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    • 【正版】玉氏春秋
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    • 林家成 著 /2011-04-01/ 团结出版社
    • 春秋乱世,她从乱坟岗重生,寄人篱下。她女扮男装,混迹于游侠之间,靠聪明才智和经商之才,成为流亡齐地的赵公子出的门客和姬妾。她爱财如命,见金子两眼放光。他则以打压她为乐,没收她的财源。帷幔下,她以身相许,几多缱绻。她助他执掌赵国国政,一心为他。他则姬妾成群,另立她人为后。乱世争霸,她运筹帷幄,笑傲群雄。最终,她能否靠自己的才能让他一心一意,死心塌地?一对欢喜冤家,一场草根女与古代的情爱纠葛大戏,于春秋苍茫大地上,正在激情上演

    • ¥22.28 ¥45.56 折扣:4.9折
    • 时间之墟
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    • 宝树 著 /2013-11-01/ 长江文艺出版社
    • 公元2012年10月11日,一次超高能量的强子对撞机实验引发了无人能够想象的后果。世界范围内,时间场被扭曲,每隔二十个小时,一切都会还原到10月11日早上6点47分的状态,除了人们的记忆之外。时间的循环无穷无尽,一个不可思议的新纪元由此开始。韩方,北京一名最普通的大学生,和朋友们一起经历了这个新纪元最初的震惊和灾难。在每况愈下的混乱局势中,他们必须设法自救。此后的世界被疯狂和愚昧所席卷,他们的生活分崩离析,在黑暗的时代中仍坚守着希望。经历种种劫难后,一个自称受到时间之神指引的神秘教派又在全球范围兴起,教主保罗似乎掌握了幕后真相,通过精心安排的计划把人类带向不可知的未来。当令人窒息的真相逐步揭开时,韩方发现,在这片时间的废墟上,他和一个神秘的少女竟然肩负着世界最后的希望,可他们将如何拯救这个

    • ¥30 ¥61 折扣:4.9折
    • 1984动物农场
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    • (英)乔治·奥威尔(GeorgeOrwell)著;董乐山译;高源译 /2013-05-01/ 华东师范大学出版社
    • 《1984动物农场(珍藏版)》中描述的是对极权主义恶性发展的预言人性遭到扼杀,自由遭到剥夺,思想受到钳制,生活极度贫乏、单调。特别可怕的是:人性已堕落到不分是非善恶的程度。一段写于五十年前的绝妙政治寓言让人不寒而栗:如果有一天这一切再重现……从未在任何极权国家生活过的英国人奥威尔,何以有如此天才般的预见和洞察?其实就象丁春秋的逍遥派、东方不败的日月神教,作家们不过是透视了人性中最原始而丑陋的东西。

    • ¥28 ¥57 折扣:4.9折
    • 时间之墟 宝树 著 长江文艺出版社【售后无忧】
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    • 宝树 著 /2013-11-01/ 长江文艺出版社
    • 公元2012年10月11日,一次超高能量的强子对撞机实验引发了无人能够想象的后果。世界范围内,时间场被扭曲,每隔二十个小时,一切都会还原到10月11日早上6点47分的状态,除了人们的记忆之外。时间的循环无穷无尽,一个不可思议的新纪元由此开始。韩方,北京一名最普通的大学生,和朋友们一起经历了这个新纪元最初的震惊和灾难。在每况愈下的混乱局势中,他们必须设法自救。此后的世界被疯狂和愚昧所席卷,他们的生活分崩离析,在黑暗的时代中仍坚守着希望。经历种种劫难后,一个自称受到时间之神指引的神秘教派又在全球范围兴起,教主保罗似乎掌握了幕后真相,通过精心安排的计划把人类带向不可知的未来。 当令人窒息的真相逐步揭开时,韩方发现,在这片时间的废墟上,他和一个神秘的少女竟然肩负着世界最后的希望,可他们将如何拯救这

    • ¥20.22 ¥50.44 折扣:4折
    • TROUBLE WITH J.J., THE(ISBN=9780553592504)
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    • Tami Hoag 著 /2011-12-01/ Random House US
    • In this romantic, funny, and heartwarming classic novel, #1"New York Times" bestselling author Tami Hoag poignantly capturesone eventful summer in the life of a woman facing the ultimaterelationship dilemma. It took only one look for Genna Hastings tomake up her mind about her new next-door neighbor, J. J. Hennessy.She knew his type all too well: Jared Jay Hennessy was tall andhandsome, a man who thought he was God's gift to women. From thepink flamingos dotting his front yard to the all-night boozybarbecues, he threatened to disrupt Genna's peaceful summer offfrom teaching. But beneath his carefree smile and teasing nature,J.J. was a man as serious about the future as he was about Genna.He'd come to this quiet Connecticut town to change his life, and hechallenged Genna to help him become Mr. Right. It was a challengeshe knew she'd be smart to refuse . . . and one J.J. knew shecouldn't resist.

    • ¥27 折扣:4.5折
    • DARKEST EVENING OF THE YE(ISBN=9780553841268) 英文原版
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    • Dean Koontz 著 /2008-07-01/ Random House US
    • Who will be with you in the darkesthour? Amy Redwing has devoted her life to rescuing dogs. But the uniquebond she shares with Nickie, a golden retriever she saves in themost dangerous encounter of her life, is deeper than any she hasever known. In one night, their loyalty will be put to the test,and each will prove to the other how far they will go – when thestakes turn deadly serious.

    • ¥24.3 折扣:3.5折
    • TWICE A HERO(ISBN=9780553569186)
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    • Susan Krinard 著 /1997-05-01/ Random House US
    • In an effort to remove a family curse and humor her grandfather,MacKenzie Sinclair heads for the Guatamalan jungle to return anancient amulet that her great-great grandfather, PeregrineSinclair, had taken from the Mayan ruins of Tikal during one of hisexpeditions. She ends up being catapulted back in time and into thelife of Liam O'Shea, Peregrine's partner and a man who neverreturned from the original expedition. Effective characterizationpropels the occasionally complex story (there is a smallwhite-slavery subplot) from the steamy Central American jungles tothe restrictive, glittering 1884 San Francisco social scene withall the grace and sensuality readers have come to expect fromKrinard. Krinard has written a number of alternative realityromances and is especially known for her sensual, mysticaldepiction of werewolves (Prince of Shadows, Bantam, 1996). Shelives in Concord, California. Copyright 1997 Reed Business Information, Inc.

    • ¥27 折扣:4.5折
    • High Noon(ISBN=9780515144680) 英文原版
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    • Nora Roberts 著 /2008-05-01/ Penguin
    • The New York Times Bestseller The phenomenal number-one New York Times bestselling author is back with a spine-tingling novel about awoman who walks fearlessly into danger—but must draw on her courageto let love into her life.

    • ¥26.4 折扣:3.9折
    • BROTHER ODD (ISBN=9780553841053) 英文原版
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    • Dean Koontz 著 /2007-07-01/ Random House US
    • Loop me in, odd one. The words, spoken in the deep of night bya sleeping child, chill the young man watching over her. For thiswas a favorite phrase of Stormy Llewellyn, his lost love, andStormy is dead, gone forever from this world. In the haunted hallsof the isolated monastery where he had sought peace, Odd Thomas isstalking spirits of an infinitely darker nature. . . .BrotherOdd. Through two New York Times bestselling novels, Odd Thomas hasestablished himself as one of the most beloved and unique fictionalheroes of our time. Now, wielding all the power and magic of amaster storyteller at the pinnacle of his craft, Dean Koontzfollows Odd into a singular new world where he hopes to make afresh beginning—but where he will meet an adversary as old andinexorable as time itself.

    • ¥24.3 折扣:3.5折
    • PRIOR BAD ACTS(ISBN=9780553583595) 英文原版
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    • Tami Hoag 著 /2007-02-01/ Random House US
    • New York Times bestselling author Tami Hoag returns with athriller that begins with a shocking crime scene you’ll neverforget and follows two relentless detectives on a manhunt that endsin a chilling confrontation with the essence of human evil. It was a crime so brutal, it changed the livesof even the most hardened homicide cops. The Haas family murdersleft a scar on the community nothing can erase, but everyone agreesthat convicting the killer, Karl Dahl, is a start. Only Judge CareyMoore seems to be standing in the way. Her ruling that Dahl’s priorcriminal record is inadmissible raises a public outcry—and puts thejudge in grave danger. When an unknown assailant attacks Judge Moore ina parking garage, two of Minneapolis’s top cops are called upon tosolve the crime and keep the judge from further harm. Detective SamKovac is as hard-boiled as they come, and his wisecracking partner,Nikki Liska, isn’t far behind. Neither one wants to be on thiscase, but when Karl Dahl escapes from custody, e

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    • SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST(ISBN=9780345458841) 英文原版
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    • Jonathan Kellerman 著 /2002-10-01/ Random House US
    • The daughter of a diplomat disappears on a school fieldtrip–lured into the Santa Monica mountains and killed in coldblood. Her father denies the possibility of a political motive.There are no signs of struggle, no evidence of sexual assault,leaving psychologist Alex Delaware and his friend LAPD homicidedetective Milo Sturgis to pose the disturbing question: Why? Working together with Daniel Sharavi, a brilliant Israeli policeinspector, Delaware and Sturgis soon find themselves ensnared inone of the darkest, most menacing cases of their careers. And whendeath strikes again, it is Alex who must go undercover, alone, toexpose an unthinkable conspiracy of self-righteous brutality andtotal contempt for human life.

    • ¥24.3 折扣:3.5折
    • SELF-DEFENSE(ISBN=9780345458834) 英文原版
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    • Jonathan Kellerman 著 /2011-11-01/ Random House US
    • Dr. Alex Delaware doesn't see many private patients anymore,but the young woman called Lucy is an exception. So is her dream.Lucy Lowell is referred to Alex by Los Angeles police detectiveMilo Sturgis. A juror at the agonizing trial of a serial killer,Lucy survived the trauma only to be tormented by a recurringnightmare: a young child in the forest at night, watching a strangeand furtive act. Now Lucy's dream is starting to disrupt her wakinglife, and Alex is concerned. The power of the dream, its grip onLucy's emotions, suggests to him that it may be more than anightmare. It may be the repressed childhood memory of somethingvery real. Something like murder.

    • ¥24.3 折扣:3.5折
    • MURDER IN THE HOUSE(ISBN=9780449001721) 英文原版
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    • Margaret Truman 著 /1998-06-01/ Random House US
    • He died beneath the Statue of Freedom, clutching a 9-mm pistolin his hand. But as dawn rose, the politician would die again--in ahail of rumor and character assassination. Now one man suspects the shattering truth: that the congressman'ssuicide was a carefully planned murder. In the heart of the freeworld, a furious struggle begins: to reclaim a man's innocence,expose a woman's lie, and stop a chilling conspiracy of murder thatreaches halfway around the world. . . .

    • ¥24.3 折扣:3.5折
    • HUSBAND, THE (ISBN=9780553840995) 英文原版
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    • Dean R. Koontz 著 /2007-01-01/ Random House US
    • Book De*ion "Moves like a roller coaster without brakes...Koontz is America'sNo.1 author of thrillers. One of his finest novels." -------Denver Pos We have your wife. You can get her back for two millioncash. On an ordinary afternoon, an ordinary man, a gardener of modestmeans, gets a phone call out of his worst nightmare. the caller isdead serious. He doesn't care that Mitch can't raise that kind ofmoney. He's confident that Mitch will find a way, If he loves hiswife enough... Mitch does love her enough. He loves her more than life itself.He's got sixty hours to prove it. He has to find the two million bythen. But he'll pay a lot more. He'll pay anything. From its tense opening to its shattering climax, The Husband is athriller that will hold you in its relentless grip for every twist,every shock, every revelation. This is a Dean Koontz novel, afterall. And there's no other experience quite like it. Book Dimension length: (cm)17.4 width:(cm)10.6

    • ¥24.3 折扣:3.5折
    • Lavender Lies(ISBN=9780425177006) 英文原版
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    • Susan Wittig Albert 著 /2000-10-01/ Penguin
    • "Good riddance", is the response of every Pecan Springsresident to the murder of local real estate shark Edgar Coleman. itdoesn't take long for China to learn that Coleman was havingnumerous affairs -- and was blackmailing City Council members fortheir votes on a bad land development deal. With her fianceimmersed in the murder investigation -- and the suspect listgrowing longer by the minute -- China can forget about a honeymoon,unless she can find the killer...

    • ¥26.4 折扣:3.9折