Traditional images of the lion are iconic cultural symbols of China. The lion is believed to be one of the most auspicious animals in Chinese folk culture. Images of the creature gradually gained popularity throughout the country as they spread from religious venues to people's homes. With their distinctive national character and regional features, rugged appearance and excellent craftsmanship, Chinese stone lions are favorites of the Chinese people.This book focuses on the development of stone lion carving, the evolution of its designs, the folk culture the creatures exemplify, the principles for stone lion carving, and the various styles and uses of stone lions. On these pages are more than 300 photographs of the carved beasts from nearly 20 regions in China.
我们对手语的分类、标准化手语的形成及手语的一些基本特色做了一些初步的介绍和分析。当然手语的表辞达意能力是十分丰富的,决非 这一篇短短的文章所能涵概。但针对手语的研究与针对其他自然语言的研究相比还是十分薄弱的。在对手语进行研究时,笔者发现许多问题值得我们去进一步探讨。
Traditional images of the lion are iconic cultural symbols of China. The lion is believed to be one of the most auspicious animals in Chinese folk culture. Images of the creature gradually gained popularity throughout the country as they spread from religious venues to people's homes. With their distinctive national character and regional features, rugged appearance and excellent craftsmanship, Chinese stone lions are favorites of the Chinese people.This book focuses on the development of stone lion carving, the evolution of its designs, the folk culture the creatures exemplify, the principles for stone lion carving, and the various styles and uses of stone lions. On these pages are more than 300 photographs of the carved beasts from nearly 20 regions in China.
Die chinesischen Neujahrilder (Nianhua) gehen auf die uralte chinesische Tradition der Neujahrsdekoration zurück. Neujahrilder sind eine faszinierende und beliebte Kunstform und nehmen innerhalb der traditionellen chinesischen Malerei einen eigenen Platz ein. Als Neujahrilder werden in lokalen Manufakturen hergestellte Bilder bezeich, die w?hrend des chinesischen Neujahrs innerhalb und ausserhalb der Wohnungen angebracht werden. Unter dem Begriff Neujahrilder fallen alle zu diesem Zweck hergestellten Kunstwerke, die das Leben auf dem Land und in den St?dten darstellen und von volkstümlichen Künstlern geschaffen oder in lokalen Manufakturen geschnitzt oder gemalt wurden. In diesem Band werden die wichtigsten Sujets der chinesischen Neujahrilder besprochen: Türg?tter, Volksg?tter, Kleinkinder und Sch?nheiten, Brauchtum und Feiertage, Volkserz?hlungen und lokale Opern. Die dargestellten Bilder werden mit kurzen Bildunterschriften erkl?rt. Die meisten der in diesem Band zusammengestellten Neujahrilder w
The cloth art of China refers to cloth handicrafts made by Chinese people using traditional cloth and threads as raw materials. These are tailored, sewand adorthe different cloths. Cloth handicrafts e isuch forms as embroidery, Gesi tapestry, hand stitching ,embroidery paste,barbola,brocade and batik. Chinese people were the first to raise sklkworms and from the cocoons they made silk thread which was used to weave silk fabrics. Yuanfei,the concubine of the Yellow Emperor,personally raised silkworms and called oall other wometo do likewise. The emperor himself personally took part itilling and popularized silkworm raising technology among the people. Ithis way a traditional system was introduced for the raising of silkworms.this,plus the sysem introduced some 4,000years ago for people of different social strata to wear garments with different colours and designs,prompted the fast devel-opment of the weaving and embroidering technologies iChina. Using only needle and thread the Chines
全书以一个美国小孩LOLO游历中国为线索,介绍中国的风土人情、生活场景、现代成就和中国经典文化。本册为第六册: LOLO的生日晚会。 来到中国一段时间的小浣熊Lo Lo6岁了。爸爸妈妈、爷爷奶奶、美丽等人要在中国饭店给他庆祝生日。中国饭店很具中国特色,在这里,Lo Lo品尝了许多中国特色小吃,包子、春卷、水果拼盘、火锅等,当然还有少不了的长寿面。不过不怎么会用筷子吃东西的Lo Lo闹了不少笑话,幸好有熊猫Meilee(美丽)的指导。Lo Lo觉得6岁生日晚会很棒!