In 101 Stories for foreigners to Understand Chinese People Yiand Bryan Ellis tell stories about their experiences living inChina to introduce elements of Chinese culture,etiquette andinterpersonal interaction. When they moved from New York City to Shanghai they readseveral guide books and thought they were pre-pared.But dozens ofsmall yet significant cultural differences caught them bysurprise! Three years(and numerous faux pass misunderstandings andmisinterpretations)later,they have written this book to helpreaders benefit from their experiences.Their stories explain boththe“what’s”and the“why’s”of Chinese customs,So that readers canbetter understand and appreciate the Chinese way of thinking andliving.Often,what seems bizarre and strange at first makes perfectsense if you see it from a Chinese perspective.Yi and Bryan haveenjoyed learning about Chinese culture and hope that the readerswill enjoy this journey of discovery as well.
外国人选购中国茶的实用指南,图文并茂,方便携带,实用性强。 How to Select series give you all the information you need to choose and buy jade, embroidery, tea, souvenirs, calligraphy and paintings in China with confidence. One in a series of three titles, it explains clearly and simply what to look for, where and how to shop in China, and questions you should ask. Great tips, price guides and cautionary advice ensure that you get the best value for your money.
Beginning from the Neolithic Banpo Culture , China's ceramic industry has a history of over 6,000years. The earliest Neolithid earthenware with very few adornments mainly falls into three categories: storing,boiling and drinking vessels. By the late Neolithic Age, carving decorative patterns on the surface of earthen-ware became a common practice, and the burnished black pottery of the Longshan Culture~, which is as thin as eggshell, represents the highest technological level of baking earthenware at that time. The earliest glazed pottery appeared during the Shang Dynasty (c. 1600-1100 BC). Three achievements had been made in this period. Firstly, the combustion chamber, originally on one side, was built directly below the oven where earthen items were placed, thus heating the oven to a temperature of 1,18000. Secondly,as a result of the raised temperature, the white pottery made of kaolin and decorated with exquisite geometric and tao-tie~ designs were successfully baked. Finally, tile.invention of lime g
In prehistoric times, dwellings were crude, and tended to be similar in design the world over; they differed only in the availability of local building materials and the topography they had to adapt to。 As the techniques of production improved, the styles of clothing, cuisine, transportation, etc。 of different peoples gradually took on their own national colors and cultural characteristics。 The same was true for the shelters that people built to dwell in, and a wide diversity of styles formed all over the world。 Chinese residences, in particular, occupy a unique place in the history of world architecture。 Color Illustrations。
Die chinesischen Neujahrsbilder (Nianhua) gehen auf die uralte chinesische Tradition der Neujahrsdekoration zurück. Neujahrsbilder sind eine faszinierende und beliebte Kunstform und nehmen innerhalb der traditionellen chinesischen Malerei einen eigenen Platz ein. Als Neujahrsbilder werden in lokalen Manufakturen hergestellte Bilder bezeichnet, die w hrend des chinesischen Neujahrs innerhalb und ausserhalb der Wohnungen angebracht werden. Unter dem Begriff Neujahrsbilder fallen alle zu diesem Zweck hergestellten Kunstwerke, die das Leben auf dem Land und in den St dten darstellen und von volkstümlichen Künstlern geschaffen oder in lokalen Manufakturen geschnitzt oder gemalt wurden. In diesem Band werden die wichtigsten Sujets der chinesischen Neujahrsbilder besprochen: Türg tter, Volksg tter, Kleinkinder und Sch nheiten, Brauchtum und Feiertage, Volkserz hlungen und lokale Opern. Die dargestellten Bilder werden mit kurzen Bildunterschriften erkl rt. Die meisten der in diesem Band zusammengestellten N
I he art of stone carving has a long history in China. Created with astonishing skill, Chinese stone carvings are artistically appealing, highly functional as well as decorative, revealing distinctive national features and regional variations. This book deals with the history, varieties and schools of Chinese stone carving. It gives readers a comprehensive understanding of this time-honored folk art in concise terms.
In the long process of Chinese history a lot of symbolic designs with auspicious meanings have been created.People use these designs to exorcize evil spirits,ask for blessing of various deities,and express their high hopes for life as well. Themed on good fortune,high rank,longevity,happiness,wealth,and prosperity,which represent all desires of those living in an agricultural society,the symbolic designs have been widely used either for festival celebrations or in people'Sdaily life such as house decorating,furniture carving and painting,handicrafts making,dress and personal ad ornment,etc. All in all,the symbolic designs and human activities involved constitute the elements of an“auspicious culture-an interesting cultural phenomenon peculiar to Chinese society.
The art of clay figure modeling in China boasts a long history that dates back to the Neolithic Age (about 4,000 to 10,000 years B.E). For instance, some pottery pigs and sheep have been discovered at the 6,000 to 7,000-year-old Hemudu site in Zhejiang Province. And the life-size terra cotta warriors and horses unearthed in 1974 from the mausoleum of the First Emperor (259-210 BC) of the Qin Dynasty (221-206 BC) have been referred to as the "Eighth Wonder of the Ancient World." In fact, archaeologists have excavated a great number of pottery figurines, animals, chariots, and boats from the tombs of the following Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220). Naturally, the funeral custom of burying figurines and objects with the dead gave impetus to the development of clay sculpture at that time.
Chinese folk toys have a long history. Folk toys were rooted in folk customs, and then spread, developed and evolved among the masses. Full of rural flavor, these toys made by folk artisans contain profound cultural significance. This book introduces Chinese folk toys, including their history and classification, along the main threads of seasons, customs and festivals. With over 200 photographs of folk toys from different areas of China, this book will vividly introduce readers to traditional Chinese toys including their significant cultural connotations.
在将近上千年的时间里,中国无论在经济上还是文化上,都遥遥领先于世界其他国家,以至于伏尔泰曾经这样赞颂中国: 中国人在道德和政治经济学、农业、生活必需的技艺等等方面已臻完美境地。 古人所取得的巨大成就,既是中国人无上的荣誉,也成了中国人甜蜜的负担。事实上,几乎后来所兴起的任何一种新的思想,都可以在更早的古人那里找到类似的说法,甚至在很多时候,古人说得更为清晰和透彻。这种独特的情形,逐渐造就了中国人重继承而不重开创的品格。中国的人文学者,更看重 言必有据 , 字字皆有出处 ,强调自己的思想是溯源于古代的某位学者,而轻视那种标新立异、违背古人原则的理论。当贵古贱今成为一种社会风气时,即使要阐述一种全新的思想,也往往要先披上一层古人的外衣,借助于对古代典籍的再诠释而实现。也正因为如此,
Has anyone seriously observed the houses scattered in China's metropolis, counties or towns? Huge in number, these plain buildings have nothing to catch news headlines.History hasn't conferred them any special meaning, nor can they supply food for debates with ingenious design. However, such common houses represent the fundamental aesthetic awareness of contemporary Chinese.