When I first decided to write a book on string theory, more than ten years ago, my memories of my student years were much more vivid than they are today. Still, I remember that one of the greatest pleasures was finding a text that made a difficult subject accessible, and I hoped to provide the same for string theory. Thus, my first purpose was to give a coherent introduction to string theory, based on the Polyakov path integral and conformal field theory. No previous knowledge of string theory is assumed. I do assume that the reader is familiar with the central ideas of general relativity, such as metrics and curvature, and with the ideas of quantum field theory through non- Abelian gauge symmetry. Originally a full course of quantum field theory was assumed as a prerequisite, but it became clear that many students were eager to learn string theory as soon as possible, and that others had taken courses on quantum field theory that did not emphasize the tools needed for string theory. I have therefore tri
《量子场论(上)》为作者多年来在北京大学物理学院讲授《量子场论》、《量子规范场论》两门研究生课程讲义的基础上整理而成。 本书介绍了标准的现代量子场论与量子规范场论教科书应有的基础内容,如场量子化、微扰理论、正规化和重整化等。此外,由于相对论性量子场论的主要应用在于高能物理领域,关于强、弱、电相互作用的标准模型的建立与计算以及一些相关的场论知识,也是本书所讨论的重点内容之一。 除此以外本书的特色还在于花一定的篇幅介绍了色散关系,S 矩阵理论以及分波动力学的一些基础知识。这些知识较少在现代场论书里讨论,但是作者认为在目前的粒子物理的发展形势下,重新开始重视这些内容是值得的。它们是研究强子之间相互作用动力学必不可少的准备。基于同样理由,我们也花了一些篇幅介绍了有效场论技术、尤其是手征微
《大学物理实验指导(第2版)》编著者张旭。 为了帮助学生解决在物理实验中经常遇到的一些问题,进一步提高学生的实验动手(操作)能力。鼓励学生勇于探索、创新,特编写了《大学物理实验指导(第2版)》一书。 本书着重介绍实验仪器及其操作方法、技巧,仪器的使用注意事项,在数据记录与处理中给出每个实验的具体要求,并安排了一定的分析思考题和拓展提高题。希望本书能帮助读者高效率地获取和理解实验知识,较好地掌握大学物理实验这门课程。 《大学物理实验指导》是与河北工业大学使用多年的普通高等教育“十一五”规划教材《大学物理实验》配套的教学辅助书,书中所列实验均是全国大学物理实验指导委员会在工科物理实验指导中所列的内容,其中部分实验作为设计性、特色研究性实验列入,可供理工科大学各专业物理实验教学参考使用
My intention is that this book serve as a reference work on interacting particle systems, and that it be used as the basis for an advanced graduate course on this subject. The book should be of interest not only to mathematicians, but also to workers in related areas such as mathematical physics and mathematical biology. The prerequisites for reading it are solid one-year graduate courses in analysis and probability theory, at the level of Royden (1968) and Chung (1974), respectively. Material which is usually covered in these courses will be used without comment. In addition, a familiarity with a number of other types of stochastic processes will be helpful. However, references will be given when results from speized parts of probability theory are used. No particular knowledge of statistical mechanics or mathematical biology is assumed. While this is the first book-length treatment of the subject of interacting particle systems, a number of surveys of parts of the field have appear
本书比较系统全面地介绍了核反应堆的基础知识,重点介绍了反应堆材料、反应堆物理、反应堆热工水力及反应堆安全的知识。本书的内容以核电站压水反应堆为主,同时也介绍了船用反应堆、航天用的反应堆、沸水堆、重水堆、气冷堆等不同类型的核反应堆。 书中涉及的学科领域比较广,专业面宽,内容涵盖了动力反应堆的主要专业知识,反映了目前核反应堆工程的发展趋势。 本书可作为高等院校核科不写核技术专业的研究生,也可作为核电站和船用核动力设计、运行及管理人员的培训参考书。