slater for the interactioof classical light an
第二次世界大战后,美国的放射性同位素作为具有科学实用和医学诊断价值的产品,逐渐从军用转移到民用领域。 作者从科学史的角度出发,研究了大量一手文献,系统梳理了放射性同位素在不同领域中作为示踪剂和其他手段辅助研究,以及在医学诊断领域,尤其是癌症诊断的应用过程。其中既包含了科学家的智慧和思考,也包含着不同群体围绕和平利用核能的博弈与协作。