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    • Maggie Cassidy(ISBN=9780140179064) 英文原版
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    • Jack Kerouac 编 /2012-01-01/ Penguin
    • Written in 1953, published in 1959 (after the 1957 publicationof Kerouac's On the Road made him famous overnight) and long out ofprint, this touching novel of adolescent love in a New England milltown is one of Kerouac's most accessible works.

    • ¥49.6 折扣:3.9折
    • Ocean of Air(ISBN=9780156034142) 英文原版
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    • Gabrielle Walker 著 /2011-12-01/ Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
    • We don't just live in the air; we live because of it. It's themost miraculous substance on earth, responsible for our food, ourweather, our water, and our ability to hear. In this exuberantbook, gifted science writer Gabrielle Walker peels back the layersof our atmosphere with the stories of the people who uncovered itssecrets: - A flamboyant Renaissance Italian discovers how heavy ourair really is: The air filling Carnegie Hall, for example, weighsseventy thousand pounds. - A one-eyed barnstorming pilot finds aset of winds that constantly blow five miles above our heads. - Animpoverished American farmer figures out why hurricanes move in acircle by carving equations with his pitchfork on a barn door. - Awell-meaning inventor nearly destroys the ozone layer. - Areclusive mathematical genius predicts, thirty years before he'sproved right, that the sky contains a layer of floating metal fedby the glowing tails of shooting stars.

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    • PORTUGUESE IRREGULAR VERBS(ISBN=9781400077083) 英文原版
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    • Alexander McCall Smith 著 /2011-11-01/ Random House US
    • Readers who fell in love with Precious Ramotswe, proprietor ofThe No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency, now have new cause forcelebration in the protagonist of these three light-footed comicnovels by Alexander McCall Smith. Welcome to the insane andrarified world of Professor Dr. Moritz-Maria von Igelfeld of theInstitute of Romance Philology. Von Igelfeld is engaged in anever-ending quest to win the respect he feels certain he is due–aquest which has the tendency to go hilariously astray. In Portuguese Irregular Verbs, Professor Dr von Igelfeld learnsto play tennis, and forces a college chum to enter into a duel thatresults in a nipped nose. He also takes a field trip to Irelandwhere he becomes acquainted with the rich world of archaicIrishisms, and he develops an aching infatuation with a Dentistfatale. Along the way, he takes two ill-fated Italian sojourns, thefirst merely uncomfortable, the second definitely dangerous.

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    • My Sunshine(ISBN=9780451213808)
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    • Catherine Anderson 著 /2012-03-01/ Penguin
    • Five years ago, Laura Townsend's life was nearly destroyedwhen a head injury impaired her ability to use language and forcedher to abandon a brilliant career. Her vivacious spirit intact, shehas found a great new job at an animal clinic-and a handsome newboss who fills her heart with longing. Now he's moving heaven andearth to convince her they belong together, but since she can'tfulfill all of his needs, shouldn't she love him enough to walkaway?

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    • The Last of the Mohicans(ISBN=9780140390247)
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    • James Fenimore Cooper 编 /2012-01-01/ Penguin
    • Angered by the values of his materialistic society, Hawk-eyelives apart from the other white men, sharing the solitude andsublimity of the wilderness with his Mohican Indian friend,Chingachgook. As the savageries of war test these exiled men, theyagree to guide two sisters in search of their father throughhostile Indian country - even if it means risking everything. Anenduring American classic, "The Last of the Mohicans" is afast-paced portrait of fierce individualism and courage, setagainst massacres, raids, battles and a doomed love affair. It isalso the unforgettable story of the friendship between two men.

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    • Summer Breeze(ISBN=9780451217103)
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    • Catherine Anderson 著 /2012-03-01/ Penguin
    • The year is 1889, and Rachel Hollister hasn't set foot outsideher house in five years. Ever since a savage attack left her familydead, she's cordoned herself off from the outside world, afraid tolet anyone into her home-or into her heart. But now trouble hasappeared on her doorstep-and suddenly she has no choice but to leta handsome rancher enter her well-guarded existence.

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    • The Dark Half (9781444708158)
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    • Stephen King 著 /2011-11-01/ Orion
    • Creating George Stark was easy. Getting rid of him won't be ...The sparrows are flying again. The idea - unbidden, inexplicable - haunts the edge of Thad Beaumont's mind. Thad should be happy. For years now it is his secret persona 'George Stark', author of super-violent pulp thrillers, who has paid the family bills. But now, Thad is writing seriously again under his own name, and his menacing pseudonym has been buried forever. And yet ...the sparrows are flying again, and something is terribly wrong in Thad Beaumont's world.

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    • 陨落DOWN UNDER
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    • Bill Bryson 著 /2001-08-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • It was as if I had privately discovered life on another planet,or a paralldl universe where life was at once fecognizably similar but entirely different.I can't tell you how exciting it waw.Insofar as I had accumulatde any expectations of Australia at all in the intervening years,I had thought of it as a kind of a lternative southern California,a place of constant sunshine and the cheerful vapidity of a beach lifestyle,but wish a slightly British bent-a sort of Baywatch wish cricket.

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    • HANNIBAL RISING 《少年汉尼拔》(ISBN=9780440296676)
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    • Thomas Harris 著 /2007-01-01/ Random House US
    • Hannibal Lecter emerges from the nightmare of the Eastern Front,a boy in the snow, mute, with a chain around his neck. He seems utterly alone, but he has brought hisdemons with him. Hannibal’ s uncle, a noted painter, finds him ina Soviet orphanage and brings him to France, where Hannibal willlive with his uncle and his uncle’ s beautiful and exotic wife,Lady Murasaki. Lady Murasaki helps Hannibal to heal. With herhelp he flourishes, becoming the youngest person ever admitted tomedical school in France. But Hannibal’ s demons visit him and tormenthim. When he is old enough, he visits them in turn. He discovers he has gifts beyond the academic,and in that epiphany, Hannibal Lecter becomes death’ s prodigy.

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    • VILLAGES(ISBN=9780345477316) 英文原版
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    • John Updike 著 /2011-11-01/ Random House US
    • In this 21st novel by one of the premier chroniclers of Americanlife, a man recalls a lifetime spent in New England communities ofwomen. Owen Mackenzie, now in his 70s and living in the smallvillage of Haskell's Crossing, Conn., with his second wife, Julia,spends his days immersed in the daily routines of retirement whilereminiscing about his childhood town of Willow, Pa., and thevillage where he spent his adulthood, Middle Falls, Conn. ThoughOwen studied at MIT and founded an early computer startup that madehim moderately rich, his story is primarily defined by his romanticrelationships. He marries his first wife, Phyllis, a classmate atMIT, for her cool beauty, but later decides that he needs a broaderrange of sexual experience. After a fraught first affair, he learnscaution and is able to clandestinely indulge his love of women,until Julia, a minister's wife, comes along and convinces him toembark on a messy divorce and remarriage that indirectly results inPhyllis's accidental death. Owen's obsession with

    • ¥45.5 折扣:3.5折
    • The Sherlockian (International)(ISBN=9781455509065) 英文原版
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    • Graham Moore 著 /2012-01-01/ Hachette
    • In December 1893, Sherlock Holmes-adoring Londoners eagerlyopened their Strand magazines, anticipating the detective's nextadventure, only to find the unthinkable: his creator, Arthur ConanDoyle, had killed their hero off. London spiraled into mourning --crowds sported black armbands in grief -- and railed against ConanDoyle as his assassin. Then in 1901, just as abruptly as Conan Doyle had "murdered"Holmes in "The Final Problem," he resurrected him. Though thewriter kept detailed diaries of his days and work, Conan Doylenever explained this sudden change of heart. After his death, oneof his journals from the interim period was discovered to bemissing, and in the decades since, has never been found. Or has it? When literary researcher Harold White is inducted into thepreeminent Sherlock Holmes enthusiast society, The Baker StreetIrregulars, he never imagines he's about to be thrust onto the huntfor the holy grail of Holmes-ophiles: the missing diary. But whenthe world's leading Doylea

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    • PRAGUE(ISBN=9780375759772) 英文原版
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    • Arthur Phillips 编 /2003-06-01/ Random House US
    • A novel of startling scope and ambition, Prague depicts anintentionally lost Lost Generation as it follows five Americanexpats who come to Budapest in the early 1990s to seek theirfortune. They harbor the vague suspicion that their counterparts inPrague have it better, but still they hope to find adventure,inspiration, a gold rush, or history in the making.

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    • Flatland(ISBN=9780140435313)
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    • Edwin A. AbbottAlan Lightman 著 /1998-06-01/ Penguin
    • An odd, amusing and still provocative fantasy. The narrator is aSquare who lives in a world of two dimensions, and whose vision ofa third gets him into grave trouble with the authorities. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition ofthis title.

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    • THE NAKED SUN(阿西莫夫机器人系列《裸阳》)(ISBN=9780553293395)
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    • Isaac Asimov 著 /1991-11-01/ Random House US
    • A millennium into the future, two advancements have altered thecourse of human history: the colonization of the Galaxyand the creation of the positronic brain. On thebeautiful Outer World planet of Solaria, a handful of humancolonists lead a hermit-like existence, their every need attendedto by their faithful robot servants. To this strange andprovocative planet comes Detective Elijah Baley, sent from thestreets of New York with his positronic partner, the robot R.Daneel Olivaw, to solve an incredible murder that has rockedSolaria to its foundations. The victim had been soreclusive that he appeared to his associates only throughholographic projection. Yet someone had gotten closeenough to bludgeon him to death while robots lookedon. Now Baley and Olivaw are faced with two clearimpossibilities: Either the Solarian was killed by oneof his robots--unthinkable under the laws of Robotics--or he waskilled by the woman who loved him so much that she never came intohis presence!

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    • 夜巡者 Night Watch
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    • 本社 编 /1970-01-01/
    • Tender and tragic, set against the turbulent backdrop of wartime Britain, The Night Watch is the extraordinary story of fbur Londoners: Kay, who wanders the streets in mannish clothes, restless and searching... Helen, who harbours a troubling secret... Viv, glamour girl, recklessly loyal to her soldier lover.., and Duncan, an apparent innocent, struggling with demons of his own. Moving back through the 1940s, through air raids, blacked-out streets, illicit liaisons and sexual adventure, to end with its beginning in 1941, this is an astonishing novel.

    • ¥48 折扣:4.9折
    • Here to Stay(ISBN=9780451232410)
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    • Catherine Anderson 著 /2012-01-01/ Penguin
    • ★Mandy Pajeck had a tough childhood. Now 28,she feelsresponsible for the accident that took her younger brother's sight.But his complete reliance on her care is making them bothmiserable.When she meets handsome Zach Harrigan and his mini guidehorse,she thinks she's found the ticket to her brother'shappiness-and maybe her own

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    • Kissing Kate亲吻凯特
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    • Lauren Myracle 著 /2007-04-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • Kate was lissa’s best friend. they’ve shared everything for four years. then one night at a drunken party, Kate leaned in to kiss lissa, and lissa kissed her back. And now Kate is pretending lissa doesn’t exist. Confused and alone, lissa’s left questioning everything she thought she knew about herself, and about life. but with the help of a free-spirit new friend, lissa’s beginning to find the strength to realize that sometimes falling in love with the wrong person is the only way to find your footing.

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    • DEAL BREAKER(ISBN=9780440220442)
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    • Harlan Coben 编 /1995-05-01/ Random House US
    • Sports agent Myron Bolitar is poised on the edge of the bigtime. So is Christian Steele, a rookie quarterback and Myron'sprized client. But when Christian gets a phone call from a formergirlfriend, a woman who everyone, including the police, believes isdead, the deal starts to go sour. Trying to unravel the truth abouta family's tragedy, a woman's secret, and a man's lies, Myron is upagainst the dark side of his business--where image and talent makeyou rich, but the truth can get you killed. In novels that crackle with wit and suspense, Edgar Award winnerHarlan Coben has created one of the most fascinating and complexheroes in suspense fiction--Myron Bolitar--a hotheaded,tenderhearted sports agent who grows more and more engaging andunpredictable with each page-turning appearance.

    • ¥31.1 折扣:4.5折