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    • Pirate School海盗学校
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    • Cathy East Dubowski 著 /2008-01-01/ 北京科文图书业信息技术有限公司
    • Grade 1-3?Pete is a young pirate who attends school on a pirate ship where the rules are geared toward the unkindly:"Finders keepers,losers weepers."Captain Bones encourages fighting to solve disputes,and Pete is happy to wrestle with classmate Grimy after a name-calling match.On Treasure Hunt Day,Pete and Grimy find themselves forced to cooperate in order to escape certain death and decide to share the treasure "Even Steven"down to the last gold coin.Children will enjoy this beginning reader with all of the bickering and rule reversals.The cartoon illustrations are well done,with interesting backgrounds and each character's feelings clear from his facial expressions.The combination of full-page and smaller pictures on white pages works well.?Sharon R.

    • ¥10 折扣:4折
    • 制作旗子的人Flag Maker
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    • Susan Campbell Bartoletti 著 /2007-05-01/
    • Here in lyrical prose is the story of the flag that inspired Francis Scott Key to write the words that became the national anthem of the United States. This flag, which came to be known as the Star-Spangled Banner, also inspired author Susan Campbell Bartoletti, who, upon seeing it at the Smithsonian Institution, became curious about the hands that had sewn it. Here is her story of the early days of this flag as seen through the eyes of young Caroline Pickersgill, the daughter of an important flag maker, Mary Pickersgill, and the granddaughter of a flag maker for General George Washington’s Continental Army. It is also a story about how a symbol motivates action and emotion, brings people together, and inspires courage and hope.

    • ¥9.8 折扣:4.9折
    • 雨中的星期一On Monday When It Rained
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    • Cherryl Kachenmeister 等著 /2001-03-01/
    • In simple, straightforward text and marvelously expressive pictures, the author and photographer have captured the thoughts and feelings of one small boy. Whether he is proud or scared, lonely or excited, his face mirrors his emotion with the wonderful directness of childhood.

    • ¥9.8 折扣:4.9折
    • 淘气的乔治Curious George Hide-and-Seek PBS Shaped Animal Tab Nove
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    • H.A. and Margret Rey 著 /2008-04-01/
    • This sturdy board book, with shaped animal tabs on top, follows the adventures of Curious George as he plays hide-and-seek with several of his animal friends in the forest! The animal he searches for on each spread is featured on the shaped tab. 作者简介: The Reys were born in Hamburg, Germany. Hans Augusto Rey (1898-1977) met his wife-to-be, Margret (1906-1996), at a party in her father's home in Germany; when he first caught a glimpse of her, she was sliding down the banister. In their twenties and thirties they lived in Paris and in Rio de Janeiro, where Hans sold bathtubs in villages along the Amazon River. Eventually Cambridge, Massachusetts, became the Reys' home and community. Throughout their lives the Reys created many lively books together, including SPOTTY, PRETZEL, and lift-the-flap books such as HOW DO YOU GET THERE? The manu* of the first Curious George books was one of the few items the Reys carried with them on their bicycles when they escaped from Paris in 1940

    • ¥9.8 折扣:4.9折
    • Little Toot小号声
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    • Hardie Gramatky 著 /2008-01-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • Now in print for more than sixty years, this classic story of "the cutest, silliest tugboat you ever saw" continues to delight children around the world. This 8 x 8 edition features watercolor illustrations done in the style of the late Hardie Gramatky. Card catalog de*ion Little Toot the tugboat conquers his fear of rough seas when he single-handedly rescues an ocean liner during a storm.

    • ¥10 折扣:4折
    • 快上幼儿园了Countdown to Kindergarten
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    • Alison McGhee 著 /2006-01-01/
    • reSchool-K-Through the grapevine, an about-to-be kindergartner learns that there are lots of rules at school. Rules #3 and #2 prevent students from bringing stuffed animals or their cats to class. Rule #1 is a bit more serious. "You have to know how to tie your shoes. By yourself. You're not allowed to ask for help. Ever." Even a child who can count backward from 10 or feed her cat by herself can feel inadequate. As the 10 days before school wind down, she worries that she will be labeled "Velcro Girl" and finds endless ways to cover the gap in her skills through the destruction of her shoes and/or laces. Bliss presents the heroine with large-eyed innocence and humorous details. The pace varies nicely with changes in font size, full- and partial-page illustrations, speech balloons, and a daily countdown toward the big day. A strong dose of adult patience and a bit of peer support round out this youngster's first educational challenge.

    • ¥9.8 折扣:4.9折
    • 我的小宝贝Oh My Baby, Little One
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    • Kathi Appelt 著 /2006-09-01/
    • When Baby Bird says good-bye to his mama at school each morning, he feels sad. Mama Bird feels sad, too. Sometimes it's hard to be apart. But as Mama Bird says, the love they share is with them always, keeping them close until the best part of the day--when they are together again.

    • ¥7.8 折扣:4.9折
    • Mouse of the Year鼠年
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    • Katharine Holabird 著 /2006-12-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • Angelina nominates Miss Lilly for Teacher of the Year—and she wins! But Angelina isn’t happy when Miss Lilly suddenly doesn’t have time for her mouselings anymore. Can Miss Lilly fulfill all her duties as Teacher of the Year and still find time for Angelina?

    • ¥10 折扣:4折
    • Geoffrey Groundhog Predicts the Weather土拨鼠预测天气
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    • Bruce Koscielniak 著 /1998-12-01/ 华夏出版社
    • As if a Bill Murray movie wasn't enough, the Groundhog Day tradition gets additional play in the controlled mayhem of this picture book. Geoffrey Groundhog awakens one February 2nd and applies his mother's teachings to predict when spring will arrive. Reported in the local newspaper, his forecast proves correct, and all the animals of Mooseflats County are duly impressed. The following year, pigs, deer, and rabbits surround Geoffrey's burrow-but so many TV lights flash in Geoffrey's eyes that he can't tell whether he has seen his shadow or not. The media madness mounts-and subsides only after Geoffrey calls on his mother for expert counsel. Koscielniak (Bear and Bunny Grow Tomatoes) tones down the frenzy of activity with a subdued palette of olive greens, browns and other wintry hues. At the same time he keeps the tone light, integrating into his narrative humorous newspaper headlines ("Was There a Shadow? Weather Picture Muddled") and lacing his antic ink-and-watercolor illustrations with satisfyingly silly

    • ¥10 折扣:4折
    • Sharks鲨鱼
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    • Ginjer L. Clarke 著 /2001-06-01/
    • The very youngest readers can learn all about sharks-the fiercest of the fish family-in this informative Level 1. The simple, clear text and striking pictures makes this a perfect first introduction to these amazing creatures.

    • ¥10 折扣:4折
    • 喂 前面的鬼船 Ahoy Ghost Ship Ahead
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    • Brian James 著 /2007-04-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • While on watch in the crow’s nest, the pirate kids spot something gaining on their ship: a ghost ship! Rotten Tooth refuses to believe them, so the kids know that they have to solve this mystery themselves. They spend a night on deck waiting for the ghost ship to approach, and then they plan to board it. But is it even possible to step onto a ghost ship? And if it is, is it possible to get off of it?

    • ¥9.6 折扣:4.2折
    • Tacky And The Winter Games冬天的游戏
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    • Helen Lester 著 /2007-10-01/
    • A-huff-and-a-puff-and-a-huff-and-a-puff-and-a-huff-and-a-puff" "WHAT'S HAPPENING?" Tacky the penguin wants to know. The Winter Games, that's what's happening. And Tacky and his fellow penguins Goodly, Lovely, Angel, Neatly, and Perfect have to work hard to get in shape so they can represent Team Nice Icy Land in the athletic competitions. After rigorous training, they're ready - but are the games ready for Tacky? Will his antics keep Team Nice Icy Land from winning a medal? From bobsledless racing and ski jumping to speed skating, Tacky lends his unique, exuberant style to each competition. In laugh-out-loud scenes of Tacky and his fellow penguins' athletic debacles, Tacky reminds readers of the underlying joy and enthusiasm that propells athletes to greatness. So get ready to cheer for Team Nice Icy Land and let the games begin!

    • ¥10 折扣:4折
    • Shibumi and the kitemaker美人和风筝匠
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    • Mercer Mayer 著 /2001-12-01/
    • After a decade-long absence, Mayer returns to picture books, using computer-generated graphics to illustrate an original tale set in long-ago Japan. When the emperor's daughter, Shibumi, discovers the poverty-stricken world beyond her garden walls, she longs to resolve the inequity. Tying herself to an enormous kite fashioned for her by the royal kite-maker, she takes flight, telling her father that she will not come down until the city below "is as beautiful as the palace, or the palace is as squalid as the city." Wealthy noblemen who wish to preserve the status quo mount an attack, and the kite carries off both Shibumi and the kite-maker. The bereaved emperor spends his years trying to make amends, and in the end a young samurai sets out to find the princess and restore her to her father and the transformed city. Mayer grounds his message in familiar fairy tale elements, and proceeds at a leisurely pace. His computer art approaches the brooding style of his paintings in East of the Sun & West of the Moon (a

    • ¥8 折扣:4折
    • Young Cam Jansen年轻的简森
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    • David A. Adler 著 /2003-06-01/
    • Cam Jansen has a great time looking for shells on the beach with her friend Eric and her aunt Molly. But when they're done, Cam's mother is nowhere in sight! She was just sitting under a red umbrella, so how could she have disappeared? With a click, Cam puts her photographic memory to work to find her mom.

    • ¥9.6 折扣:4.2折
    • 老鼠和鼹鼠Upstairs Mouse, Downstairs Mole paperback
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    • Wong Herbert Yee 著 /2007-10-01/
    • Kindergarten-Grade 3–Aptly dedicated to Friends of Frog and Toad, this delightful beginning reader introduces two endearing neighbors. In the first chapter, Mouse inadvertently sends all her dirt cascading onto Mole's pristine floor when she sweeps. When he confronts her, they learn that with a bit of ingenuity and cooperation, they can clean both floors and still have time to plant a garden. In The Invitations, the new friends attempt to share a meal, but their innate differences–Mole likes his house damp and dark and eats worms, Mouse likes the warm sun and prefers cheese–make it impossible. Next, the animals find clever ways to reconcile their dissimilarities: Mole presents Mouse with some candles to use when she visits, and she gives him a pair of sunglasses. In the final entry, Mole surprises Mouse with a rowboat. Although it's missing an oar, they manage to have fun. The next day, Mouse has a surprise of her own–a new paddle to make A pair…like you and me! The expressive bamboo-pen and waterco

    • ¥9.8 折扣:4.9折
    • 两个人的竞赛Race of the Birkebeiners
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    • Lise Lunge-Larsen 著 /2007-10-01/
    • ross blizzard-wracked mountains to save his life. Picture the babe's mother undergoing a cruel, brutal test to prove her son is indeed the bona fide prince of Norway. A fairy tale? No, this is a true story, based on the account written in 1264 by Sturla Tordsson, about the Middle Ages' most powerful king during what are known as Norway's Golden Years. Norwegian-born author Lise Lunge-Larsen tells the story of this king's miraculous adventure in infancy, while woodcut artist Mary Azarian stunningly depicts the heroism of the birch-bark armored peasant warriors, the Birkebeiners. Based on a 1264 account documenting a true incident in Norwegian history, this engaging narrative opens during a 1206 Christmas Eve gathering at the home of one of the Birkebeiners, a group of brave warriors. A priest knocks on the door, who has in his protection a baby, Prince Hakon, and his mother; a rival band aspires to kill the child (who is heir to the throne) and to declare one of their own king. Soon a handful of Birkebei

    • ¥9.8 折扣:4.9折
    • 鲸 Whales
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    • Graham Faiella 著 /2002-07-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • Whales-those oceanic marvels-are endlessly interesting to kids, and this Level 2 book presents a simple and accessible overview for kids just starting to read on their own. Readers will learn that whales are mammals like dogs and horses (and us!), but mammals uniquely adapted to sea life. The beautiful watercolor artwork captures all the strength and unique grace of these creatures.

    • ¥10 折扣:4折
    • 吹牛的杰克Jack Quack
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    • Lucy A. Nolan, Andrea Wesson 著 /2003-10-01/
    • Poor Otis can't get any of his duck lessons down. During swimming classes, he spends more time below the water than above it. And though he learned to fly, he somehow forgot how to land. When a particularly messy landing embarrasses him in front of Violet, the most lovely duck on the lake, Otis runs away and reinvents himself as Jack Quack, Renegade Drake, Prince of the Forest, King of the Lake. But will it be enough to win Violet's love?

    • ¥7.8 折扣:4.9折
    • 斯科特的旅行Squanto's Journey
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    • Joseph Bruchac 著 /2007-09-01/
    • In 1620 an English ship called the Mayflower landed on the shores inhabited by the Pokanoket, and it was Squanto who welcomed the newcomers and taught them how to survive. When a good harvest was gathered, the people feasted together--a tradition that continues almost four hundred years later.

    • ¥9.8 折扣:4.9折
    • 幼儿园的趣事Nursery Crimes
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    • Arthur Geisert 著 /2001-12-01/
    • The little piggies in Geisert's (Oink Oink) latest porcine paean try to go to market, but are temporarily derailed in this clever caper of a picture book. French emigrants Jambo and Marva Jambonneau and their 12 piglets run a successful tree nursery in Ames, Iowa (an area famous for its nurseries), where they show off their talents as gifted topiarists and raise giant pumpkins. Each autumn, the pigs and their neighbors work overtime to meet local demand for trees trimmed into the shape of turkeys. But after the Jambonneaus put the finishing touches on their first batch of turkey trees, their masterpieces mysteriously disappear during the night. Family teamwork, Marva's quick thinking and the oversize squashes all play a part in discovering the thief just in time for a fine fall harvest sale. Geisert combines history, unique Midwestern color and fun in his simple yet snappy text. His intricate, evocative hand-colored etchings incorporate bits of bright and clunky salvage strewn about the nursery, adding charac

    • ¥9.8 折扣:4.9折