Portrayed by Leonardo DiCaprio in the Martin Scorsese movie The Aviator , Howard Hughes is legendary as a playboy andpilot—but he is notorious for what he became: the ultimate mysteryman. Citizen Hughes is the New York Times bestsellingexposé of Hughes’s hidden life, and a stunning revelation of his“megalomaniac empire in the emperor’s own words”( Newsweek ). At the height of his wealth, power, and invisibility, the world’srichest and most secretive man kept what amounted to a diary. Thebillionaire commanded his empire by correspondence, scrawlingthousands of handwritten memos to unseen henchmen. It was the onlytime Howard Hughes risked writing down his orders, plans, thoughts,fears, and desires. Hughes claimed the papers were sosensitive—“the very most confidential, almost sacred information asto my innermost activities”—that not even his most trusted aides orexecutives were allowed to keep the messages he sent them. Butin the early-morning hours of June 5, 1974, unknown burglars s
“This book is a life-changer. Thomas Cahill hasshown—through the extraordinary life of one man—that God workseverywhere and can bring the most beautiful soul to maturity ineven the most horrifying circumstances. If you read his story youwill never forget Dominique Green, nor will you ever feel the sameway about our courts, our prisons, and our criminal justicesystem.” —Sister Helen Prejean, author of Dead ManWalking “Though this is a book that ends in death, it does not end indespair. Read it and discover how even the obscenity of capitalpunishment can be transformed into an occasion of light and peace.”—Desmond Tutu, Archbishop Emeritus of Cape Town, South Afric "A deeply moving narrative about a man transformed as he faced anunjust execution." —James H. Cone, author of Black Theologyand Black Power “I expect A Saint on Death Row to become a classic in the growingstruggle to cleanse this nation finally of the sin of the deathpenalty.” —Jonathan Kozo
The first major biography of the author of SuiteFran?aise The posthumous publication of Suite Fran?aise won IrèneNémirovsky international acclaim and brought millions of readers toher work. But the story of her own life was no less dramatic andmoving than her most powerful fiction. With her family, she escaped Russia in 1919 and settled in Paris,where she met and married fellow Jewish émigré Michel Epstein. In1929 she published her highly acclaimed and controversial novelDavid Golder, the first of many successful books that establishedher stellar reputation. But when France fell to the Nazis, herrenown did her little good: without French citizenship, she wasforced to seek refuge in a small Burgundy village with her husbandand their two young daughters. And in July 1942 Némirovsky wasarrested and deported to Auschwitz, where she died the followingmonth. Drawing on Némirovsky’s diaries, previously untapped archivalmaterial, and interviews, her biographers give us at once anintim
A moving cultural biography of abolitionist martyr John Brown,by one of the most important African-American intellectuals of thetwentieth century. In the history of slavery and its legacy, John Brown looms large asa hero whose deeds partly precipitated the Civil War. As FrederickDouglass wrote: "When John Brown stretched forth his arm ... theclash of arms was at hand." DuBois's biography brings Brownstirringly to life and is a neglected classic.
Susan Loomis arrived in Paris twenty years ago with littlemore than a student loan and the contents of a suitcase to sustainher. But what began then as an apprenticeship at La Varenne Ecolede Cuisine evolved into a lifelong immersion in French cuisine andculture, culminating in permanent residency in 1994. "On Rue Tatin"chronicles her journey to an ancient little street in Louviers,one of Normandy's most picturesque towns. With lyrical prose andwry candor, Loomis recalls the miraculous restoration that she andher husband performed on the dilapidated convent they chose fortheir new residence. As its ochre and azure floor tiles emerged,challenges outside the dwelling mounted. From squatters to a surlypriest next door, along with a close-knit community wary ofoutsiders, Loomis tackled the social challenges head-on, throughpersistent dialogue-and baking. "On Rue Tatin "includes deliciousrecipes that evoke the essence of this region, such as Apple andThyme Tart, Duck Breast with Cider, and Braised Chicken i