In this third self-contained volume of her autobiography,which began with I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, Maya Angeloumoves into the adult world. Maya struggles to support herself andher son through a series of odd jobs and weathers a failed marriageto a white man before landing a gig singing in one of the mostpopular nightclubs on the San Francisco coast. From there, she iscalled to New York to join the cast of Porgy and Bess. Maya soonfinds herself on a joyous and dramatic adventure, touring abroadthrough Italy, France, Greece, Yugoslavia, and Egypt with spiritedcast members, and performing for large, enthusiastic audiences. Theexciting experience is dampened only by Maya’s nagging guilt thatshe has abandoned the person she loves most in life, her son, whosereentrance into her world reveals to Maya the healing power ofdevotion and love. Charged with Maya Angelou’s remarkable sense of life and love,Singin’ and Swingin’ and Gettin’ Merry Like Christmas is a uniquecelebration of the hum
He saw her across the Piazza San Marco and fell in love fromafar. When he sees her again in a Venice café a year later, heknows it is fate. He knows little English; and she, a divorcedAmerican chef, speaks only food-based Italian. Marlena thinks sheis incapable of intimacy, that her heart has lost its capacity forromantic love. But within months of their first meeting, she haspacked up her house in St. Louis to marry Fernando—“the stranger,”as she calls him—and live in that achingly lovely city in whichthey met. Vibrant but vaguely baffled by this bold move, Marlena isoverwhelmed by the sheer foreignness of her new home, its ritualsand customs. But there are delicious moments when Venice opens upits arms to Marlena. She cooks an American feast of Mississippicaviar, cornbread, and fried onions for the locals . . . and takesthe tango she learned in the Poughkeepsie middle school gym to acandlelit trattoría near the Rialto Bridge. All the while, she andFernando, two disparate souls, build
Following the death of their eldest son, Ellie and TuckerGrant divorce and gradually make the transition into separatelives. But their two sons Zach and Kody are convinced that theirparents are still meant to be together. The brothers hatch a planto run away from home into the Oregon wilderness. Surely Ellie andTucker will come to their rescue--and their senses.
In this classic collection of four novellas, the grand master takes you on irrestistible journeys into the far reaches of horror, heartache and hope. Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption is the story of two men convicted of murder - one guilty, one innocent - who form the perfect partnership as they dream up a scheme to escape from prison. In Apt Pupil a golden schoolboy entices an old man with a past to join in a dreadful union. The Body sees four young boys venture into the woods and find life, death ...and the end of innocence. The Breathing Method is the tale of a doctor who goes to his club and discovers a woman determined to give birth - no matter what.
Creating George Stark was easy. Getting rid of him won't be ...The sparrows are flying again. The idea - unbidden, inexplicable - haunts the edge of Thad Beaumont's mind. Thad should be happy. For years now it is his secret persona 'George Stark', author of super-violent pulp thrillers, who has paid the family bills. But now, Thad is writing seriously again under his own name, and his menacing pseudonym has been buried forever. And yet ...the sparrows are flying again, and something is terribly wrong in Thad Beaumont's world.
A body is found in the attic of a fabulous Long Island estate.There is a hoofprint scorched into the floor, and the stench ofsulfur chokes the air. When FBI Special Agent Pendergastinvestigates the gruesome crime, he discovers that thirty years agofour men conjured something unspeakable. Has the devil come toclaim his due?
When Woolf debuted in 1961, audiences and critics alike couldnot get enough of Edward Albee's masterful play. A dark comedy, itportrays husband and wife George and Martha in a searing night ofdangerous fun and games. By the evening's end, a stunningrevelation provides a climax that has shocked audiences for years.With the play's razor-sharp dialogue and the stripping away ofsocial pretense, Newsweek keenly foresaw Who's Afraid ofVirginia Woolf? as "a brilliantly original work of art-anexcoriating theatrical experience, surging with shocks ofrecognition and dramatic fire that will be igniting Broadway forsome time to come."
At midnight comes the point of balance. Of danger. The instant of utter stillness when between two beats of the heart, an alternative reality can slip through, like a blade between the ribs, and switch you into a new and terrifying world. FOUR PAST MIDNIGHT: four heart-stopping accounts of that moment when the familiar world fractures beyond sense, the fragments spinning away from the desperate, clutching reach of sanity ...
"USA Today" bestselling author Catherine Anderson takesreaders to a quaint wilderness town, where together, a man and awoman find a second chance at life-and love... Determined to giveher son Jeremy the childhood he deserves, Chloe Evans has left atough past behind to start over in the charming town of Jack Pine,Oregon. But protecting Jeremy becomes a dicey proposition when heseeks out the most dangerous man in town, Ben Longtree, to heal hissick puppy. Chloe has been warned to stay away from Ben. Butthere's something about him that intrigues her...
The inspiration for the major motion picture starring BradPitt and Cate Blanchettaplus eighteen other stories by the belovedauthor of "The Great Gatsby" IN THE TITLE STORY, a baby born in1860 begins life as an old man and proceeds to age backward. F.Scott Fizgerald hinted at this kind of inversion when he called hisera aa generation grown up to find all Gods dead, all wars fought,all faiths in man shaken.a Perhaps nowhere in American fiction hasthis aLost Generationa been more vividly preserved than inFitzgeraldas short fiction. Spanning the early twentieth-centuryAmerican landscape, this original collection captures, withFitzgeraldas signature blend of enchantment and disillusionment,America during the Jazz Age.
andquot; PUZO IS IN TOP FORM.andquot; *Time The Last Don isMario Puzo at his finest, thrilling us with his greatest Mafianovel since The Godfather *a masterful saga of the last greatAmerican crime family and its powerful reach into Hollywood and LasVegas. andquot; THE MOST ENTERTAINING READ SINCE THEGODFATHER.andquot; *The New York Times Book Review The Last Don isDomenico Clericuzio, a wise and ruthless old man who is determinedto see his heirs established in legitimate society but whose visionis threatened when secrets from the family's past spark a viciouswar between two blood cousins. andquot; SKILLFULLY CRAFTED . . . ITGIVES US HOLLYWOOD, LAS VEGAS, AND THE MOB IN ONE SWEETDISH.andquot; *Los Angeles Times Book Review The Last Don is amesmerizing tale that takes us inside the equally corrupt worlds ofthe mob, the movie industry, and the casinos *where beautifulactresses and ruthless hitmen are ruled by lust and violence, wheresleazy producers and greedy studio heads are drunk on power, wherecrooked cops
WHAT IF you could go back in time and change the course of history? WHAT IF the watershed moment you could change was the JFK assassination? 11.22.63, the date that Kennedy was shot - unless ...King takes his protagonist Jake Epping, a high school English teacher from Lisbon Falls, Maine, 2011, on a fascinating journey back to 1958 - from a world of mobile phones and iPods to a new world of Elvis and JFK, of Plymouth Fury cars and Lindy Hopping, of a troubled loner named Lee Harvey Oswald and a beautiful high school librarian named Sadie Dunhill, who becomes the love of Jake's life - a life that transgresses all the normal rules of time. With extraordinary imaginative power, King weaves the social, political and popular culture of his baby-boom American generation into a devastating exercise in escalating suspense.
The official inside story on the making of the award-winning movie trilogy The Lord of the Rings: The Making of the Movie Trilogy is a lavishly illustrated, behind-the-scenes, definitive account of the creation of an epic film experience. Hailed by critics worldwide, part one of the movie trilogy was a box-office smash, one of the most successful films of the decade. Peter Jackson's "fierce, imaginative movie takes high-flying risks and inspires with its power and scale," wrote Newsweek. "In every way this is moviemaking on a grand scale," wrote the San Francisco Chronicle, while Time proclaimed the "grandeur, moral heft and emotional depth" of the film, which received thirteen Academy Award(R) nominations. Including more than 300 photographs from all three films, most unique to this book, and exclusive interviews with all the cast and crew, Brian Sibley's fascinating book takes every fan inside the process of adapting J.R.R. Tolkien's masterwork for the screen. For the first time in history, thr
Schuyler's hunt for the Gates is becoming more intense as thevampire world is beginning to show cracks. The New York Coven'sancient lore and the desires of young vampires keep coming intodangerous conflict that could have repercussions worldwide. Thecourse of forbidden love never did run smooth...
Nora Roberts continues the romantic saga: the story of threewomen who shared a home and a childhood -- but grew to fulfilltheir own unique destinies.
'Turn off the television - in fact, why don't you turn off all the lights except for the one over your favourite chair? - and we'll talk about vampires here in the dim. I think I can make you believe in them.' Stephen King, from the Introduction. 'Salem's Lot is a small New England town with the usual quota of gossips, drinkers, weirdos and respectable folk. Of course there are tales of strange happenings - but not more than in any other town its size. Ben Mears, a moderately successful writer, returns to the Lot to write a novel based on his early years, and to exorcise the terrors that have haunted him since childhood. The event he witnessed in the house now rented by a new resident. A newcomer with a strange allure. A man who causes Ben some unease as things start to happen: a child disappears, a dog is brutally killed - nothing unusual, except the list starts to grow. Soon surprise will turn to bewilderment, bewilderment to confusion and finally to terror ...
We don't just live in the air; we live because of it. It's themost miraculous substance on earth, responsible for our food, ourweather, our water, and our ability to hear. In this exuberantbook, gifted science writer Gabrielle Walker peels back the layersof our atmosphere with the stories of the people who uncovered itssecrets: - A flamboyant Renaissance Italian discovers how heavy ourair really is: The air filling Carnegie Hall, for example, weighsseventy thousand pounds. - A one-eyed barnstorming pilot finds aset of winds that constantly blow five miles above our heads. - Animpoverished American farmer figures out why hurricanes move in acircle by carving equations with his pitchfork on a barn door. - Awell-meaning inventor nearly destroys the ozone layer. - Areclusive mathematical genius predicts, thirty years before he'sproved right, that the sky contains a layer of floating metal fedby the glowing tails of shooting stars.
Detective Inspector Hazel Micallef has lived all her days in thesmall town of Port Dundas, Ontario and is now making her way towardretirement with something less than grace. Hobbled by a bad backand a dependence on painkillers, and feeling blindsided by divorceafter nearly four decades of marriage, sixty-one-year-old Hazel hasonly the constructive criticism of her mother (the former mayor)and her own sharp tongue to buoy her. But when a terminally illwoman is gruesomely murdered in her own home, Hazel and herunderstaffed department must spring to life. And as one terminallyill victim after another is found, Hazel finds herself tracking atruly terrifying serial killer while everything around her spinsout of control. Through the cacophony of her bickering staff, herunsupportive superiors, a clamoring press, the town's rumor mill,and her own nagging doubts, Hazel can sense the dead trying to callout. Will she hear them before it's too late?
Grade 9 Up–Johnson begins this exceptional novel in a lightweight fashion but quickly segues into more serious issues that affect the three young women who make up the Bermudez Triangle. It is the summer before their senior year in Saratoga Springs, NY. At first, organized, serious Nina has trouble adjusting to her leadership workshop at Stanford University. Although she desperately misses Avery and Mel, who are waitresses at a restaurant back home, she quickly falls head over heels for eco-warrior Steve, who has grown up in a commune on the West Coast–so different from Nina's secure middle-class experience. When she returns to New York, she immediately senses that Mel and Avery are keeping secrets and soon discovers that they have become lovers. Rocked to the core, Nina wishes them happiness, but feels excluded and lonely, especially as her long-distance relationship begins to deteriorate. As is typical for teens, the girls obsess ad nauseam over their romantic relationships. Yet this narrow focus
Here is the classic--and true--story of Vyry, the child of awhite plantation owner and his black mistress, a Southern Civil Warheroine to rival Scarlett O'Hara. Vyry bears witness to the South'sprewar opulence and its brutality, to its wartime ruin and thesubsequent promise of Reconstruction. It is a story that MargaretWalker heard as a child from her grandmother, the real Vyry'sdaughter. The author spent thirty years researching the novel sothat the world might know the intelligent, strong, and brave blackwoman called Vyry. The phenomenal acclaim this best-selling bookhas achieved from readers black and white, young and old, atteststo her success.
The pivotal sixth instalment in King's bestselling epic fantasy saga provides the key to the quest that defines Roland's life. In the next part of their journey to the tower, Roland and his band of followers face adversity from every side: Susannah Dean has been taken over by a demon-mother and uses the power of Black Thirteen to get from the Mid-World New York City. But who is the father of her child? And what role will the Crimson King play? Roland sends Jake to break Susannah's date with destiny, while he himself uses 'the persistence of magic' to get to Maine in the Summer of 1977. It is a terrible world: for one thing it is real and bullets are flying. For another, it is inhabited by the author of a novel called 'SALEM'S LOT. SONG OF SUSANNAH is driven by revelation and by suspense. It continues THE DARK TOWER series seamlessly from WOLVES OF THE CALLA and the dramatic climax will leave readers desperate to read the quest's conclusion.
The exciting debut of a new paranormal romance series As aMiami narcotics detective, Leah Daniels never knows how her daywill turn out. But she certainly never expected to be strapped to astone altar, the human sacrifice in an ancient Mayan ritual meantto coax up a demon from the underworld. Or that shead be saved by ahandsome warrior-priest king who claims to recognize her from hisvisions... Jaguar Strike wishes he hadnat made the mistake ofreuniting his fellow warrior priests, or broken the law by savingtheir chosen human sacrifice. Now, he has no choice but to joinforces with Leah and invoke dangerous magic in a death-defying raceagainst the end of time.
He's got a plan. But he hasn't got a clue. Clayton Blaisdell's capers are strictly small-time until he meets George Rackley. With Blaze's brawn and George's brains, they pull off a hundred successful cons. Then George plans the one big score every small timer dreams of: kidnapping the infant heir to a family fortune. The trouble is that by the time the deal goes down, the brains of the operation has died. Or has he? Now Blaze is running into the white hell of the Maine woods with a baby as hostage. The crime of the century just turned into a race against time . . .