    • Architectural Graphic Standards, 11Th Edition 9780471700913
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • The American Institute of Architects 著 /2007-03-01/ Wiley
    • Since 1932, the ten editions of Architectural GraphicStandards have been referred to as the "architect′s bible." Fromsite excavation to structures to roofs, this book is the firstplace to look when an architect is confronted with a question aboutbuilding design. With more than 8,000 architectural illustrations,including both reference drawings and constructible architecturaldetails, this book provides an easily accessible graphic referencefor highly visual professionals. To celebrate seventy–five years as the cornerstone of an industry,this commemorative Eleventh Edition is the most thorough andsignificant revision of Architectural Graphic Standards in ageneration. Substantially revised to be even more relevant totoday′s design professionals, it features: An entirely new, innovative look and design created by Bruce MauDesign that includes a modern page layout, bold second color, andnew typeface Better organized–– a completely new organization structure appliesthe UniFormat(r) classification syst

    • ¥1706.4 折扣:7.9折
    • The Architecture Of Emergence - The Evolution Of Form In Nat
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • Michael Weinstock ,(迈克尔·温斯托克) 著 /2010-02-01/ Wiley
    • Emergence is one of the most exciting new fields in architecture today, gaining interest from not only academics and students but also leading professionals, with directors from Fosters, Arup and Bentley Systems all attending the most recent symposium on the subject at the Architects Association, London. As a concept, Emergence has captured the zeitgeist, embodying the pervasive cultural interest in genetics and biological sciences. In the sciences, Emergence is an explanation of how natural systems have evolved and maintained themselves, and it has also been applied to artificial intelligence, information systems, economics and climate studies. The potential of the mathematics of Emergence that underlie the complex systems of nature is now being realised by engineers and architects for the production of complex architectural forms and effects, in advanced manufacturing of 'smart' materials and processes, and in the innovative designs of active structures and responsive environments.This is the first b

    • ¥409.2 折扣:7.9折
    • WOOD ARCHITECTURE + DESIGN 9783037681237
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • Michelle Galindo 著 /2012-10-01/ Thames&Hudson
    • Wood has always been a strong contributing factor in the creation of interesting architecture. Because of its special physical characteristics, its many possibilities of application and combination with other construction materials, since human beings began building houses, wood has been one of the main building materials. In addition, because of the increasing sensitivity for the protection of resources, the ecological potential of wood as a renewable raw material wood has gained in significance. To build with wood has been for years and is still a trend topic, this volume is a road tour of contemporary wood architecture. The many possibilities for use of this natural building material are shown with texts, photos, facts and drawings, as well as the innovative construction techniques which have extended these possibilities. The architectural species diversity ranges from energy efficient passive homes to wide span supporting structures, to multi-story productions halls.

    • ¥326.4 折扣:6.9折
    • 室内软装设计与项目管理(中国高等院校十三五环境设计精品课程规划教材)
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 编者:刘斌//陈国俊//罗凌 /2019-08-01/ 中国青年
    • “室内软装设计与项目管理”是高等学校环境设计专业的专业必修课程,是环境设计专业重要课程组成部分。通过本课程的学习,是学生对室内软装设计,特别是软装设计的概念、发展、意义、实施和管理有一个系统、清晰的认识,并且通过室内软装设计理论学习和项目设计实践的解析,掌握软装设计的设计要素、设计流程、招投标流程、方案设计与文本制作,以及设计理念和要素选择、产品采购制作、项目管理与布场等内容的设计原则和实施方法,为软装项目操作和实施奠定扎实的基础。 本书本着实用、系统、详实、创新的原则,力求全面体现艺术设计类教材的特点,图文并茂,案例新颖,集理念性、知识性、实践指导性、启发性与创新性于一体。本书在传统理论教材模式的基础上有所突破, 加贴近学生的阅读习惯和学习特点,以培养学生的求知和专业项目

    • ¥34.49 ¥49.8 折扣:6.9折
    • Global Creative Architecture(全球创意建筑)
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • Beverly Chong 著 /2007-01-01/
    • This collection brings together buildings that inject a fresh dose of creativity into any architectural project and set the tone and pace for architects around the world, surveying the range of different styles, functions and needs that make each project a unique challenge. Along with the iconic, definitive buildings of the era are lesser-known projects that are no less creative or surprising. Illustrated with a wealth of photographs and floor plans, and supplemented by lucid, ightful text, this is an inspiring reference no architect or client can do without.

    • ¥205.4 折扣:7.9折
    • A Visual Dictionary Of Architecture, Second Edition 97804706
    •   ( 3 条评论 )
    • Francis D. K. Ching ,(弗朗西斯·D·K·程) 著 /2011-08-01/ Wiley
    • Using Francis D.K. Ching's signature presentation, all of thearchitectural topics covered in this other books are distilled hereto serve as an essential one-volume reference. It is the onlydictionary that provides concise, accurate definitions illustratedwith finely detailed, hand-rendered drawings. From Arch to Wood,every concept, technology, material and detail important toarchitects and designers are presented in Ching's unique style.Combining text and drawing, each term is given a minimumdouble-page spread on large format trim size, so that the term canbe comprehensively explored, graphically showing relations betweenconcepts and sub-terms. This long-awaited revision brings thelatest concepts and technology of 21st century architecture, designand construction to this classic reference work. It is sure to beby the side of?and used by any serious architect or designer.

    • ¥375.3 折扣:7.9折
    • Structural Design: A Practical Guide for Architects结构设计:建筑师实
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • James R. UnderwoodMichele Chiuini 著 /1998-02-01/ 吉林长白山
    • Structural Design presents the conceptual and practical underpinnings of basic building design and technology in a single comprehensive source. It provides essential coverage of the integral relationships of structural/architectural form and spatial organization, and an understanding of the impact of load configurations and other key determinants of design. Essential principles as well as structural solutions are visually reinforced with hundreds of architectural drawings, photographs, and other illustrations, making this book truly architect-friendly. Ideal for use as a general and technical reference in the design studio, as a study aid for the architectural registration exam, or as an office resource, Structural Design is a superb companion for the architecture student and practicing professional. It includes: In-depth coverage of steel, wood, reinforced concrete, and masonry, including lateral force generation and design; Over 1,000 illustrations and photographs; Real-world examples, sa

    • ¥707.1 折扣:7.9折
    • Global Engineering and Construction世界工程与建设
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • J.K., PhD,BSCE Yates 著 /2006-11-01/ 吉林长白山
    • The essential manual for managing global engineering and construction projects and working with multinational project teams The first book written for operations-level engineers, constructors, and students, Global Engineering and Construction is an essential manual for navigating the confusing world of engineering and construction in the global arena and for working on multinational teams. From project management to finance, global construction to alliances, international standards to competitiveness, this book contains country- and region-specific information on cultural issues, legal systems, bid estimates, scheduling, business practices, productivity improvement, and tips for successfully working on and managing global projects. This book also provides a useful glossary and numerous case studies illustrating practices in the real world. Global Engineering and Construction features the latest coverage on such topics as: Project management Engineering design Designing for ter

    • ¥715.4 折扣:8.8折
    • 风水家居艺术 Feng Shui Style
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 本社 编 /2007-12-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • This book demonstrates clearly that ancient Chinese principles of feng shui are not just compatible with good architectural and interior design--but that the two may be carefully engineered to be mutually sup- portive on many different levels. Presented here are some of the most interesting and beautiful homes and interiors designed along feng shui principles in both Asia and the West to enhance the wellbeing and prosperity of those who use them. The beauty of this book lies not just in itsdepictions of energizing living environ- ments, but in the heightened awareness and appreciation that it brings of how feng shui can be made to work when designing highly functional and attractive contempo- rary living spaces. The feng shui techniques covered include simple Eight Mansion feng shui, the placement of Water Dragons, inte-rior and exterior furnishings and align- ments, and the calculation of intricate Flying Star charts. Examples range from the grand 19th century mansion belonging to one of the last and richest

    • ¥235.2 折扣:9.8折
    • Experiments and Research on Fracture Behaviors of Dam Concre
    •   ( 4 条评论 )
    • 赵志方周厚贵赵志刚 著 /2018-03-12/ 中国建筑工业出版社
    • 大坝是国家的中啊哟基础设施之一。在中国乃至世界的大坝建设中,混凝土坝是使用*多、*广的一种坝型,其优点众多,但混凝土开裂严重影响了坝体的抗震性和耐久性,本书在三峡大坝的建造基础上,对 大体积混凝土裂缝方针段里分析研究 等课题实验和研究成果进行全面的总结,并提出了大坝混凝土防裂、控裂乃至建造无裂缝大坝的工程理论和工程实践的案例体系,对今后大坝工程建设技术进步具有重要的促进作用。

    • ¥54.4 ¥79 折扣:6.9折
    • 室内软装设计与项目管理(中国高等院校十三五环境设计精品课程规划教材)
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 编者:刘斌//陈国俊//罗凌 /2019-08-01/ 中国青年
    • “室内软装设计与项目管理”是高等学校环境设计专业的专业必修课程,是环境设计专业重要课程组成部分。通过本课程的学习,是学生对室内软装设计,特别是软装设计的概念、发展、意义、实施和管理有一个系统、清晰的认识,并且通过室内软装设计理论学习和项目设计实践的解析,掌握软装设计的设计要素、设计流程、招投标流程、方案设计与文本制作,以及设计理念和要素选择、产品采购制作、项目管理与布场等内容的设计原则和实施方法,为软装项目操作和实施奠定扎实的基础。 本书本着实用、系统、详实、创新的原则,力求全面体现艺术设计类教材的特点,图文并茂,案例新颖,集理念性、知识性、实践指导性、启发性与创新性于一体。本书在传统理论教材模式的基础上有所突破, 加贴近学生的阅读习惯和学习特点,以培养学生的求知和专业项目

    • ¥35.1 ¥49.8 折扣:7折
    • 室外景观设计The Room Outside
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 本社 编 /2007-01-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • These days the garden isn't just for tending your flowers and mowing the lawn - it offers a whole new living space that can vastly increase your enjoyment of your home. In The Room Outside David Stevens shows how you can optimize your outdoor area, freeing up space inside your home and enhancing your lifestyle at the same time, by allowing you to spend more time and enjoy more activities outdoors. We are used to the idea of lighting up the barbeque, but why not build a dedicated outdoor kitchen? Working from home? Think how pleasant it would be to be able to look up from your computer and enjoy the vista of your garden from an outdoor office. Need an area for the children to let off steam while you relax on the deck? Play areas can be as incorporated into a design, allowing the whole family to occupy their own individual spaces. 作者简介: In 2001 JERRY HARPUR became the first photographer ever to win the Lifetime Achievement Award of the Garden Writers' Guild.His photographs of gardens and plan

    • ¥222.8 折扣:7.9折
    • SPA-DE VOL.8 建筑中的绿色8
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • Gunshiro Matsumoto 著 /2008-06-01/ RIKUYO-SHA(六耀社)
    • This book looks at how three-dimensional stylistic and decorative designs are being revived in contemporary commercial spaces by showing some typical examples. At the same time, the book examines the present position of modern design which has been occupying the recent mainstream.

    • ¥252.8 折扣:7.9折
    • 设计灵感: 泳池 Design Source: Pools
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • lex Snchez Vidiella 著 /2007-04-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • This volume in the DesingSource series illustrates a number of inspiring pools created by architects, designers, and pool owners from around the world. The varied aesthetics of the pools shown in Pools DesignSource display numerous design ideas and examples for those who wish to create a pool of their own, or enhance their existing pool. These pools—whether simple and minimalist or extravagantly decorated—offer design solutions to create an attractive and personalized pool.

    • ¥156.8 折扣:9.8折
    • Designing small parks型公园设计:社会与生态选问题手册
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • Ann Forsyth 著 /2005-10-01/ 吉林长白山
    • Designing Small Parks: A Manual for Addressing Social and Ecological Concerns provides guidelines for building better parks by integrating design criteria with current social and natural science research. Small parks are too often relegated to being the step-child of municipal and metropolitan open space systems because of assumptions that their small size and isolation limits their recreational capacity and makes them ecologically less valuable than large city and county parks. This manual is arranged around twelve topics that represent key questions, contradictions, or tensions in the design of small parks. Topics cover fundamental issues for urban parks, natural systems, and human aspects. Also included are useful case studies with alternative design solutions using three different approaches for integrating research findings into small urban park design.

    • ¥437.4 折扣:8.8折
    • SHoP Architects
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • Shop (Firm) 编 /2012-03-01/ Thames&Hudson
    • Here is the superbly illustrated survey of one of the foremostarchitecture firms at work in the world today. SHoP, a prominentNew York-based architecture firm, is currently at work on numerousprojects across the globe; its clients include the United Coloursof Benetton, Virgin Atlantic, Google, Goldman Sachs and the City ofNew York; its work has won numerous awards - including the AmericanNational Design Award for Architecture in 2009 - and is in thepermanent collection of The Museum of Modern Art. This book revealshow SHoP did not achieve such success by kow-towing to tradition.The partners look outside the profession for inspiration and ideas,in both their buildings and their business model, keeping in linewith their mission to create real-world architecture that considershow design, finance and technology can work together. This volumeexplores six of the firms ideologies practice, typology, politics,finances, sustainability and technology based on six major projectsas well as thirty smaller ones. This book

    • ¥373.6 折扣:7.9折
    • URBAN SPACES 9783037681305
    •   ( 3 条评论 )
    • Chris van Uffelen 著 /2012-12-01/ Thames&Hudson
    • Public urban spaces vary widely in type, form and size, encompassing plazas, squares and streetscapes. They serve pedestrians and flaneurs, accommodate street life in all its vibrant variations and represent the cities and towns themselves. On the one hand they are transit spaces or crossroads, while on the other hand they provide opportunities to linger or stage events. This volume features recent projects from all continents, showing the different approaches and solutions to this sophisticated design task at the intersection of architecture, landscape design and urban planning. Hardly any other area of spatial design offers such functional and formal diversity as does the design of urban spaces.

    • ¥480.3 折扣:7.9折
    • Katie Ridder
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • Heather MacIssac 著 /2011-11-01/ Thames&Hudson
    • Katie Ridder’s extraordinary palette of primary and secondarycolours, her playful mix of antiques and modern pieces, and her eyefor unusual decorative accents have established her as a leadingfigure in the world of interior design. Clients from Argentina toYonkers have commissioned Katie Ridder to design the interiors oftheir lofts, Japanese pavilions, summer houses and Park Avenueapartments. Now everyone can derive design inspiration from herunique approach – whether it’s something as charmingly simple as acoral finial atop a table lamp or as dramatically daring as intenseblue walls stencilled in an oversize paisley motif – on every pageof this idea-saturated book.

    • ¥373.6 折扣:7.9折
    • Rustic Home (Intl)
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • Ralph Kylloe 著 /2011-09-01/ Disney
    • The Rustic Home explores the mythical and romantic Westthrough the architecture and artistry of its residents. It revealshow the romance, lore, passion, and history of rugged old cabins,settler shelters, and mountain shacks have influenced and shapedmodern Western architecture.

    • ¥129.5 折扣:5折