
  • 50~元以上
  • 6折以上
仅五星 以上 以上 以上 以上
    • 现代建筑Architecture Now
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    • Philip Jodidio 著 /2005-03-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • More than ever before, architecture at the beginning of the 21st century is changing and evolving at lightning speed. Appropriated, chewed up, mulled over, digested, contemplated, and contorted - gathering up along the way fashion, ecology, politics, and art - architectural concepts become veritable things unto themselves in the present tense. As astoundingly diverse as contemporary architecture is, most importantly it is a reflection of what's happening right now all over the world, in people's minds and in the global collective consciousness. The many faces of world architecture today make for a mind-expanding book. Here you'll find the most recent work of over 60 architects and firms, including familiar names such as O. Gehry, Meier, Ando, Foster, and Starck, as well as a host of newcomers sure to be the architecture-celebrities of future generations. Highlights include Jakob & MacFarlane's morphological Restaurant at the Centre Georges Pompidou, Diller & Scofidio's "Blur Building" proposal for the

    • ¥117.6 折扣:9.8折
    • 公共景观 Pub Scene
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    • Jane Peyton 著 /2007-08-01/ John Wiley & Sons
    • The pub scene across the world is characterised by its casual warmth and conviviality. It has none of the pretences or formality of a restaurant or cocktail bar. It is the relaxed setting in which friends and strangers alike can choose to meet. The pub is where we go to celebrate a special occasion with a group of chums, but also where we might go to flirt intimately with a prospective lover. It is a comfortable destination for seeking out the company of others. Whether located on a street corner in the Scottish Highlands, Munich or New Zealand, a favourite pub is defined by its own distinct atmosphere and character.

    • ¥596.6 折扣:8.8折
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    • Daab Publishing 著 /2008-11-01/
    • Apart from being one of Asia's largest metropolises, Beijing is an ultimate visual challenge. The country's growing economy and construction boom has attracted the attention of the world's finest architects eager to create masterworks in this city. The new is rapidly replacing the old in the country's political, economic and cultural center. When Beijing won the bid in 2001 to host the 2008 Olympic Games, the city started a somewhat controversial transformation. Olympic-driven developments - from sports and cultural infrastructure to business buildings and commercial facilities - have transformed a city once characterized by conservative Communist architecture. Now the emerging Chinese middle-class can live, work and play in Westernstyle residential buildings, offices and malls, such as SOHO Shangdu and can be seen in some of the city's trendiest venues, like Philippe Starck's LAN restaurant and Zhong Song's Song Music Bar + Kitchen. An Index with contact informations of the designers and archit

    • ¥416.5 折扣:9.8折
    • Sustainability in Interior Design
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    • Sian Moxon 著 /2012-03-01/ Thames&Hudson
    • The environmental impact of interior architecture and designpractice is immense. This book highlights the need for designers toadapt the way they work and relearn lessons that have been lost.Contrary to many preconceptions, sustainable design can besophisticated and stylish. And by its nature, a sustainableapproach means considering the whole life cycle of a project andtherefore improving the functionality, quality, human enjoymentand, in the long term, bringing real social and economic benefits.This book has examples, techniques, and historical and contemporarycase studies, all supported by useful resources and links. Acomprehensive reference book for anyone wanting to work in thisarea, Sian Moxon aims to introduce these ideas to design studentswhile they are formulating their understanding of the industry,encouraging and inspiring them with positive, creative andpractical alternatives.

    • ¥209.8 折扣:6.9折
    • 居室色彩 Way Me Live with Color
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    • Stafford Cliff, Gilles de Chabaneix 著 /2008-02-01/ 中国财经出版社
    • New in the bestselling "Way We Live" series, is this visually thrilling exploration of the way people around the world live with colour. Divided into five main sections, the book showcases Gilles de Chabaneixs eye for the telling use of colour in interiors in a multitude of places and cultures, from startling coastal blues to the subtle monochromes of minimalist urban styles, from the sumptuous and grand reds and purples of palatial dwellings to the sunlit yellows of country life. Every opportunity to make cross-cultural comparisons and connections is taken within this book to provide a truly international vision of the ways in which lifestyles are reflected in colour.

    • ¥313.6 折扣:9.8折
    • 园林绿化工程施工质量控制手册(附光盘)
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    • 袁东升//陈召忠//孙义干 /2014-07-01/ 中国建筑工业
    • 袁东升、陈召忠、孙义干编著的《园林绿化工程施工质量控制手册(附光盘)》内容包括:工程施工准备、园林绿化工程材料验收及检验、绿化栽植工程施工及质量检验、园林建筑物和构筑物及小品工程的质量检验、园路和铺装工程施工及质量检验、园林水景工程施工及质量检验、假山和置石工程施工及质量检验、园林灌溉和排水工程施工及质量检验、园林供电照明施工及质量检验、园林绿化工程质量验收。书后光盘提供常用表格的电子版文件,以方便大家使用。 本书内容详实、全面,理论简练、要点突出,实用性、针对性、可操作性强。重点突出园林绿化分项工程施工工艺和质量验收标准、施工过程的质量控制以及工程质量验收资料管理表格的应用。本手册可作为园林绿化工程施工及监理人员的工具用书,也可作为园林绿化工程施工技术人员培训学习的参考资

    • ¥83.3 ¥98 折扣:8.5折
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    • Zahid Sardar 著 /2008-07-01/
    • From vegetable and succulent gardens to sculpture and rose gardens to mountain and waterfront gardens, New Garden Design covers a range of interpretations incorporating walls, fountains, pavilions, canals, pools, terraces and groves in unexpected ways. The resulting new garden is a pleasure garden vested with spiritual, symbolic and ecological intent. A modernist interpretation of Roman stone furniture and freestanding walls punctuate the space behind a 1970s ranch house. A home designed by Bernard Maybeck is accented with a freehand composition of urns, cement pipes and rusty objects, as well as over a thousand species of plants. A grove of olive trees underplanted with rosemary and lavender fields gives personality to two acres surrounding a house designed by modernist Mexican architect Ricardo Legorreta.

    • ¥274.4 折扣:9.8折
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    • 本社 编 /1970-01-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • De*ion: Bars aren't just for drinking anymore. Now they're the place to see and be seen. Designing the World's Best Bars showcases more than 100 innovative watering holes, with 250 full-color photos and commentary from the designers on lighting, decor, fixtures, high-tech visual effects, and unique floor treatments. I'll drink to that!

    • ¥237 折扣:7.9折
    • 新潮酒店:意大利COOL HOTELS: ITALY
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    • Martin Nicholas Kunz 著 /2008-06-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • Since Roman times, Italy has been a byword for cutting-edge style. There's simply nowhere better to indulge in some elegant hedonism. After all, Italians do understand la dolce vita! And, its cool hostelries are no exception. From sleek rooms to polished exteriors and hip amenities, Italian hoteliers offer the very best. Whether a rural retreat or an urban oasis, if it's a cool lodging, you'll find it here. With tons of useful information, you're all set to go.

    • ¥176.4 折扣:9.8折
    • SEASIDE LIVING(海滨住宅设计)
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    • /1970-01-01/
    • Living by water appeals to and almost universal desire to become one with nature. Whether it's exclusive villa on the Costa Brava,a modern holiday home in Cape Town,a beach house in southern Europe or an idyllic residence in Australia,the owners and their(interior)architects always go in search of the essence of what it means t live in close contact with the sea:a relaxed way of life,simple and pure,modestly in keeping with contemplation of the constantly changing natural elements and the infinite horizon.

    • ¥318.4 折扣:7.9折
    • 时尚酒店: 英国 Hip Hotels: UK
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    • Herbert Ypma 著 /2007-09-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • Having traveled the length and breadth of Great Britain in search of the ultimate rural retreat, Herbert Ypma has identified a collection of perfect country hideaways. Whether you want to immerse yourself in the famously lush and beautiful English countryside, take advantage of the fusion menus and coziness of "gastro pubs" tucked into picturesque locations, or hide away in one of the magnificent historic estates built by the British aristocracy, this book invites you to make the most of your stay. All of these UK hotels represent that unique combination of authenticity and panache that defines a true Hip Hotel in their celebration of contemporary luxury as well as the comforts of traditional British hospitality, quirkiness, and local excellence. Taking a fresh look beyond the big cities, from deepest Devon to the rugged wilderness of the Scottish Highlands, Hip Hotels UK is the ultimate celebration of British style: distinctly understated and imbued with a deep sense of the past. 335 illustration

    • ¥323.4 折扣:9.8折
    • 新潮酒店:西班牙COOL HOTELS: SPAIN
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    • Martin Nicholas Kunz 著 /1970-01-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • El mundo hotelero espanol no habia vivido hasta la fecha tiempos tan estimu|antes, Diseno modemo y hospitalidad exquisia se funden para crear una obra da arte co, junta rebosante de estilo. Tanto de si este de viaje de placer o de negocios, como quiere disfrutar de la oferta cultural, ir de compras o simple mente descansar y relajarse. Con nas de 250 magnfficas instantaneas a todo color, Cool Hotels Spain presenta 39 hoteles de pdmernsirna linea que satisfacen hasta el mas minimo de los deseos en cuanto a equipamiento y servicio. Incluye toda la informaci6n necesada y un practico piano. Spain's current hotel scene is more exciting than ever be fore--modem designs and exquisite hospitality fuse into stylish totai works of art. No matter whether you are on a private or business trip, want to enjoy culture and shopping opportunities, or would just like to relax, Cool Hotels Spain presents 39 outstanding hotels that are attracting attention on more than 250 brilliant photographs. They fuffill every wish w

    • ¥176.4 折扣:9.8折
    • Italy: A New Architectural Landscape 意大利:新建筑景观
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    • Luigi Puglisi 著 /1970-01-01/
    • Guest-edited by Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi Every five or six years, a different country takes the architectural lead in Europe: England came to the fore with High Tech in the early 1980s; by the end of the 1980s, France came to prominence with Fran ois Mitterand's great Parisian projects; in the 1990s, Spain and Portugal were discovering a new tradition; and recently the focus has been on the Netherlands. In this ever shifting European landscape, Italy is now set to challenge the status quo. Already home to some of the world's most renowned architects - Renzo Piano, Massimiliano Fuksas and Antonio Citterio - it also has many talented architects like Mario Cucinella, Italo Rota, Stefano Boeri, the ABDR group and Maria Giuseppina Grasso Cannizzo, who are now gaining international attention. Moreover there is an extraordinary emergence of younger architects - the Erasmus generation - who are beginning to realise some very promising buildings of their own. AD+ Interior Eye Yale Art Galler

    • ¥278.1 折扣:8.8折
    • Global Creative Architecture全球创意建筑
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    • Beverly Chong 著 /2007-01-01/
    • This collection brings together buildings that inject a fresh dose of creativity into any architectural project and set the tone and pace for architects around the world, surveying the range of different styles, functions and needs that make each project a unique challenge. Along with the iconic, definitive buildings of the era are lesser-known projects that are no less creative or surprising. Illustrated with a wealth of photographs and floor plans, and supplemented by lucid, ightful text, this is an inspiring reference no architect or client can do without.

    • ¥323 折扣:8.8折
    • Contemporary Church Architecture当代教堂建筑
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    • Edwin Heathcote 著 /2007-06-01/
    • The last decade has witnessed a whole new generation of church design. The initial catalyst for this was the Christian jubilee when high-profile architects such as Richard Meier, Renzo Piano and Alvaro Siza were commissioned to produce important new projects for the new millennium. Church building initiatives, though, have gained momentum driven by a sense that contemporary congregations require modern places of worship. Rather than drawing on traditional or Gothic approaches, these new designs are the culmination of a whole century of modernist design in both their planning and vocabulary. Laura Moffatt describes twenty-eight churches from around the world, which are extraordinary in their richness and diversity of approach. They vary from small devotional chapels to churches with larger congregations and a social as well as religious remit. The book encompasses the spare, purity of places of worship such as John Pawson’s Nov’y Dvur Monastery in The Czech Republic and Tony Fretton’s Faith House i

    • ¥596.6 折扣:8.8折
    • Becoming An Architect: A Guide To Careers In Design 2E 97804
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    • Lee W. Waldrep ,(李·W·沃尔德里普) 著 /2009-12-01/ Wiley
    • What do architects do? What are the educational requirements for architects? What does an architectural internship involve? How does one become a licensed architect? What is the future of the architectural profession? If you′re considering a career in architecture, start with this highly visual guide to preparing for and succeeding in the profession. Through fascinating interviews with working professionals in the field, Becoming An Architect, Second Edition gives you an inside view of what it takes to be an architect, including an overview of the profession, educational requirements, design specialties from which to choose, the job search, registration requirements, and the many directions in which a career in architecture can go. Expanded and revised to include the most current issues that are impacting architects′ work, such as BIM and integrated practice, this essential guide will prepare you for successfully entering this competitive yet rewarding profession.

    • ¥238.1 折扣:6.9折
    • Villas and Saunas in Finland 芬兰的别墅和桑拿浴室
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    • Harri Hautajarvi 著 /2008-03-01/
    • This book presents a total of 44 individually designed summer villas and saunas in Finland. Representing the best of recent Finnish summer home and sauna architecture, each site is presented in detail through photographs, plans, and text by the architects themselves. Harri Hautaj rvi's fascinating text discusses the history and trends of villa and sauna architecture and life, as well as the challenges of sustainable development to holiday-home buildings of the future.

    • ¥387.1 折扣:9.8折
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    • Images Publishing Group 著 /2009-01-01/
    • VOA Associates Incorporated , founded in 1969, is a Chicago-based firm with offices in North and South America, and more than 200 design awards to its credit. VOA's emphasis on establishing a close working relationship with each client has resulted in numerous projects that incorporate unique innovative design and planning solutions. The firm strives to develop humanistic working, living, learning and healing environments that represent enduring design qualities that are not dated, but rather are enhanced and admired over time. The firm's unique, personal approach to problem-solving has contributed to its success in commercial, education, government, healthcare, hospitality and interior design projects, many of which are featured in this well-deserved monograph.

    • ¥316 折扣:7.9折
    • Studio Downie Architects Downie工作室建筑设计作品
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    • Craig Downie 著 /2007-02-01/ 北京科文图书业信息技术有限公司
    • This new NeoArchitecture monograph presents the work of Studio Downie, a young practice whose work to date has mostly appeared in the UK, but is poised to make its mark on the world scene. Craig Downie studied architecture within the layered environment of fine art, sculpture, graphics and textiles at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art, Dundee. He formed Studio Downie in 1993 and its first building, a widely published gallery for the Cass Sculpture Foundation, West Sussex, was completed in 1994. The intervening years have involved many projects, including interiors for the Ondaatje Theatre, the Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA), KPMG Microsoft, government funded outreach centres for the West London Training & Enterprise Council and offices for the French Treasury. Recent commissions include the Library for the Royal College of Surgeons of England and a new mixed-use gateway building as part of the King's Cross Development.

    • ¥158 折扣:7.9折
    • CONVENTION CENTERS(9783037681268)
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    • Chris van Uffelen 著 /2012-09-01/ Thames&Hudson
    • "Although convention and conference centers are in highdemand, the competition is tough, so new concepts are constantlybeing developed. They come in a range of forms, shapes, sizes andcontexts. They can form part of a hotel, an airport, a skyscraper,a mountain-chalet or stand completely on their own. This wide rangeallows for an exciting variety of stunning architectural and designpossibilities that in combination with state-of-the-art technologymake a convention center a successful enterprise. The criterion forthe project selection for this volume is to cover the entirespectrum and provide a well-founded overview of the current trends.The buildings selected are by acknowledged specialists forconvention centers as well as architects, who approach theattractive planning task from different perspectives.尽管现在会议中心处于高度需求的状况下,行内竟然依然十分激烈,新概念层出不穷。形成了一系列的结构、形状、规模和主体。他们可以是酒店、机场、

    • ¥480.3 折扣:7.9折
    • Unique Houses(独一处别墅设计)
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    • Ediard Broto 著 /2007-01-01/
    • Today’S home buyers want more than cookie—cutter designs.They want visuallY exciting,technologically smart houses.They want Unique Houses.Here are dozens of truly unique homes,packed with the latest ideas on layout,design,materials,and functionality.Each project is presented with full—color photographs,floor plans,commentary frOm the architects,construction details,and more.Just as no two home owners are alike,no two of these unique houses are alike-but alI of them are sure to inspire.

    • ¥237 折扣:7.9折
    • 西班牙新建筑 On-Site: New Architectures
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    • Terence Riley 著 /2006-09-01/ 北京科文图书业信息技术有限公司
    • This publication and the exhibition it accompanies feature 36 current architectural projects throughout Spain, a country that in recent years has become known as a center for design innovation and excellence well beyond Bilbao. The projects are seen in relation to 16 other major architectural accomplishments recently completed in Spain. They reflect diversity in the geography of their sites; in scale, from private houses to a new international airport; and in the architects who have conceived them, from relative newcomers to established practitioners, both Spanish and from other countries in Europe, Asia, and the United States. On Site: New Architecture in Spain includes an introductory essay by Terence Riley, the Philip Johnson Chief Curator of the Department of Architecture and Design at The Museum of Modern Art. His recent publications include Yoshio Taniguchi: Nine Museums and Tall Buildings.

    • ¥410.6 折扣:9.8折
    • Finnish Sauna – Design and Construction 芬兰的蒸气浴室:设计和建筑
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    • Rakennustieto 著 /2008-03-01/
    • This book contains information and instructions for the design of genuine Finnish saunas, with sections on sauna rooms, components, seating platforms and furnishings, and the planning of the related heating, ventilation, and electrical installations, as well as the specialities of sauna stoves and their selection. It also includes a special chapter on building a traditional smoke sauna. This book is all the reader will need in order to successfully plan and build a Finnish sauna.

    • ¥223.4 折扣:9.8折