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    • VISIONS OF A FLYING MACHINE(ISBN=9781560987482) 英文原版
    •   ( 4 条评论 )
    • Peter Jakab 著 /1997-04-01/ Random House US
    • This acclaimed book on the Wright Brothers takes the readerstraight to the heart of their remarkable achievement, focusing onthe technology and offering a clear, concise chronicle of preciselywhat they accomplished and how they did it. This book deals withthe process of the invention of the airplane and how the brothersidentified and resolved a range of technical puzzles that othershad attempted to solve for a century. Step by step, the book details the path of invention (includingthe important wind tunnel experiments of 1901) which culminated inthe momentous flight at Kitty Hawk in 1903, the first majormilestone in aviation history. Enhanced by original photos,designs, drawings, notebooks, letters and diaries of the WrightBrothers, Visions of a Flying Machine is a fascinating book thatwill be of interest to engineers, historians, enthusiasts, oranyone interested in the process of invention.

    • ¥57.8 折扣:3.5折
    • Gulag(ISBN=9781400034093)
    •   ( 29 条评论 )
    • Anne Applebaum 著 /2004-04-01/ Random House US
    • The Gulag--a vast array of Soviet concentration camps that heldmillions of political and criminal prisoners--was a system ofrepression and punishment that terrorized the entire society,embodying the worst tendencies of Soviet communism. In thismagisterial and acclaimed history, Anne Applebaum offers the firstfully documented portrait of the Gulag, from its origins in theRussian Revolution, through its expansion under Stalin, to itscollapse in the era of glasnost. Applebaum intimately re-createswhat life was like in the camps and links them to the largerhistory of the Soviet Union. Immediately recognized as a landmarkand long-overdue work of scholarship, Gulag is an essentialbook for anyone who wishes to understand the history of thetwentieth century.

    • ¥73.8 折扣:4.5折
    • YIDDISH CIVILISATION(ISBN=9781400033775) 英文原版
    •   ( 15 条评论 )
    • Paul Kriwaczek 编 /2006-10-01/ Random House US
    • Paul Kriwaczek begins this illuminating and immenselypleasurable chronicle of Yiddish civilization during the Romanempire, when Jewish culture first spread to Europe. We see theburgeoning exile population disperse, as its notable diplomats,artists and thinkers make their mark in far-flung cities and founda self-governing Yiddish world. By its late-medieval heyday, thiseconomically successful, intellectually adventurous, and self-awaresociety stretched from the Baltic to the Black Sea. Kriwaczektraces, too, the slow decline of Yiddish culture in Europe andRussia, and highlights fresh offshoots in the New World.Combiningfamily anecdote, travelogue, original research, and a keenunderstanding of Yiddish art and literature, Kriwaczek gives us anexceptional portrait of a culture which, though nearlyextinguished, has an influential radiance still.

    • ¥51.5 折扣:3.5折
    • Crucible Of War(ISBN=9780375706363)
    •   ( 3 条评论 )
    • Fred Anderson 著 /2001-01-01/ Random House US
    • In this vivid and compelling narrative, the Seven Years'War–long seen as a mere backdrop to the American Revolution–takeson a whole new significance. Relating the history of the war as itdeveloped, Anderson shows how the complex array of forces broughtinto conflict helped both to create Britain’s empire and to sow theseeds of its eventual dissolution. Beginning with a skirmish in the Pennsylvania backcountryinvolving an inexperienced George Washington, the Iroquois chiefTanaghrisson, and the ill-fated French emissary Jumonville,Anderson reveals a chain of events that would lead to worldconflagration. Weaving together the military, economic, andpolitical motives of the participants with unforgettable portraitsof Washington, William Pitt, Montcalm, and many others, Andersonbrings a fresh perspective to one of America’s most important wars,demonstrating how the forces unleashed there would irrevocablychange the politics of empire in North America.

    • ¥89.6 折扣:4.5折
    • MAKING HASTE FROM BABYLON(ISBN=9780307386267) 英文原版
    •   ( 24 条评论 )
    • Nick Bunker 著 /2011-04-01/ Random House US
    • At the end of 1618, a blazing green star soared across thenight sky over the northern hemisphere. From the Philippines to theArctic, the comet became a sensation and a symbol, a warning ofdoom or a promise of salvation. Two years later, as the Pilgrimsprepared to sail across the Atlantic on board the Mayflower, theatmosphere remained charged with fear and expectation. Men andwomen readied themselves for war, pestilence, or divineretribution. Against this background, and amid deep economicdepression, the Pilgrims conceived their enterprise of exile. Within a decade, despite crisis and catastrophe, they built athriving settlement at New Plymouth, based on beaver fur, corn, andcattle. In doing so, they laid the foundations for Massachusetts,New England, and a new nation. Using a wealth of new evidence fromlandscape, archaeology, and hundreds of overlooked or neglecteddocuments, Nick Bunker gives a vivid and strikingly originalaccount of the Mayflower project and the first decade of thePlymouth Colon

    • ¥54.7 折扣:3.5折
    • Great Wave, The(ISBN=9780375754555)
    •   ( 5 条评论 )
    • Christopher Benfey 著 /2004-08-01/ Random House US
    • When the United States entered the Gilded Age after the CivilWar, argues cultural historian Christopher Benfey, the nation lostits philosophical moorings and looked eastward to “Old Japan,” withits seemingly untouched indigenous culture, for balance andperspective. Japan, meanwhile, was trying to reinvent itself as amore cosmopolitan, modern state, ultimately transforming itself, inthe course of twenty-five years, from a feudal backwater to aninternational power. This great wave of historical and culturalreciprocity between the two young nations, which intensified duringthe late 1800s, brought with it some larger-than-lifepersonalities, as the lure of unknown foreign cultures promptedpilgrimages back and forth across the Pacific. In The Great Wave, Benfey tells the story of the tightly knitgroup of nineteenth-century travelers—connoisseurs, collectors, andscientists—who dedicated themselves to exploring and preserving OldJapan. As Benfey writes, “A sense of urgency impelled them, forthe

    • ¥62.1 折扣:4.5折
    • BELEAGUERED CITY, THE(ISBN=9780679601708) 英文原版
    •   ( 6 条评论 )
    • Shelby Foote 编 /1995-08-01/ Random House US
    • The companion volume to Stars in Their Courses, thismarvelous account of Grant's siege of the Mississippi port ofVicksburg continues Foote's narrative of the great battles of theCivil War--culled from his massive three-volume history--recountinga campaign which Lincoln called "one of the most brilliant in theworld."

    • ¥57.8 折扣:3.5折
    • FREEDOM RISING(ISBN=9780375704093) 英文原版
    •   ( 5 条评论 )
    • Ernest B. Furgurson 著 /2005-11-01/ Random House US
    • In this luminous portrait of wartime Washington, Ernest B.Furgurson–author of the widely acclaimed Chancellorsville1863 , Ashes of Glory , and Not War butMurder --brings to vivid life the personalities and events thatanimated the Capital during its most tumultuous time. Here amongthe sharpsters and prostitutes, slaves and statesmen are detectiveAllan Pinkerton, tracking down Southern sympathizers; poet WaltWhitman, nursing the wounded; and accused Confederate spy AntoniaFord, romancing her captor, Union Major Joseph Willard. Here aregenerals George McClellan and Ulysses S. Grant, railroad crew bossAndrew Carnegie, and architect Thomas Walter, striving to finishthe Capitol dome. And here is Abraham Lincoln, wrangling withofficers, pardoning deserters, and inspiring the nation. FreedomRising is a gripping account of the era that transformedWashington into the world’s most influential city.

    • ¥60.7 折扣:3.5折
    • PRESIDENT AND THE ASSASSIN(ISBN=9781400067527) 英文原版
    •   ( 5 条评论 )
    • Scott Miller 著 /2011-06-01/ Random House US
    • A SWEEPING TALE OF TURN-OF-THE-CENTURY AMERICA AND THEIRRESISTIBLE FORCES THAT BROUGHT TWO MEN TOGETHER ONE FATEFULDAY In 1901, as America tallied its gains from a period ofunprecedented imperial expansion, an assassin’s bullet shatteredthe nation’s confidence. The shocking murder of President WilliamMcKinley threw into stark relief the emerging new world order ofwhat would come to be known as the American Century. The Presidentand the Assassin is the story of the momentous years leading up tothat event, and of the very different paths that brought togethertwo of the most compelling figures of the era: President WilliamMcKinley and Leon Czolgosz, the anarchist who murdered him. The two men seemed to live in eerily parallel Americas. McKinleywas to his contemporaries an enigma, a president whose conflictedfeelings about imperialism reflected the country’s own. Under itspopular Republican commander-in-chief, the United States wasundergoing an uneasy transition from a simple agrarian soc

    • ¥85.4 折扣:3.5折
    • STATE OF JONES, THE(ISBN=9780767929462) 英文原版
    •   ( 7 条评论 )
    • Sally Jenkins 著 /2010-05-01/ Random House US
    • In 1863, after surviving the devastating Battle of Corinth,Newton Knight, a poor farmer from Mississippi, deserted theConfederate Army and began a guerrilla battle against theConfederacy. For two years he and other residents of Jones Countyengaged in an insurrection that would have repercussions far beyondthe scope of the Civil War. In this dramatic account of an almostforgotten chapter of American history, Sally Jenkins and JohnStauffer upend the traditional myth of the Confederacy as a heroicand unified Lost Cause, revealing the fractures within Civil-Warera Southern society. No man better exemplified these complexitiesthan Newton Knight, a pro-Union sympathizer in the deep South whorefused to fight a rich man’s war for slavery and cotton.

    • ¥51.5 折扣:3.5折
    • AMERICAN BRUTUS(ISBN=9780375759741) 英文原版
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • Michael W. Kauffman 著 /2005-10-01/ Random House US
    • It is a tale as familiar as our history primers: A derangedactor, John Wilkes Booth, killed Abraham Lincoln in Ford’s Theatre,escaped on foot, and eluded capture for twelve days until he methis fiery end in a Virginia tobacco barn. In the national hysteriathat followed, eight others were arrested and tried; four of thosewere executed, four imprisoned. Therein lie all the classicelements of a great thriller. But the untold tale is even morefascinating. Now, in American Brutus, Michael W. Kauffman, one of the foremostLincoln assassination authorities, takes familiar history to adeeper level, offering an unprecedented, authoritative account ofthe Lincoln murder conspiracy. Working from a staggering array ofarchival sources and new research, Kauffman sheds new light on thebackground and motives of John Wilkes Booth, the mechanics of hisplot to topple the Union government, and the trials and fates ofthe conspirators. Piece by piece, Kauffman explains and corrects commonmisperceptions and analy

    • ¥51.5 折扣:3.5折
    • Great American History Fact-Finder(ISBN=9780618439416)
    •   ( 3 条评论 )
    • Pam Cornelison 著 /2011-12-01/ Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
    • Completely revised and expanded with 200 new entries, The GreatAmerican History Fact-Finder covers a wide spectrum of Americanhistory and culture, including political events, military history,sports, arts, entertainment, landmark legislation, and business.Here is essential information on everything from the Mayflower tospace exploration, from the dot-com boom and bust to the StanleyCup. The book's 2,200 concise entries, arranged from A to Z, bringour nation's past into sharp focus while also offering just plainuseful facts about the well known and not so well known: - Who ran on the campaign slogan "Don't swaphorses in midstream"? - In what year was the Super Bowl firstplayed? - Where did the westbound and eastbound tracksof the transcontinental railroad meet? - When did events at Yalta, the Bay of Pigs, andKent State take place? - What did the swimmer Gertrude Ederle achievein 1926?

    • ¥65.7 折扣:4.5折
    • PHARMAKO/POEIA(ISBN=9781556438059) 英文原版
    •   ( 7 条评论 )
    • Dale Pendell 著 /2010-09-01/ Random House US
    • This paperback edition has a new introduction by the authorand updated content. This is the first volume of North Atlantic Books’ updatedpaperback edition of Dale Pendell’s Pharmako trilogy, anencyclopedic study of the history and uses of psychoactive plantsand related synthetics first published between 1995 and 2005. Thebooks form an interrelated suite of works that provide the readerwith a unique, reliable, and often personal immersion in thismedically, culturally, and spiritually fascinating subject. Allthree books are beautifully designed and illustrated, and arewritten with unparalleled authority, erudition, playfulness, andrange. Pharmako/Poeia: Plant Powers, Poisons, and Herbcraft includes anew introduction by the author and as in previous editions focuseson familiar psychoactive plant-derived substances and relatedsynthetics, ranging from the licit (tobacco, alcohol) to theillicit (cannabis, opium) and the exotic (absinthe, salviadivinorum, nitrous oxide). Each substance is expl

    • ¥60.7 折扣:3.5折
    • Best American Essays of the Century(ISBN=9780618155873)
    •   ( 11 条评论 )
    • Robert Atwan 编 /2011-12-01/ Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
    • This singular collection is nothing less than a political,spiritual, and intensely personal record of America's tumultuousmodern age, as experienced by our foremost critics, commentators,activists, and artists. Joyce Carol Oates has collected a group ofworks that are both intimate and important, essays that move frompersonal experience to larger significance without severing theconnection between speaker and audience. From Ernest Hemingwaycovering bullfights in Pamplona to Martin Luther King, Jr.'s"Letter from Birmingham Jail," these essays fit, in the words ofJoyce Carol Oates, "into a kind of mobile mosaic suggest ing] wherewe've come from, and who we are, and where we are going." Amongthose whose work is included are Mark Twain, John Muir, T. S.Eliot, Richard Wright, Vladimir Nabokov, James Baldwin, Tom Wolfe,Susan Sontag, Maya Angelou, Alice Walker, Joan Didion, CynthiaOzick, Saul Bellow, Stephen Jay Gould, Edward Hoagland, and AnnieDillard.

    • ¥77.9 折扣:4.5折
    • ROAD TO ELEUSIS, THE(ISBN=9781556437526) 英文原版
    •   ( 28 条评论 )
    • R. Gordon Wasson 著 /2008-11-01/ Random House US
    • The secretive Mysteries conducted at Eleusis in Greece fornearly two millennia have long puzzled scholars with strangeaccounts of initiates experiencing otherworldly journeys. In thisgroundbreaking work, three experts—a mycologist, a chemist, and ahistorian—argue persuasively that the sacred potion given toparticipants in the course of the ritual contained a psychoactiveentheogen. The authors then expand the discussion to show thatnatural psychedelic agents have been used in spiritual ritualsacross history and cultures. Although controversial when firstpublished in 1978, the book’s hypothesis has become more widelyaccepted in recent years, as knowledge of ethnobotany has deepened.The authors have played critical roles in the modern rediscovery ofentheogens, and The Road to Eleusis presents an authoritativeexposition of their views. The book’s themes of the universality ofexperiential religion, the suppression of that knowledge byexploitative forces, and the use of psychedelics to reconcile theh

    • ¥57.8 折扣:3.5折
    • Worst Hard Time(ISBN=9780618773473)
    •   ( 4 条评论 )
    • Timothy Egan 著 /2006-08-01/ Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
    • The dust storms that terrorized the High Plains in the darkestyears of the Depression were like nothing ever seen before orsince. Timothy Egan's critically acclaimed account rescues thisiconic chapter of American history from the shadows in a tour deforce of historical reportage. Following a dozen families and theircommunities through the rise and fall of the region, Egan tells oftheir desperate attempts to carry on through blinding black dustblizzards, crop failure, and the death of loved ones. Brilliantlycapturing the terrifying drama of catastrophe, Egan does equaljustice to the human characters who become his heroes, "the stoic,long-suffering men and women whose lives he opens up with urgencyand respect" (New York Times). In an era that promises ever-greaternatural disasters, "The Worst Hard Time" is "arguably the bestnonfiction book yet" (Austin Statesman Journal) on the greatestenvironmental disaster ever to be visited upon our land and apowerful cautionary tale about the dangers of trifling withnature

    • ¥58.1 折扣:4.5折
    • LAST DAYS OF INNOCENCE, THE(ISBN=9780679743767) 英文原版
    •   ( 7 条评论 )
    • Meirion Harries 等编 /1998-11-01/ Random House US
    • In the Spring of 1917, America went to war with an innocentdetermination to re-make the world. When the smoke lifted inNovember 1918, the nation emerged with its sense of purposeshattered, its certainties shaken, and with a new and unwelcomeself-knowledge. Seventy-five thousand American soldiers were dead,and back home a Pandora's box of suspicions and surveillance hadbeen opened. The Last Days of Innocence reveals how the fight to preservefreedom abroad led to the erosion of freedom at home. Drawing onAmerican, British, and French archival material, the authors revealunplanned and uncoordinated field efforts, as well as the unsavoryactivities of anti-dissent groups, from the Committee for PublicInformation to the Anti-Yellow Dog League, including a posse ofchildren organized to listen for antiwar talk among families andfriends. Here is the story of the fifty-billion-dollar war thatgave birth to the Selective Service Act, threatened labor rights,stoked the fires of racial and religious intolerance, andconcen

    • ¥57.8 折扣:3.5折
    • Walden(ISBN=9780618457175)
    •   ( 6 条评论 )
    • 本社 编 /2012-01-01/ Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
    • Henry David Thoreau was just a few days short of histwenty-eighth birthday when he built a cabin on the shore of WaldenPond and began one of the most famous experiments in living inAmerican history. Apparently, he did not originally intend to writea book about his life at the pond, but nine years later, in Augustof 1854, Houghton Mifflin's predecessor, Ticknor and Fields,published Walden;or, a Life in the Woods. At the time the book waslargely ignored, and it took five years to sell out the firstprinting of two thousand copies. It was not until 1862, the year ofThoreau's death, that the book was brought back into print. Sincethen it has never been out of print. Published in hundreds ofeditions and translated into virtually every modern language,it hasbecome one of the most widely read and influential books everwritten, not only in this country but throughout the world. On the one hundred and fiftiethanniversary of the original publication of Walden, Houghton Mifflinis proud to present the most bea

    • ¥136.4 折扣:4.5折
    • EICHMANN TRIAL, THE(ISBN=9780805242607) 英文原版
    •   ( 8 条评论 )
    • Deborah E. Lipstadt 著 /2011-03-01/ Random House US
    • Award-winning historian Deborah Lipstadt gives us acom?pelling reassessment of the groundbreaking trial that hasbecome a touchstone for judicial proceedings throughout the worldin which victims of genocide confront its perpetrators. The capture of SS Lieutenant Colonel Adolf Eich?mann by Israeliagents in Argentina in May of 1960 and his subsequent trial in TelAviv by an Israeli court electrified the world. The public debateit sparked on where, how, and by whom Nazi war criminals should bebrought to justice, and the international media cov?erage of thetrial itself, is recognized as a watershed moment in how thecivilized world in general and Ho?locaust survivors in particularfound the means to deal with the legacy of genocide on a scale thathad never been seen before. In The Eichmann Trial, award-winning historian Deborah Lipstadtgives us an overview of the trial and analyzes the dramatic effectthat the testimony of sur?vivors in a court of law—which was itselfnot without controversy—had o

    • ¥76.2 折扣:3.5折
    • TRAVELLING HEROES(ISBN=9780679763864) 英文原版
    •   ( 18 条评论 )
    • Robin Lane Fox 著 /2010-03-01/ Random House US
    • The myths of the ancient Greeks have inspired us for thousandsof years. Where did the famous stories of the battles of their godsdevelop and spread across the world? The celebrated classicistRobin Lane Fox draws on a lifetime’s knowledge of the ancientworld, and on his own travels, answering this question by pursuingit through the age of Homer. His acclaimed history explores how theintrepid seafarers of eighth-century Greece sailed around theMediterranean, encountering strange new sights—volcanic mountains,vaporous springs, huge prehistoric bones—and weaving them into themyths of gods, monsters and heroes that would become thecornerstone of Western civilization.

    • ¥51.8 折扣:3.5折
    • LONG ROAD HOME, THE(ISBN=9781400040681) 英文原版
    •   ( 5 条评论 )
    • Ben Shephard 著 /2011-02-01/ Random House US
    • At the end of World War II, long before an Allied victory wasassured and before the scope of the atrocities orchestrated byHitler would come into focus or even assume the name of theHolocaust, Allied forces had begun to prepare for its aftermath.Taking cues from the end of the First World War, planners had begunthe futile task of preparing themselves for a civilian healthcrisis that, due in large part to advances in medical science,would never come. The problem that emerged was not widespreaddisease among Europe’s population, as anticipated, but massivedisplacement among those who had been uprooted from home andcountry during the war. Displaced Persons, as the refugees would come to be known, were notcomprised entirely of Jews. Millions of Latvians, Poles,Ukrainians, and Yugoslavs, in addition to several hundred thousandGermans, were situated in a limbo long overlooked by historians.While many were speedily repatriated, millions of refugees refusedto return to countries that were forever changed by the wa

    • ¥106.5 折扣:3.5折
    • HAMMER FROM ABOVE(ISBN=9780891418719) 英文原版
    •   ( 6 条评论 )
    • Jay Stout 著 /2006-12-01/ Random House US
    • In Operation Iraqi Freedom, the Marine Corps’ ground campaignup the Tigris and Euphrates was notable for speed andaggressiveness unparalleled in military history. Little has beenwritten, however, of the air support that guaranteed the drive’ssuccess. Paving the way for the rush to Baghdad was “the hammerfrom above”–in the form of attack helicopters, jet fighters,transport, and other support aircraft. Now a former Marine fighterpilot shares the gripping never-before-told stories of the Marineswho helped bring to an end the regime of Saddam Hussein. As Jay Stout reveals, the air war had actually been in theplanning stages ever since the victory of Operation Desert Storm,twelve years earlier. But when Operation Iraqi Freedom officiallycommenced on March 20, 2003, the Marine Corps entered the fightwith an aviation arm at its smallest since before World War II.Still, with the motto “Speed Equals Success,” the separate air andground units acted as a team to get the job done. Drawing

    • ¥51.8 折扣:3.5折