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    • 《红楼梦》英译笔记
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    • 大卫·霍克思David Hawkes) /2023-07-01/ 商务印书馆
    • 《 红楼梦 英译笔记》是霍克思当年在翻译《红楼梦》时所做的笔记与部分草稿。笔记一共四册,写明日期的有三册,从1970年11月到1979年6月,还有第四册无日期,主要是《红楼梦》中诗词的注释、解释与翻译草稿。 这些笔记是研究霍氏译文极其重要的第一手材料,因为它是译者思考与阅读过程的忠实记录,也是现存为数不多的霍氏亲笔文件之一。从中不仅能学习到一些做学问、搞翻译的方法,对研究《红楼梦》乃至其他中国文学作品英译也深有启发。 香港的岭南大学文学与翻译研究中心曾于2000年5月影印出版《英译笔记》,如今早已不易得见。今商务印书馆将其重新影印并在内地出版,以飨学界诸公。

    • ¥420.8 ¥498 折扣:8.4折
    • 冶金技术装备指标分析报告(2021版)/冶金工业信息中心
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    • 胡艳 著 /2021-08-01/ 冶金工业出版社
    • 冶金工业信息中心2020年首次编辑出版了《冶金技术装备指标分析报告》。2021年,冶金工业信息中心再次组织研究力量,对2020年国内50余家重点钢铁企业的技术经济八类指标进行了系统分析和对比研究,形成了版的《冶金技术装备指标分析报告》(2021年版)。 报告以各冶炼工艺设备为基础,分为铁前(人造块矿、炼焦、炼铁)、炼钢(转炉、电炉、连铸)和轧钢(型钢钢材和板带管材)三大部分,涵盖钢铁企业主要设备的产出能力、生产物料和燃料构成及消耗、各生产工序专业设备效用、产品质量、工序能耗、能源消耗、实物劳动生产率和其他相关生产技术经济指标,各类专业生产设备近1500多座/台/套。报告内容丰富、数据详实、分析全面、在行业内具有唯一性,是钢铁企业工艺装备改造、产品技术升级、生产提质增效、技术经济对标、核心竞争力研究的重要参

    • ¥3580 ¥3580 折扣:10折
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    • Dan Saferstein 著 /2000-06-14/ 上海蓝泉外文图书有限公司
    • You don't have to wait for someone to die to cry.You can probably find something worth crying about within your own life.Sometimes we don't even have to look that closely.It could be sitting like a pink elephant in your own liliving room; if you feel disconnected from your partner,that is your pink elephant.You need to start crying about it now,since there is a chance that your tears might be able to loosen the disappointment that has clenched your hearts; and quite frankly,it is a chance worth taking.I say this because the loneliness of a disconnected relationship can feel as terrifying as death,which might be why Ihave chosen to tell you about what happened to Rebecca and what happened prior to that with Jennifer and me all in the same breath. Dan Saferstein is a licensed psychologist in private practice and consults with individuals,management,and athletic erams,He Lives in Ann Arbor,Michigan,With his wife and three children

    • ¥50.2 折扣:8.8折
    • 契科夫短篇故事选 Anton Chekov's Short Stories
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • Anton Chekhov /1979-12-01/ 华文出版社
    • The thirty-four stories in this volume span Chekhov’s creative career. They present a wide spectrum of comic and serious themes and a variety of techniques. (His short novels, available in another Norton volume, Seven Short Novels by Chekhov, have been omitted.) Two of the stories have been translated for this edition by Professor Matlaw; the other translations, by Constance Garnett, Ivy Litvinov, and Marian Fell, have been revised in accordance with contemporary usage. Footnotes have been supplied wherever necessary to explain peculiarities of Russian life and the historical era in which Chekhov lived and wrote. Backgrounds includes a rich selection of Chekhov’s letters, in new translations by Professor Matlaw, and Gorky’s celebrated essay on Chekhov, translated by Ivy Litvinov. The critical essays offer general views of Chekhov’s art and achievement and detailed analyses of particular stories. The critics are D. S. Mirsky, A. B. Derman (whose essay has been translated from the Russian especially

    • ¥83.7 折扣:7.9折
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    • /1970-01-01/
    • It was an emotion no kid should have to feel……Yet he wondered if it weren't the legacy of childhood,At some Point in the Game ,you would come to is ……Desolation was inevitable,it ran beneath everything,the always-available unbearably adult emotion that clung to one's still-breathing body lide drowned clothes. The vagaries of memory,the legacy of war,The last thing in the world Richard Jury wants to think about is the war that killed his mother,his father,his childhood,and made orphans of so many of the gaunt and sad-eyed children pictured in this handful of snapshots his old friend Mickey Haggerty shoves towards him on the desk.

    • ¥53.9 折扣:9.8折
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    • J.K.ROWLING 著 /2001-01-01/
    • It is the summer holidays and soon Harry Potter will be starting his fourth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.Harry is Countiong the day:there are new spells to be learnt,more Quidditch to be played,and Hogwarts castle to continue exploring.But Harry needs to be carefulthere are unexpcted dangers lurking... J.K.Rowling contuinues to surprise and delight with the power of her rich,denanding and action-packed storytelling.

    • ¥77.4 折扣:8.8折
    • FFaking Literature
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    • K. K. Ruthven 著 /2001-05-01/ Cambridge University Press
    • Literary forgeries are usually regarded as spurious versionsof genuine literature. Faking Literature argues that the productionof a literary forgery is an act that reveals the spurious nature ofliterature itself. Literature has long been under attack because ofits alliance with rhetoric (the art of persuasion) rather than withlogic and ethics. One way of deflecting such attacks is to demoniseliterary forgery: literature acquires the illusion of authenticityby being dissociated from what are represented as ersatzapproximations of the real thing. Ruthven argues that literaryforgery is the creative manifestation of cultural critique. As apowerful indictment of dubious practices in such activities asliterary criticism, book-reviewing and the awarding of literaryprizes, literary forgery merits serious attention from culturalanalysts, and should be a key component of literary studies. Thisintriguing book will be of interest to all teachers, students andreaders of English literature.

    • ¥265.5 折扣:7.5折
    • Heart of Darkness and Selected Short Fiction 黑暗的心及其他故事Barnes
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • Joseph Conrad 著 /2005-01-01/
    • Heart of Darkness and Selected Short Fiction , by Joseph Conrad , is part of the Barnes NobleClassics series, which offers quality editions ataffordable prices to the student and the general reader, includingnew scholarship, thoughtful design, and pages of carefully craftedextras. Here are some of the remarkable features of Barnes Noble Classics : New introductions commissioned from today's top writers andscholars Biographies of the authors Chronologies of contemporaryhistorical, biographical, and cultural events Footnotes andendnotes Selective discussions of imitations, parodies, poems,books, plays, paintings, operas, statuary, and films inspired bythe work Comments by other famous authors Study questions tochallenge the reader's viewpoints and expectations Bibliographiesfor further reading Indices Glossaries, when appropriateAlleditions are beautifully designed and are printed to superiorspecifications; some include illustrations of historical interest. Barnes Noble Classics pulls together a

    • ¥50.6 折扣:7.9折
    • The Taming of the Shrew 驯悍记
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • William Shakespeare 著 /2009-06-01/ 华文出版社
    • This Norton Critical Edition of one of Shakespeare’s earliest and best-loved comedies is based on the First Folio (1623). It is accompanied by “A Note on the Text” and detailed explanatory annotations. “Sources and Contexts” provides three possible analogues to Shakespeare’s controversial, high-spirited play from Ovid’s Metamorphoses, George Gascoigne’s “Supposes,” and “A Merry Jest of a Shrewd and Curst Wife Lapped in Morel’s Skin.” “Criticism” offers a wide range of scholarly commentary on The Taming of the Shrew’s in fifteen essays by Laurie Maguire, Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch, Bernard Shaw, Natasha Korda, Frances Dolan, Lynda E. Boose, Harold Bloom, Patricia Parker, Shirley Nelson Garner, Juliet Dusinberre, Marea Mitchell, Karen Newman, E. M. W. Tillyard, and Jan Harold Brunvand. “Rewritings and Appropriations” collects seven adaptations of The Taming of the Shrew from the last four centuries, by John Fletcher, David Garrick, Cole Porter, and Charles Ma

    • ¥61.6 折扣:8.8折
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    • Clive Barker 著 /2001-01-01/
    • After a run of failed movies,superstar Todd Pickett elects to have extensive surgery in a desperate bid to regain his lost beauty.The procedure goes horribly,grotesquely wrong .Hiding from Hais fans,and from the press he knows will tear his reputation apart if they find out about his operation,Todd takes refuge in a place that no map of Hollywood has ever described:COLDHEART CANYON

    • ¥53.9 折扣:9.8折
    • 莎士比亚全集William Shakespeare Complete Works (Modern Library)
    •   ( 4 条评论 )
    • Jonathan Bate 著 /2007-01-01/ W W Norton & Co Ltd
    • FROM THE WORLD FAMOUS ROYAL SHAKESPEARE COMPANY, THE FIRST AUTHORITATIVE, MODERNIZED, AND CORRECTED EDITION OF SHAKESPEARE’S FIRST FOLIO IN THREE CENTURIES. Skillfully assembled by Shakespeare’s fellow actors in 1623, the First Folio was the original Complete Works. It is arguably the most important literary work in the English language. But starting with Nicholas Rowe in 1709 and continuing to the present day, Shakespeare editors have mixed Folio and Quarto texts, gradually corrupting the original Complete Works with errors and conflated textual variations. Now Jonathan Bate and Eric Rasmussen, two of today’s most accomplished Shakespearean scholars, have edited the First Folio as a complete book, resulting in a definitive Complete Works for the twenty-first century. Combining innovative scholarship with brilliant commentary and textual analysis that emphasizes performance history and values, this landmark edition will be indispensable to students, theater professionals, and general r

    • ¥286.9 折扣:8.8折