    • Café! Best of Coffee Shop Design 咖啡店设计 Braun(布劳恩)著 Thames &
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    • /2010-03-01/ Thames Hudson
    • Thedesignofcoffeeshopsisincreasinglyonthemove.Wherecafeshavetraditionallybeenviewedasplacesprincipallytoenjoyacoffee,theyhaveevolvedtoshowabroadrangeofmultifunctionalpurposesandamenities:Theycan,forinstance,existascozylunch-timemeetingspotsbeforeabruptlytransformingintovibrantlate-nightbarsaftersundown.Cafe!BestofCoffeeShopDesignshowsthewidescopeofdifferentcafeconcepts,includingcoffeebarsasintegralpartsofcutting-edgemultipurposebuildings,flagshipstoresandtraditionalshopswithacontemporarytwist.The40projectsfeaturedcompriseanextensivevarietyofdesignsandstyles,rangingfromminimalist,strictandreduced,toopulentandextravagant.

    • ¥124.7 ¥586.09 折扣:2.1折
    • Cooper, Robertson and Partners: Cities to Gardens (Master Ar
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • Images Publishing Group /2007-02-01/ 北京科文图书业信息技术有限公司
    • Cooper, Robertson & Partners was founded in 1979 on the ambitious premise that the pursuit of excellence in both architecture and urban design could best serve its clients' needs while meeting its own professional goals. The New York-based firm provides design, programming and development advisory services for private clients, cultural and academic institutions, public agencies, entertainment companies and developers of new communities. Recent projects include the plan for Hudson Yards in Manhattan, the new Battlefield Museum and Visitor's Center at Gettysburg National Military Park, master plans for the medical centres at John Hopkins, and Columbia Presbyterian, and waterfront master plans for Detroit, Chula Vista, Miami and Memphis. This monograph examines the firm's architectural and urban design projects, clearly demonstrating why it is the first and only firn ever to receive the National American Institute of Architects Award in both architecture and urban design in the same year.

    • ¥190 ¥570 折扣:3.3折
    • [正版包邮]型和现代主义贾倍思中国建筑工业出版社
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    • 贾倍思 /2003-01-01/ 中国建筑工业出版社
    • 教学程序和由此产生创造性的思维的关系是《型和现代主义》的中心所在。它也是在对理论和教学实践两方面深入研究的一个成果。这个研究建立了一个试验的基本框架,并通过“形的构造”设计组的学生合作而完成。建筑设计实践和建筑教育实践是两个不同事情。在工作中我越来越相信,前者属于过去,而后者面向未来。当前建筑教育的问题之一是羞于或不敢提倡建筑教育的学术性。许多学校囿于现状,或者在过时的思想库里翻箱倒柜,或者重复过去培养专业人才的做法。这种状况应该改变。学校实际上提供了一个一般实践领域无法提供的对建筑学本身执著探求的环境,学校应领导建筑学,而且责无旁贷。

    • ¥114 ¥345 折扣:3.3折